Saturday, January 29, 2011

Deposits from the public by 6000, Xinhua Insurance planning to go surrender half the money deducted (Figure)

 Very fact that the book

day, the public very fact that a bank account and deposited in 6000 dollars, but in January 23 this year, withdrawals, but was told the bank the money the insurance company has been planning to go, had no money on the book.

district open a bank account. introduction, looking at the bank waiting queue of people, already too familiar with the formalities of the very fact that the hearts of barely disguised pleasure: 6000 dollars, the very fact in accordance with the requirements of the staff on the documents signed his name. Procedures for everything, Ms. Zhang got a book plus a thick envelope. After returning home, Ms. Zhang did not seriously, has not opened the envelope and see.

6000 dollars into insurance

clothes, the bank staff said the deposit was not my money. I was about to head Om silly. , the latter amount is

Immediately, the very fact that many banks and was told that 6000 dollars is to buy the insurance money is collected on behalf of banks. The very fact that greatly puzzled that he is obviously to the bank to save money, when people introduce their deposits is also the bank's employees, who own the insurance companies have never had any contact, which will become the insurance customers how it? The very fact that want to continue to be asked, the staff replied: behavior of the money was deducting money

surrender, according to Ms. Zhang introduced, followed by a staff member found her, she found the man did not wear a uniform bank. Face of challenge, the other handed him his business card, claiming silver in Changchun Xinhua insurance company business department of the Han Jingli control center. The very fact that

want money out of their own, Hanjing Li said Ms. Zhang in May 7, 2010, the insurance company has been formed with the insurance contract, if you want to take money belonging to surrender behavior is to deducting money for.

desperation, Ms. Zhang again to find the bank staff did not get a clear answer. Insurance

envelope was actually written

home, Ms. Zhang open the envelope, which is a book of this insurance , cover with the words She called the top customer service phone, customer service personnel told The very fact that she has an insurance company's customers, to pay 6,000 yuan per year premium to pay 5 consecutive years, the premium will be removed if we belong to surrender breach of contract, only to refund 3,000 yuan.

bank said the matter needs to be verified

26 days, reporters and staff of the bank to get in touch. The staff member said the matter has yet to be verified, to be proved is the case, the customer will give a satisfactory answer. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Heilongjiang will open a spokesman microblogging platform extension News

 Recently, this reporter learned from relevant departments of Heilongjiang Province, in order to strengthen the collection and judged public opinion, to grasp the dynamics of public opinion, improve the work of press release effectiveness of targeted and guide public opinion, opened this year in Heilongjiang Province, spokesman for micro-Bo, Extended news distribution platform, to strengthen the public spokesman for the interaction with the public, enhance the timeliness of news.

the rapid development of Internet and other new media, information dissemination has undergone profound changes for the correct guidance of public opinion and provide a new channel for dissemination of Chinese culture, but also increased the difficulty of maintaining information security.

online public opinion in response to hot, Heilongjiang Province, will establish a province-wide network of various sectors and network commentator team spokesman, the formation of an effective emergency response to the Internet, the network a new pattern of public opinion. Network organizations work in politics, in the creation of major network news media interaction platform to expand channels for public appeal.

It is understood that in Heilongjiang Province this year, public attention will focus on health, education, security, social security and other livelihood issues, take the initiative to set the agenda, organizing press conferences and group interviews, and enhance the authority and influence of press conferences force. At the same time, will also start monitoring Internet information management command system, and strengthening the management team of Internet, network spokesman and commentator, public opinion, information workers and journalists, incentives, and actively create high-quality Internet personnel. (Reporter tube construction Tao)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

China one after another up to the king last year, 35 million square meters of land

 Turning point came in November 29, 2010.

Where is the way the housing market in China, everything has to see the king.

developers seem to have no reason to suppress the enthusiasm of the king made. Just past the year 2010, real estate is almost once again to achieve

Beijing CBD core area block Another perspective, from land prices, the current turnover of the Beijing CBD has been the core area of 6 plots the total land area of 52,583 square meters, the trading price for the 18.14 billion yuan, which means that the core area of Beijing CBD land prices has reached nearly 35 yuan / square meter.

sites every year, more than 2010 extra. Go back and look dubbed Not only to the king in 2009 have been repeatedly exceeded the peak price, such as Beijing, Guangzhou and other places of the king floor price of a new high; and quantitative point of view, to Wang in 2010 can be described as everywhere in the country.

development economists Lee said:

fact, too, on January 17 this year, the Department of Homeland under the China Land Surveying and Planning Institute released a report that the fourth quarter of 2010, land prices in major cities to monitor the overall level of 2,882 yuan / square meter, rose nearly 10 %, the overall level of the national land prices upward trend, the chain growth rate to accelerate recovery. 10 years, focusing on the overall level of urban residential land prices doubled.

the Huge amount of capital as a synonym, Wenzhou real estate market across the country Wal far.

but in 2010, confidence in the national housing market opening can be described as unknown.

the same time, the flow of real estate funds from the bank is not a small number. According to the relevant central bank and the National Bureau of Statistics data show that total credit in 2010 close to 8 trillion yuan, while the composition of the developer funds, domestic loans to 1.254 trillion yuan, 921.1 billion yuan personal mortgage loans, which means that new loans in 2010 credit for real estate funds in as much as 2.17 trillion yuan, far exceeding the level of last year, new loans in 2010 accounted for one quarter.

According to 2010, almost all capital cities in the country born Xindi Wang, in Wang Zheng gradually from the second and third tier cities urban sprawl.

Overall, the national capital city to the king floor price of more than 10,000 yuan / square meter of 8 cities, including Shanghai and Wang 52,855 yuan / square meter, Hangzhou, 37,069 yuan / square meter, Beijing 30000 yuan / square meters in the top three, and Wang floor price of more than 5000 yuan / sq m in 18 cities. In addition, there are 8 cities of Hefei, Changsha, Guiyang, Jinan, Lanzhou, Taiyuan, Urumqi, Shijiazhuang sites below the floor price 5,000 yuan / square meter. To statistics of the country's 28 major cities to the king of floor higher than the 1 million average price / sq m, and 28 of the total price of the king and the 91.8 billion yuan.

2008 年 several real estate companies to enter the housing prices are still selling tens of billions of the club and talked about, just two years later, tens of billions of clubs have been eclipsed, and many enterprises are moving into the housing 50 billion club, thousands of million club and secretly made force.

If in China, there is nothing worth paying the money, it must be land.

2010, Beijing in the highest floor price of land transactions, contrary to industry expectations.

the land is located in the urban central area of the College Road, Wenzhou University (formerly the temperature Teachers playground), the land area of about 38,883 square meters, total construction area of 100,000 square meters, the starting price for the listing to sell the land 19.28 billion yuan.

go Wenzhou airport pick a mouth, the face of a billboard is the first Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. confidence (Ring around the airport company also stands a few billboards, this gives people a sense of momentum: its funding and development capacity is clearly bad.

This is a very imaginative figures. 3,702 million of this total has created Wenzhou South Nationwide, the land has reached all of transferring the land in 2010 the highest level of the floor price, and even Beijing can not match.

But this time, the king took place in Wenzhou - Wenzhou, the capital of the nest. And proved, the king is not accidental Wenzhou whim.

35 yuan / square meter

According to public information, to the king on the market avid Poly Real Estate sales in 2010, signing more than 66 billion yuan, an increase of 52.53%, compared to 50 billion in 2010 far exceeded the pre-sales target of 160 billion yuan. Vanke is the first time the leading real estate surpassed 1,000 billion yuan, annual sales of up to 108.2 billion yuan, an increase of 70.5%. Another giant Lake real estate sales in 2010 total area of 2,454,000 square meters, up 30.3%; accumulated sales of 33.32 billion yuan, an increase of 81%.

pass the day in the Real Estate Group, Zhejiang, China into the room to start a company in Suzhou, Wenzhou, confidence around the room to open a piece of land to the sixth round of the fight scene, Suzhou China into the room to start a company withdraw from wannabes.

this, Vanke said in its annual report several times, the Chinese economy is undergoing great changes, especially in coastal areas of China is the birth of the world's largest city with a history of hundreds of millions of people and tens of millions of families will come to these places, residential enterprises can in this great process of urbanization, access to virtually unlimited room for development.

in accordance with the Land Department in early 2010, Beijing CBD in the service of the transfer of land planning, most of the land transaction price is expected to exceed 30,000 yuan / square meter and aspirations to the country, but in the end CBD core area of the floor price of land only 2 yuan / square meters. Beijing 2010 the king of floor price for the March transactions Dongsheng Township, Haidian District, block, floor trading price of its nearly 3 million / sq m, by the China South Industries Group Corporation in the bag.

According to Wang figure shows, not only other first-tier cities such as Beijing, Zhengzhou, Fuzhou, Haikou, Wuhan, Nanning, Guiyang, Kunming and other land kings generally have second and third tier cities, including Nanning, the king has been priced as high as more than 11,000 yuan / square meters, far more than the city average price level.

Subsequently, Zhejiang Link Real Estate Group and the confidence to carry out open fight in the Housing, Confidence room open all the way to the price reported to the 3,702 million, and finally win the match.

the country's highest land prices in Beijing

quarter of the credit into the real estate

But it did not hide
a period of time, in China, a regional land market will inevitably produce the highest price that a king, and king of the market frenzy to the extent it is another very important on the Chinese economy indicates.

So, if you want to find out the most expensive land nationwide in 2010, there is no doubt that non-block is none other than the core area of Beijing CBD. Even the king of Wenzhou, the land prices are only 9.5 yuan / square meters, Shanghai is the most expensive price can not be a comparable king.

from the National Bureau of Statistics data show that from January to November 2010 alone, the national real estate sales area of 825 million square meters, up 9.8%; commercial sales of 4.23 trillion yuan, an increase of 17.5%. At the same time, 1-11 in 2010, total retail sales 13.9224 trillion yuan. Real estate sales in total retail sales of social consumer goods accounted for almost one third of the proportion of consumption of housing market strength is evident.

Looking back throughout 2010, to the king after another, is irresistible. Such sites in Beijing and Shanghai, the forms of content worth pondering; in

and above all, have shown the future direction of China's real estate industry. If all of Beijing to sell the land, can produce more than the wealth of the U.S. GDP a year, then China is to become a Buddha or a real estate became a demon? If the king of capital are used to manufacture a game, then who are the biggest beneficiaries and victims? 

Iverson surgery next week to accept the right leg injury to return 4 to 6 weeks

 Beijing January 21, bones had some proliferator. If the operation is successful, Iverson will be within 4-6 weeks back on the track.

last summer, Iverson went to the Turkish league, and eventually joined the Bessie Ke Sita club. Experienced the beginning of the wonderful performance of the season after the onset of Iverson's old wounds, especially his lower leg pain so that he can not be arbitrary game.

inspection last week, when the calf muscles and bones Iverson had some proliferator, was even rumored that the clarify their own micro-blog, he would choose surgery, and then return to the game.

Moore made it clear that Iverson, after the injury healed, will immediately return to Turkey Bessie Ke Sita team, so after the team the rest of the season, while the end of the season, Iverson would not choose to retire, he will call a few years.

Iverson career played for the Philadelphia 76ers, Denver Nuggets, Detroit Pistons, Memphis Grizzlies, and later return to old club 76, when the averaged 13.9 points, 4.1 assists, but in the end he was abandoned by the team mercilessly.

when the league's 30 teams are all not interested in Allen Iverson, the copies of the contract for 2 years.

possible this year because of offseason NBA collective bargaining agreement negotiations stalled, so Iverson joined Bessie Ke Sita may be a blessing in disguise. Even if the NBA really shut down, Iverson will not be unemployed. Previously, a number of NBA big names have said, in the event of downtime, the European League will be their first choice, when Iverson might also be able to see some old friends in the European arena presence.

(Luan Taiwan Fengge Sohu Sports

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Advanced concept of old cloth that the basic framework of the Olympic see hope to finalize the main

 YORK, January 20 report:

the newly formed Olympic training camp from January 6 so far has been two weeks time, respectively, during the team played in Kunming and Egypt, three warm-up race, first lost to Sheffield United, and then draw the Egyptian Olympic, beat Kenya's national team. Olympic warm-up match from the performance and achievements of view, Blazevic fairly effective adjustment of the team, his football philosophy to young fighters advanced benefited.

warm-up match in Kunming, Olympic 0-2 loss to Sheffield United, the players are very unhappy with the performance to the old cloth, and he frankly done a poor job in all aspects of the team. Field training in Egypt in the first game, 0-0 draw with Egypt's Olympic Olympic, the performance of the old Butan made disciples to his surprise, match is not in the scheme, although opponents are on the bench, but the result was that Olympic win and old cloth very excited, after all, has been set up to obtain the first Olympic victory.

from the results of three warm-up match can be seen in the old fabric of the tune, the IOC has made considerable progress, as the elderly in Croatia said . The progress of the Olympic course is built on the basis of hard training, came to Egypt, the old cloth more stringent requirements on the player, a teenager complaining a practice, not in Kunming field training time, but the amount of training has not been reduced, but increased.

to Egypt, the old cloth began concentrating on the overall technical and tactical aspects of team training, and run the form within the team dual meet lineup. In training to kick the old cloth has always stressed After a period of running, the IOC asked the players on the old cloth are also a lot of understanding, Zhang Yuan said that this time the players are in the firm arrangements for the implementation of the training of the old cloth and improve quickly. Of the old cloth and Egypt, Kenya, two warm-up match the overall performance of IOC satisfied with the use of the players is relatively fixed, it can be said the team's main framework has been basically established.

the only ring true for the current Olympic assistant coach is not very good physical condition Baise Ke, in Egypt these days are reluctantly coaching training. Under the arrangement, the IOC will return to Beijing this month, after the team will conduct at least two warm-up match, the match may be a local club team in Egypt. After all the warm-up match, the old cloth will lead the group to visit the pyramids Olympic player, regarded as a reward to them.

(This article Source: NEW YORK Author: is successful)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Village level village party secretary to do ten years down the mountains to repay bond debt alone

 Xinhua survey

? Chu Li, 65, the elderly, had been elusive in Xingshan County of Yichang City in Hubei are high pool of wild bamboo village party secretary.

ten years ago, he was strong and healthy, vigorous and long as a village, leading villagers to do business, but down the huge debt; years, he Suoju mountains and live a life, bit by bit by planting Gastrodia debt. Now the body collapsed, white hair, teeth down, but more than eighty thousand yuan of principal and interest has finally paid off.

People have praised: the

do business down the debt, party secretary of a person would be all

debt repayment, please allow me to resign.

remarks to the people here talking about a lot of people that stay. In their eyes, Li Chu is a good party, good secretary.

1993, the Li Chu his inauguration, he racked his brains to reduce the tax burden on the villagers, the villagers want to do business to get rich. Branch in the village meeting, Li, Chu said: cadres took the lead in the funds needed by the village collective enterprise personally responsible, who is in debt who repaid.

Chu Li loans from local credit unions, quickly run from the mushroom farm. But because of lack of experience, combined with low-grade strain buy, mushrooms poor quality, sales is not good. Later, He also assured the villagers to borrow money, run from a lumber processing plant, but also due to technical and quality issues, a few cars of wood to be returned eventually do not make money. Three years, the two companies has fallen, the village collective and therefore the debt owed by more than 50,000 yuan.

pool at the time of the wild bamboo village, more than 50,000 yuan is an astronomical figure.

1996, the Li Chu felt really can not lead the masses to get rich, and would offer to resign, asked themselves one person, think of ways to pay off all debt.

the next four years, Li Chu raised pigs, planted mushrooms, but the old debt outstanding, interest again and again. Town and village cadres repeatedly said that the collective can help resolve the debt. Villagers also have ideas, let Li Chu avoiding the debt, a run is over. However, he said, to show teachers and students.

seclusion deep in the mountains to do the Where the radius of hundred miles off the beaten track, to visit him, the village was starting from the pool of wild bamboo, nearly two kilometers above sea level crosses two mountains, took more than an hour of steep mountain.

Chu Li mountain seclusion, not to hide debt, but to pay off debts. Yang mountain humid climate, wooded, a good environment is very suitable for Tianma growth, yield, quality is higher than at the foot planted.

Chu Li dug back with four species of wild Gastrodia do, with branches of leaves to make fertilizer, to explore and nurture natural Tianma. In recent years, in addition to a small number of village cadres and villagers, outsiders hardly know the mountains is also home to people.

years, he lived like a savage primitive life: did it my way trodden, the point is that the branches with pine oil is a common spring seasons, to eat their own species cultivated corn and wild mountains.

dawn every day, Li Chu to get up, do some cornmeal for breakfast, walk around the ground after eating to see if the wild boar had ruined, give Tianma weed pest, and then to the mountain forests branch back to pick some wood, and can not sleep at night, have to beware of the wild boar, wolves wounding.


just went up the hill, his wife Zhang Xuerong not suited to such a wild man like life, often scolded him, 300-kilos heavy stone, used to grind corn for his wife to eat. See his mission, his wife will not complain.

2006 year, Chu Li, the son of migrant workers, unfortunately, a small die abroad. Old Lee distraught, after the terminal one funeral finished cooking. Eldest son, second son of an accident fear of his father, advised him not to the mountains. Lao Li said can be stubborn, do not pay off the debt I will never down. He wiped away tears, back to the mountains.

decades, Chu Li, one of the few times down the mountain. His only two goals down, one over organizational life, and second home debt.

the first year of the mountains, because the first attempt of Tianma, no experience, only the income of 500 yuan. Is this money, he can not bear to subsidize life, but for also the first of the debt.

the second year, the small daughter SUN mountains to help his father work, and rolling down a hill broke his ankle. Year that income has a debt, no money go to the hospital, Chu Li-law to use the indigenous to the treatment, did not expect to leave after-effects, the small daughter has been limping leg.

third year, the talk of the town earned 3,000 yuan ... ... year after year, more kinds of Lao Li Tianma better, benefits are better. In recent years, talk of the town's annual revenue of 3 million yuan.

years, a sum to repay him, one by one off IOUs.

2000 dollars debt, 5 years down, with the band as much as 4,800 yuan american up. Lao Li is also on.

a maximum arrears, Lao Li spent three years time to pay off. It was then lent him the villagers Rao Liding 1 million, plus interest total of 12,000 yuan. One day in December 2010, Li Chu third door, and finally paid off this debt. So far, he has to pay off all debt principal and interest, total repayments over 80,000 yuan.

Day, Rao Liding a bent left Old Lee out to dinner to thank him so stick to faith.

hear his decision down the mountain, there is also a factor. After a decade of exploration, he developed a method of planting Gastrodia. Bamboo Pond Village recently established wild Gastrodia planting base, hired him to do the technical guidance, to him to bring the villagers to get rich.

? ? A ripple of social hot of conduct. His story spread, caused a strong reaction in the community. Internet users around the country have a message, that

Xingshan retirement village cadres Donghuai Mei said: difficulties and setbacks never give up, this is a grass-roots party members and cadres should be the character. . Secretary Li said can do, set an example for the village cadres. If the cadres say so faith, responsible and between cadres and masses will certainly be better. Yu Dong Shan University scholar laments: . of his deeds, seemingly ordinary, but the ordinary, grass-roots cadres are reflected deep cultivation. carry forward this spirit, will help protect the primary stability, a solid grass-roots political power. Hill County made a decision to grant Communist Li Chu

the face of honor and affirmation of the community, Chu Li told reporters: easy. the party and the government back to me honor, I think was deserved. I am a Communist, which I should do.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Presidential economic adviser, said method developed countries is still the global economic risks of debt

 Before his speech, he criticized the Group of Twenty (G20), although well aware of the recent turmoil was caused by excessive debt, but it is not the right remedy, the proposed solution just the debt transferred to the private sector the government.

A Tali professor who helped draft the adoption in 1991, known as the Maastricht Treaty (the Maastricht Treaty) of the Treaty on European Union, the European Community into a political Union and the Economic and Monetary Union roads. He believes that EU governments have realized the importance of economic integration, and boldly predicted the euro area countries can share in the proposed fiscal 2012 budget to support the weak euro, which is similar in the next decade the United States towards the creation of 

Professor Ata Li founded in 1991, responsible for European Reconstruction and Development Bank, and served as first president. He was also the late French President Francois Mitterrand in the term of office as Chair of consultants, and in 2007 by current President Nicolas Sarkozy appointed as Chairman of the Commission to promote economic growth. In a recent presentation of the report, he for the French government to reduce unemployment and huge public debt and the implementation of the policy recommendations critical acclaim. U.S.

oriented. For example, the first crisis of the United States. Since 1980, salaries and personal income share of global GDP, started to decline, the U.S. had to rely on borrowing to sustain growth engine. U.S. public and private debt in 1929 before the outbreak of the Great Depression, the equivalent of 250% of GDP. To the end of the year 2007, the debt reached 350% of GDP. He said that was able to understand or predict the imminent global crisis.

Whether the subject is still in crisis speech, described the past few years, the global financial crisis highlights the United States, Europe, and the Japanese government to do, related to the Wall Street financial fraud case no different from the protagonist Madoff.

U.S. and European economies remains bleak, the United States alone there are 65 million people homeless, and the State can do is print money, and do not expect Congress to messianic gesture to save the United States.

Europe, Greece, Ireland and Portugal also have a situation, even the German leader of the European economy, but also because of over-reliance on the European market, weak demand, while domestic banks could collapse Youxiang European countries Government has provided huge loans and other factors, but has become Europe's most vulnerable countries.

Xinhua BEIJING, Jan. 17, according to Singapore's Economy a big risk.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hong Kong officials Hong Kong and Shanghai to promote the internationalization of the RMB to play a role in twin-engine

 BEIJING, Jan. 16
Xinhua News Agency reported, according to Hong Kong, Hong Kong Financial Services and the Treasury, Professor KC Chan, 15, said the introduction of foreign direct investment in China RMB pilot management practices, the development of the renminbi in Hong Kong market is extremely favorable.

he attended a radio program, pointed out that to promote the internationalization of the RMB, there must be the offshore market and the local market, while Hong Kong and Shanghai respectively play the two roles. In his view, a clear division of the two cities can play a role in twin-engine, on very favorable financial and economic national development.

KC Chan, and said that with the increased circulation of RMB in overseas in overseas markets, the yuan needs to offshore trading, lending, investment, Hong Kong has a mature market and good as the renminbi settlement system, the yuan will be some overseas deposited in Hong Kong.

He pointed out that the new measures, expected to continue rising renminbi deposits in Hong Kong, enabling enterprises to use local currency funding pool of loans, will help enhance Hong Kong's financial market activities.

He disclosed that next week in the Asian Financial Forum held in Hong Kong, will discuss the internationalization of the RMB, and Asia in the management of opportunities and challenges, will help Hong Kong to make a clear positioning.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Chen Kun microblogging own talent show ghost writer Quotations popular water bottle (Figure)

 Chen Kun own to obtain a public fans. Different from others is that the number of fans among the best micro-Bo Chen Kun friends with friends or the direct interaction between stars is not much more of a story with a subtle warmth to express feelings. Recently, Chen Kun consecutive microblogging several articles posted on similar articles, popular friends blitz.

years diligent in performing Chen Kun gradually have their own perception of life, young men from the gradual return of the art true, it was originally on his requirements, is the test of literary knowledge, Chen Kun This time to write quotes in micro-behavior of Bo was also friends described as

The following quotations from some excerpts:

three hundred years old vampire vampire asked two thousand years ~ ~ Why did you fall in love with people they do not have eternal life ~ vulnerable and rush? Old Devil's response to light just because they do not have eternal life ~ ~ ~ it less vulnerable to the fear of death and rush ~ I love is fragile in that fight and restlessness ~ I love that it will lose the short time and panic ~ ~ (Ghost recorded a bottle)

orphan seven-year-old legs, each of humiliation will rot out of the village under a tree crying ~ Begonia resentment that will float to the sky and then seven mist ~ ~ orphans will be heard Begonia cut ~ betake bid farewell to a woman ~ ~ see beautiful trees intended to Washington only ~ ~ crying woman handed material with him: in a few pieces together when the tears of humiliation petals ~ ~ Another one sip seven treasures ~ do not complain often wipe the ! Smug look away ~ ~ orphan open it next to lie still a defense spent crystal amber ~ (ghost bottle recorded two)

birthday feast ~ White Duke presented an urn of his hangers red sweet drink blood ~ White Duke Half-Life after the heat of the moment ~ Menke kowtowed: This is the blood by the hardships stolen from the black prince at ~ heard this thing is black make him Duke of Treasure of the skill multiplier ~ ~ ~ White Duke roar: Jane's sweet in his blood was very positive I shunned the highly toxic ~ though your heart is doing harm to my eternal life ~ (ghost bottle recorded three)

said to him before her death: death into the wood ~ the Indus Qin you do! ~ ~ When was the focus of the end of the Indus piano made of wood the day that he no longer speak ~ Pieces ~ ~ because of playing with the world he no longer hidden in the hills listening ~ ~ ~ he took her travels took her to him all the way take place before the place where no one promised her day stroking her ~ ~ ~ Let the desert is not so Weak water shortage does not resonate with the world every night cool ~ ~ ~ Sleeping alone with the dead love (ghost bottle recorded four)

< p> ~ orphan brothers side of the war to find a way back to the home side begging everywhere desert ~ ~ seven ~ Jiuling old brother had disease that tears into the eyes of his brother the second day of the blood brothers ~ back ~ brother out has never worried about dying brother went so far into the night ~ to discuss the size of two inches of meat back to the brother can eat ~ ~ ~ every three to five days after the brother can discuss some meat back home ~ ~ finally saw the younger brother brother told: You can survive back home my brother will bless ~ you! Younger brother died ~ cry ~ (ghost bottle IX)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Elegy prisoners Butterfly

 This nights, I was sleepless all night, all night long wail. Crying their cruel, crying his own helplessness, crying his own helplessness. This is me? I played the daughter, daughter hurt the helpless screams my heart, tearful little eyes overflowing wronged, fear, tears, how do I? It is still a mother? I can not forgive myself.
little guilty I can not do the former, this ray of souls float along, looking around the Chunhuaqiuyue, smell the young lovers, old couples, courteous, to provoke me with heartache; through the hustle and bustle of the Red, patty Gu light shadow on the cup, internet on the gag, to provoke me scared forward. sad dying, you can find to send the body; sigh wandering, I have duckweed as drowning. As Nver Shen, 9.6 million square kilometers but no loess cover of a break up souls; single mound hills, shortness the setting sun and no copies. my previous wrong, fine me weak soul searching journey in the snow. promise big world, I can not find you, find myself.
wrapped in water, night, heart swell cold, quietly returned to his dwelling, carefully pour a cup of bitter drink. Once upon a time, the tip of the fire burning under the lonely burning his own end, but it is Flower in the Mirror, in the water, empty and sad, warp. laugh at me alone Fang idle since the tour, leaving marks in vain tears Pathetic. stop! strike! strike! and invite lone star on disability, a drink Acacia; Pandao eras, still helpless, mediocre kept on the run, no one use the service. terraced rice paddies Red, even though some aficionados, is never meant to. has to be taken Ju Dong, the helpless, Nanshan in hunting. tired, tired; pain, and numb; broken, gone, Mo! mo! mo! and the three thousand forget about trouble, and then drink does not help, long drunk unconscious, any frost attack, invasion, flew numerous slivery tears.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Billion nuclear power equipment market is taking shape

 Existing equipment manufacturers are still unable to meet the full needs of the order

Recently, Dongfang Electric, China and other large power equipment for a re-disclosure of business has received the largest single nuclear power equipment. However, in the case of full order, the existing nuclear power equipment manufacturers are still difficult to meet the requirements of the construction progress of the domestic nuclear power. The next decade, a huge expansion of nuclear power installed capacity of nuclear power equipment, 500 billion market cake early embryo.

New Electric Co., Ltd. Sichuan Branch from 2009 to begin the application-level nuclear equipment manufacturing license is 2,3, but has no hand. It seems in the industry, Shanghai Electric, Dongfang Electric, China, a weight of several large nuclear power nuclear power operators, equipment manufacturers are the most popular equipment manufacturers. Private enterprises want to enter with a

Xiaoguang SW analysts believe that nuclear power is the first choice for the future development of new energy sources, nuclear power capacity by 2020 to reach 86 million kilowatts, the current installed capacity of 9.7 million kilowatts calculation, the next 20 years China will be the new installed capacity of more than 75 million kilowatts by almost 8 times the current installed capacity.

industry said, is tender as low in 2010, in order to finish the year 2020 plan, 2011 is likely to bid again similar to the 2008 peak demand of 12 units, and construction of nuclear power will continue for at least the high boom of 20 years.

Golden State Securities analyst Zhang Shuai that within three years starting this year, nuclear power equipment manufacturing industry will enter a peak period of delivery of equipment, the order will be turned into sales. Nuclear power plant in accordance with the delivery of each measure, expected equipment industry revenue grew approximately 100%. (Xinhua direct construction)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Etiology and pathology of sexual dysfunction Hospital of Nanchang

 Cause of sexual dysfunction caused by very complex. At this stage of sexual dysfunction caused by the pathophysiological process of understanding, although still not enough, but sexual dysfunction is not just a functional disorder due to have a number of sexual function caused by organic diseases disorders are classified as follows according to their etiology:
1, of the psychological and physiological sexual response dysfunction
. arouse sexual desire disorder or inhibit cortical arousal differences hyperthyroidism usually presents low sexual desire or lack of offensive perversion
. penile erection disorders or abnormal sustained erection impotence
. ejaculatory dysfunction or premature ejaculation, retrograde ejaculation semen ejaculation
. sensory dysfunction erection painful ejaculation painful flesh missing or improperly diminished orgasm delay
2, and sexual dysfunction The organic diseases
. more systemic systemic disease chronic wasting disease can cause loss of libido, such as heart disease and severe malnutrition in chronic renal failure, tuberculosis hypertension malignancy.
. nervous system diseases of the nervous system tumors inflammation and other damage caused by fire and other sensory and motor function disorders affect sexual function.
. endocrine system diseases, diabetes, pituitary gland dysfunction adrenal cortical lesions of thyroid disease and other diseases.
. reproductive system diseases genital abnormalities hypospadias penile induration penis and scrotum elephantiasis Fu Jing Vesiculitis prostatitis chronic inflammation go far.
. Other long-term excessive alcohol drinking smoking drugs into the extensive use of antihypertensive drugs disease anticholinergic drugs such as estrogen anti-androgen drugs and lead or toxic agents than wilt. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Maldives Raiders

 Maldives Gonglue (1)
Maldives Raiders
After 2 months, and to think about writing this, do not write to be forgotten, because some friends wanted to go, so write about the reference drawing.
Select Island:
Maldives archipelago country, including the capital, Male, are islands. Tourist Resort Male distributed around the island, most of the island is an island a hotel, the equivalent of China's contracted pull, there are many private buy down.
and grade of the same hotel, the island also has the scale, the more expensive Hilton and the like, we will not consider. Island, according to the distance from Male airport, a seaplane to and ride the ship to go. gg seaplane had to go you want to do away some of the island, but was informed there is no water house travel agency, and had to take a strike. because not the same as the prices of the various islands, many Asian countries, except Japan, would choose to compare cheap island economy, resulting in the island are Asians, which is why go the Maldives, but the relatively large difference in price will cause. because the island does not like the option of room and service are not the same type of friends. short , we finally chose the Beas Island. no seaplane, because at that time we thought went to the island, the project will be playing there seaplane, the result is not drawing. a person's price of about 270 million won. island The water also cheaper housing, 230 in case of individuals, but to date we had already been booked. Beas Island Airport 50 minutes away from Male by boat.
not directly go from South Korea Ma tired aircraft, are to transfer, a transfer from Shanghai, a transfer from Singapore, we turn the machine from Shanghai, because the tickets earlier, that parents do not know when that time few, I hope luck can pull together to do a good aircraft. Results parents the morning of the aircraft, more than our 21:00 flight to Shanghai. If you go, would want to transit in Singapore, because Singapore where transit can play in the half, including airports, duty-free Singapore is also relatively cheap place to legend, there are, after all, have not been pulled. because the parents are also being considered, there are more tired of our own end of the wedding, it may not have the strength to play in Singapore.
Incheon Super small plane to Shanghai, the top 90% of the wedding, some brides are not even married to makeup on the plane to unload. Shanghai turn, there is no reason for turning off, we do not know whether or not the airport, the results are not out Airport to Shanghai because of the time and the time he sent to Male for an hour, so we had been posted tired of the visa, confirmed that half an hour, the officers do not even know the Maldives do not need a visa, is too bureaucratic. from Shanghai to Male, the fact the plane to South Africa transit at Male airport. So many of the above in Shanghai, Wuxi Uncle of doing business in Africa, I would like, the uncle of a push to the Maldives do? China Eastern Airlines flight to Male, the larger the plane is ever a good meal, but are Muslim, as if the horse is the religion's sake.
flew more than eight hours before to Male, was only 4 o'clock local time, I did that Leia, 8 hours sitting down in the seat so small, too uncomfortable.
Airport Free:
We are generally a new roller, because the credit card to discount, is still very cost-effective to buy a lot of sunscreen, but only Shiseido is more than 50, 60, Shiseido has long been out of stock, I knew bought out, so there is no way, bought a Shiseido SPF40 of sunblock, buy a set of physical sunscreen ohui spray, and a sun was up base, as well as Lancome sunscreen. but no one over 40, so the sun finally broke gg I kept rubbing, the skin is not bad, but still a lot of black. so be sure to buy Shiseido field of that paragraph, the airport out of stock where this is easy, there is no such thing as early. when some of the airport to the Maldives, But we did not open the door to the 4, I can only see the glass out of friends. on the island only the United States black oil, and protection of oil, no white sun too. foreigners like black.
Speaking of sun, but also think of something , aloe settled, bodyshop there, Vaseline has, bodyshop comparison of greasy, refreshing a lot of Vaseline and stability of a mile. The airport does not have, bought in advance. Thankfully, aloe and stability, otherwise, after the very painful sunburn. gg into the water too much, Finally the sun breaks down, a day that itch, so poor, and finally back home to Shanghai to buy a cool oil until coated well.
Male airport duty free is quite good, which many local products, cosmetics dollars are also considered, relatively cheap, We bought the local tea. Shanghai's airport, too bad, actually, when you mark the RMB yuan, much more expensive than South Korea and the Male, but the Shanghai Airport Arden, South Korea and Male are not, we have to send seven Kou Eight woman, we can only choose Arden, bought a seven sets of bath and perfume set, a set of 300 less than before, or is converted, sold separately outside the store, add up to RMb500 more. to buy her mother pearl necklace she is also much cheaper than the mall, where the sea more than a string of beads to be RMB1, a brand of Shanghai Airport, Japan's pearl, a kind of sense of design, relatively large, a 1700RMB, Hong Hong mother is still very worthwhile.
Male airport:
super super small, and Wuxi, almost, customs is very simple, a header of the women with very friendly face and say hello to you later, built a stamp it out the door did not like the Internet have to pay someone said, a point not to.
out of the gate after as many locals as India Asan to sell hotel accommodation at the meeting, we find the island of Asan cited Pisces brand to meet us. Airport was back after 6 hours spent to prove that is very small, there's something more expensive than on the island, but not so good. hotel to family, a coffee shop. Later, when we go back to the restaurant 3000 RMB eating something hard to swallow. service is very poor. toilet fairly good, a lot cleaner than the Chinese. there are cattle everywhere. Asan our island is where the cattle, and finally we get the aircraft away from the the time the airport some time, you need hosting package, we send our island to the airport Asan said to his friend, put the luggage on the middle of the road, wants us to pay. because before we went to the airport with luggage storage Department, that security is very understanding and said Ah Sam met no room inside. I left to the right to feel wrong. Asan was not given, the facts prove me right, Asan and security, said well, said luggage there is no storage space, and good and earn money. We do not need to register later and Asan said, and their luggage to the storage, the security guards said there is room, and opened the door, still empty. Fortunately, I was Chinese people, Chinese people's thinking with the thinking of the idea of the Maldives is very easy to understand.
boat to the island:
each island has a plane or boat to shuttle guests, Pisces is the escort boat, large boat, and we do ship a total of 7 on the Korean couple, not a pair of aircraft come together we may all turn to Singapore's. farther and farther away from Male, the island kept a lot of beautiful appear, every time I thought to, and each time disappointed, and later was told to 1 hour, all of them to sleep, in addition to n excited me. day has just shine, the sea is more shocking blue ink, occasionally see a dolphin and sea birds, but still not the legendary beauty of Lilla. ship sounds super, I think I am so excited Asan were not, think about every day in the world that heaven where people who work, do not know do they feel happy? gg said they would prefer the outside world, I do not know every day in heaven, then you will feel in heaven?
no emotional, but there Indian people are the same skin color, or even darker than the number of black and white. They are also highly educated people who can speak English to work on the island, local income is much higher than the Male. so rational said, there are some educated, but emotionally, we feel that there are two people who are full of unfriendly nature, but because the work had to friendly. There will also get a tip very different future. However, a senior waiter, or the island's ok.
Beas Island:
relatively large island, above the total of dozens of rooms, room type is basically water, housing and beach houses. but according to the location of water and beach houses Location not the same as the price is not the same. restaurant, a total of two restaurants on the island, one of our travel expenses included breakfast and dinner in the sunshine in the restaurant, there is a restaurant in Japan the cherry blossoms, sunshine is Western, there are the Japanese cherry blossom dishes . But food is the theme of sunshine a day in various countries, including Korea, China and Japan. 7 days a week, which is different. The island has two swimming pools and a souvenir shop, souvenirs more expensive, swimming pools are basically being Western were occupied, most of them live in beach houses, beach houses as large, many of them are the whole family together. Water is the house which only 4 families, others are couples house. We went to a swimming pool, because the water is inside the swimming pool, large terrace, however, as can be seen next to the yacht club in play. I can not swim, compared to where many people lose face, so I still like the water in front of Wanla housing, neighbor saw at the most. The island also has tennis, billiards, beach volleyball, what a lot of play for free items. other sailing, scuba diving, sea fishing are the fees, the basic price of a knife about 50 to 100 people. If you intend to go to the door in every club room number written on the blackboard to be notified when there Asan. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Shanghai Pudong Development recognized the amount of annual fee credit card do not recognize times

 Some people think that credit card has no annual fee can be enough times, some people think that a lot of credit card spending can no annual fee, because there is no uniform standard in the industry, many consumers had Terms and details.

the Not only is he, by the end of many credit card charges an annual fee, all users by surprise.

introduced, according to Han, he used the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Credit Card Bank Credit Card Center opened card at the beginning people had told him, how can no annual fee. In his view, all banks are the brush should be enough of a credit card number on the no annual fee, so we strive to brush a few times each month. But that he did not expect that, in the just received on the bill, the bank or the deduction of the annual fee, and a deduction is 360. This makes him a hard time to accept.

reporters access to the relevant provisions of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank found that the line of credit is based on the cumulative amount of the annual consumption of remission, the universal implementation of the Puka consumption of 2,000 yuan, 5,000 yuan Gold consumption reduction times the standard annual fee. This provision needs to have consumers purchase commodities and pay by credit card and insurance business is not difficult for people to achieve, but for more than ten million used each brush, brush many times a month for the average consumer does not apply.

In fact, with the Han minority consumers have the same understanding, this knowledge from the bank's credit card sales promotion.

Reporter subsequent 14 banks (5 state-owned shareholding commercial banks banks +9) waive the annual fee rules were investigated and found that the initial open than CITIC bank card annual fee waived the first brush, the other 13 banks opened for the new Card customers shall be exempt from first year annual fee, Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, ICBC, CITIC, Societe Generale, Bank of China and Beijing brush over 5 annual fee-free times, and so on, Puka, Gold also apply. Construction Bank, China Everbright brush to remove at least 3 times, it is worth mentioning that the CCB issued special cards such as credit card Barbie beauty brushes at least 18 times before to be no annual fee (car card is fixed at 200 yuan / year cost-recovery no relief).

The terms and details of what it calls, the consumer now has a part to be Reporter found that many consumers do not know when the credit card to pay an annual fee, most people think that by the end of buckle. Press Advisory number of banks have found that credit card annual fee normally charged in the credit card approval in January, instead of each calendar year, such as front of the card is valid and India as the collected in October, the annual fee waiver each time is from November to next October.

further believe that the credit card was charged an annual fee, consumers had no room to maneuver. Fact that is not so. To remind the industry card customers, if found to get on the bill received an annual fee has been deducted, there is still room for remedy, you can request a refund by calling customer service, such as Mr. Zhang received the bill and found Chinese bank card annual fee has been deducted, then Call Huaxia Bank, asked whether refundable annual fee. Mr. Zhang said as long as the customer service line in the next 25 days credit card 5 times, and at least return the current bill's minimum amount has been collected will be refunded the annual fee.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Not the end of term exams, running any need to continue

 Today, we start from the North, started running down the road. After the school gate, through the West, passing the village found. We followed seven bus run, seven way people in the car we are very surprised to see street pedestrians are also talking about people. Today we completed a very difficult task, that is, each of us must finish 81 miles away. In order to complete the task of long-distance running in winter, although the weather is cold, and positive tests, we still know the long-distance running can not give up. because the 2008 has come, and we want to make a contribution the Olympic Games.
students Charge victory in front. even if the weather how cold, how bad we have to adhere to the . As a student, as the future pillars of the State, we must exercise our will, exercise our perseverance to become a people who can accomplish great things. Our burden is also heavy, difficult not to give up a little. Han bitter side to just eat, so no matter how bitter, how tired, we will adhere to.
now facing the exam, the examination is important, but do not have a strong body, which can not be the best state to cope with exams , so we can not give up running. running to keep fit, running healthy. We have to have to run down until we have strengthened the capacity up. very tired today, although the run, the students all of them have run on less gas under the gas, but they still run very carefully, very exert oneself. can be seen on the running of our students is very important. Our class will be used to be called some toughness, to continue our outstanding mileage.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

To force the moment to enjoy - Guo-Ping Wu Guo-Ping Wu ---

 Well-known private Marshal Trader
private equity fund managers
Seminar Speaker Instructor
Guangdong University of Finance icrcf dual training investment and financial management of Principal Lecturer
Financial Investment Management Co., Ltd. Guangdong, chairman and general manager
Exchange Contact E-mail:
We know how wealth is the cornerstone of life, whether it means having the wealth to have a perfect life is doomed? it must first make every effort to earn money, and get to taste your life slowly? financial wealth of the potential and the realm of life cell, is associated with a certain degree of depth? Obviously, Guo-Ping Wu with his legendary wealth of practice and life experience, to show us a lot of questions: like the sentiment of life perception as to the financial, like, like to invest in investment banking life.
aura of life in many, he is absolutely determined to pursue, whether to their own research and practice, become the initiator of the financial and cultural life, practitioners and promoters. He had a famous saying, You have a number of financial wealth is not important, it is important you have what kind of financial life. are we over the carnival and depression buried, so he has a very calm and a sense of balance and amazing calm. Excluding temporary fame and fortune, but to seek a leisurely, targeted pattern. family given by the media and other Olympic .2006 version of Financial Weekly financial adviser. their views and ideas is seen in the major heavyweight newspapers from time to time, such as the bigger picture with the international, market trends and forward-looking sharp judgments, since 2005 has judged that the higher accuracy, the most recent is the clear conclusion in early 2010 will be below the market during the year 2500, fell below 2,500 points in more will be judged a success out of the market-than-expected wave of short squeeze rally, people started to become since the stunning In 2009 Congress, Zhejiang University and other universities lecturers investment seminar speaker, Guangdong Finance Institute Investment Banking dual training system icrcf Principal Lecturer .2010 In the third quarter of the sun began to prepare the formal private trust set sail carrier, is currently chairman of Guangdong Investment Limited of financial and general manager.
ENCHNOLOGY often found in the details from the life of the investment opportunities and crises. After fluctuations and precipitation, study and understanding of the operating profit system even more valuable. in high school during the period of exposure to the stock market has experienced several ups and downs, he believed in Contracts: Capital market is not gods, who are likely to encounter success or failure, where , who is not the stage than the cattle, but who ultimately have the last laugh! This is Guo-Ping Wu. After a year, private equity fund managers, a country with ease off the financial life of the capital.
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< br> Five Steps on the Road ENCHNOLOGY Trader series
the blog named the 2010 annual financial blog, I hope you give me, thank you!
era ushered in the first 173 shares of the trading day. This is 2011 The first transaction, ushered in the opener, multi-good control of the situation, the main contract, count the first three trading days, inadvertently bounced a continuing four-day, accompanied by the Yang Xian, the market can say that again staged Advancing with caution, has started digging out of a nice trend.
disk, real estate, finance and other colored and bright today, the role of the market, which has a certain weight of the basic position of the species, there is such a situation, so a good start it is easy to achieve, which is worth celebrating and encouraging. the spring, a good start, no matter what, is a good omen or a sign. the overall pattern is a broad based, such a pattern, often indicate the next there must be a differentiation process, huh, huh, more wonderful yet to come.
market is closed today out of a gapped upward gap, subjectively, I very much hope that this is a new breakthrough gap, for a long period of time will not cover; but objectively speaking, the gap, really, is still unable to jump to conclusions, the need for more observation, because then it may possibly become a common interpretation of the gap . Therefore, today's gapped upward gap is a good thing, but it is also a potential downward traction.
accompanied by continued strength in the market today, we are very easy to find, digging down to the trend of pre-market to how beautiful it is interpreted, there have been a little casual V-reversal pattern, which is the market's dramatic changes in the consequences, which is repressed more than after-market internal energy will be the result of the outbreak , for the current market, liquidity remains abundant, so the more depressing it shortly after the outbreak of the energy will be greater if, for which we are to have a clear understanding, as if pre-record highs on the external market is unconvinced of the market but also broke down today as in the case of collective, for the broader market so, in terms of also true for individual stocks, some stocks for the moment, although people seem not so exciting, but we have to clear is, the moment seems to does not mean the future is not encouraging is not exciting, just like the broader market early, came after the depression will come eventually.
market for the next interpretation, large pattern, in 2010 I have been very clearly expressed my optimistic about the future market strong, but, remember, is at least 3 to 5 years, oh. As for the small pattern, for the moment, I think, again inevitably occur, but the opportunity will not be less, in today's market are degree many active cases, then the market would not be so fast that heat at low tide, on the contrary gradually spread, intensified to a large probability events, the chance that a lot of stocks will be repeated in this process, unfolding out. In short, a good firm it, times change, the opportunity may accidentally turn on you.
Today is the first trading day of 2011, up quite well, in accordance with the current buzzwords to describe it, That is quite a force today, but I want to say, not only today, I think this year will be a force. to force, to force, let us begin to enjoy the good times to force it! (Trader Five Steps on the Road . com)
All rights reserved For reproduction please attach a signed
Poem (110) On the elegant
Introduction: The so-called ;, stress is a mood, though not necessarily to achieve that mood, but without reservation to others. Here are my long-term accumulation of the contents of the market or life essays essays, as well as the content of the dialogue (I'm Please accept my gift of the Department.
about elegant
one: little brother, very fate Yeah.
II: Yes, Big Brother, do not want to go quietly to quietly line, real world small.
one: God arrangements.
II: Oh, very happy. Big Brother house has a real buzz.
A: Well, introduce, this is my assistant, this is my neighbor, this is my hh
hhhh mother after some pleasantries
II: Big Brother Do not praise me, I feel almost embarrassed.
A: You deserve my praise, I like you.
II: I really appreciate the love of Big Brother.
one: you will not take so kind to as one of us is.
II: En.
one: next time I go visit with the U.S. to go with you.
II: Good , remember to notify me, I'm so ready.
A: No problem, as if reading thousands of books from thousands, you produce more abroad to open up horizons a bit.
II: I've always wanted to go to the United States, no chance before, now have, really very happy.
A: The future of China's capital markets rely on you, you are still young, the future of space is infinite.
II: will certainly do our best to serve the motherland.
one: do not get married?
II: Results of the.
A: Well, have a sense of responsibility, this is the real man.
II: children have a sense of responsibility greatly.
one: growing happy for you.
II: Thanksgiving ever.
the world, if you encounter one or two free of charge to the selfless help you grow and elegant, it is worth celebrating.
Sometimes, if honored to help you grow to a large extent also affect how your final achievement.
then how can there be honored?
difficult words, but one thing is inevitable, and that is to who knows how to do it.
the pattern of how people may you have much elegant. What do you think?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Learning to young people

 Nearly one-third of the night study hall last night, when the teacher pushed open the door of physical gold, open sound of very light, students are hard at work, few people find him. Kim walked softly in the classroom teacher, through being do physical work around the students a closer look when down.
This is the golden habits of teachers in the evening as long as he was in school, it will take a look at student work to the class when there is no doubt. last night, he took Hao Tong told a separate call to the office for a talk about homework problems. more often a little confusing to a few lectures for students in the focus of further talk about the content, so that they left behind.
So, our class of students it is interesting to learn physics, even if learned in front of a difficult chapter, basically no students fall.
students say: always pleasant, polite to the students.
This does not, Yan Yan teachers to see, and quickly ran up to ask questions, perhaps this problem requires calculations on paper, and he went to the desk and Yan Yan edge, Yan Yan asked the teacher to sit, the teacher invited Yan Yan sit, I let you push the two, and angered that we have a smile.
explain when the problem is completed, a teacher who has come full circle in the classroom seems to be no students to ask questions, and he went to the door, stood quietly for a moment, before gently opened the door.
such a scenario almost every time I watch when they are the same. and every time a teacher who went to the office and always see him ask of teachers teaching to the old question, could not help but make me sigh.
book for 20 years taught me that you must learn the book of learning and teaching a 2-year teacher of gold.
have When teaching a long time, been a number of so-called experience, but also lost some patience and eager to learn, teach to my 20th year, the good teachers learn to gold, the past 20 years as a period, all start from scratch, just like on the job had left the same.
young man just can not underestimate the. This is what I have some experience of many years.
remember 95 years, I suddenly became ill, three hospitals also confirmed I have to transplant, when the tears. time being hold the last hope and expect there to open the famous Chinese recipe to try.
famous Chinese patients who were crowded around, where packed in, only to see a young man across from him buried him in the copy prescription. desperate medical records I gave him, asking him to give me some cold medicine. he found the time to look at medical records of three hospitals in the diagnosis, to my surprise asked, my face smile. He frowned when I feel the pulse, said: the plus sign to see whether the proteins down. seven posts with five posts together with the subsequent consolidation of nearly half a year, all is well again. Now, when I followed the students in the playground running with three times, always on the young doctor thankful. < br> later on, met him, he has a calm middle-aged, Chinese medical director, a famous doctor.
also remember the first time and young people, take classes, an English teacher, is really a small any girl. studious, good question, found that students will be taught in a little puzzled to quickly explained carefully. The young girl with three days of the first round on top, very impressive.
I always remember Mandy, her school once a week came from listening to my two classes, one like that for three years now to Suzhou, a school teaching has become the backbone to stand out. to the west, the summer sweating in the winter when the air side of the stamped side, uh, wind and rain, has never.
in these young people, and I see their former figure, also see their current deficiencies. let everything start over again, just like today, I just left the same post-secondary education. enthusiasm, patience, and perseverance.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Another look

 Like driving, like marriage crucial run-in period. In the past there have been noisy, when the mind may be premature, with a total feeling of love for the sauce that is the same. However, if there were to neglect some of the problems may regret it later Not everyone can afford.
may have their own definition of Mr Right is too personal, perhaps my Mr Right will always live in my imagination, in short, feel life is not so ideal. the greater the expectations of each other , the standard higher, toward the opposite direction when things when the disappointment would be difficult to assess. I recognize that everyone has their own every three years, no one is able to do another way of life, but at least before marriage should be comprehensive measure of all the factors. used to look to see much more drama, and always feel that as long as the two love each other, what can be overcome, like the kind of love only song to song. in fact totally not the same thing. There is a saying, between the two is called the most important thing is trust. What a simple word, but who can really do?
In addition, because of the growth environment and exposure to different things, two people in the attitudes of the same thing completely different from the standard definition of right and wrong is different. And this is fatal. I think he should not do it, but they think he was right. the middle is not a criterion, nor can there be, therefore differences will occur , while it is often the result of the two, and good, but does not solve the fundamental problem, next time a similar situation when they still stuck to their guns.
chatted with a colleague, he right in saying that not to love as their own all, or else, life is meaningless. Sometimes people just love into a dead end, while ignoring the many very important things around. I did. I found that I really typical Sagittarius of that right, wrong is wrong, does not allow the existence of an intermediate state, in fact, live a little tired, no wonder even the constellation Sagittarius say there is no index on the soul mate for life do it ~ the final analysis, I love the point value , and indeed some of the surrounding people ignored, some thing, and now think of it, should be too late.
I am able to predict the results after this I was angry, the two reconciled, no doubt, but will not be like a fairy tale: the life live happily. In the past all the experience, I can only weaken the attitude of love. is not no love, but like I imagined love story as deep love, I will be more concerned about the love around me to remove something that may be more meaningful and value. let the good live forever in their hearts it, my next life I wish I was a princess, prince and I live happily , where so much mess.
right, listen to Zhang Jie's Some memories come back
may wait for years to come will steal
love for a long time may separate us together like a

now we have to be replaced by others that we have similar regrets

So with drifting in the sea
get rid of the haze
I cry for you one night you look like
from all kinds in my head
under the moon White
simple as a child
you have asked me several times what this is love

that get the time that the journey is not favor
that every day of the accident, said
Good night
but you are not disturbed
worse than anyone else because they missed because of loneliness would take advantage of virtual

from sunny and cloudy days because the love in my heart while
get rid of the haze
I cry for you one night you look like
from all kinds in my head
moon dialogue
simple as a child < br> You have several times asked me what this is love 

Monday, January 3, 2011

best game of life orientation and the bones of the fable of the company ---- the hair ...

 First, the target
rabbit out of a dog to nest, has been chasing it, chasing a long time still not caught.
Sheep to see such a scenario, mock dog said: but run much faster. br> Second, power
words heard by hunters, hunters would like: dogs are right ah, I want to get more of the game, need to find a positive solution.
So they bought a few hunters dogs, who can catch in hunting rabbits, you can get a few bones, can not catch no food to eat. This move really useful for dogs who have to work hard chasing rabbits, because no one wants to look at it a bone to eat, not eating their own. so, after a period of time, the problem arose. big rabbit is very difficult to catch, good to catch a small rabbit. But the rewards are big rabbit caught and caught a small rabbit bones obtained almost , dogs are good at observation, discovered the trick, specifically to catch the little rabbit. slowly, we have discovered the trick. hunter hunting dog that you catch the rabbit has recently become smaller and smaller, why dogs do not say anything anyway big difference, why charge such force it to catch those big?
three hunters after long-term bone
thought, decided not to share with whether the number of bone hook caught the rabbit, but After a time using the statistical dogs caught a total weight of the rabbit method. to evaluate the dogs according to weight, to determine their treatment within a period of time.
so dogs have caught the rabbit increased the number and weight . hunters very happy. but after a period of time, hunters found that the number of dogs and rabbits were caught less, and the more experienced dogs, decrease the number of rabbits to catch more interest. So they ask the dog hunters.
hounds, said: ;
Fourth, a combination of bone and flesh hunter
made the decision reward on merit. Analysis and summary of all the dogs caught the rabbit number and weight, provides that if a rabbit caught more than a certain number, even catching a rabbit, every meal can get a certain number of bones. dogs are very happy, we are all striving to achieve the required number of hunters. Over time, some dogs finally reached the required number of hunters . At this time, including a hunting dog, said: left the hunters, their hunting rabbits go.
five, the right to share
hound hunters are aware of the loss, and loss of hunting dogs who like dogs and their dogs usually grab the rabbit. the situation becomes more and more worse, hunters forced to lure a stray dog, asked him in the end, where wild dogs stronger than dogs. dingo said: All the dogs are Dun Dun has the meat, no bones, most of the last lick! Otherwise, you will not have to be tempted. rabbit total n%, and with the service longer, larger contribution, the ratio can be increased and the right to share the total rabbit meat hunters, m%. In this way, dogs have to work together with the hunters, the wild dogs are forced to suffer a great deal, return to dog teams have strong demand.
story continues
only permanent interests, no permanent friends
day one day at a past winter, the rabbit less , hunters harvest even a single day than one day. and those who service the old dogs have a long time too old to catch the rabbit, but still enjoying the carefree self-righteous that they deserve a large portion of food. Then one day the hunters can no longer bear them out the door, because hunters need more able-bodied dog hh
Birth of Micro Bone Co. (bone's birth)
be swept out of the old dogs who have been a lot of money compensation, so they set up a Micro Bone Company. the way they used to recruit Franchise dogs, hunting rabbits to the wild dogs are taught the skills they obtained from hunting to extract part of the rabbit as a management fee. When damages for almost all advertising, they finally have enough dogs to join us. the company began to make a profit. A year later, they acquired possessions hunters.
Development of Micro Bone Co. (bone development of the company)
. these Since that is underappreciated in the wild dogs were all surprised to find Concert: finally did the company's owner, and no longer dictated to by hunters endure unpleasant, no longer enough to catch rabbits and working so hard, they do not helplessly begging for more hunters have to play two bones and delicate and charming. All of these dogs, it is more than good enough to eat two bones. So dogs are a family and I joined the Micro Bone, some hunters Ha also began to stir the young hounds, many think he is wise or even practical stupid hunters also want to join. many of the same type as the springing up of companies set up, Bone Ease,, China Bonehh a time, the forest excited. With the birth of stars
Hunter embarked on the sale of the company's money, walked the streets of the old dogs, the last lot of hard work to be negotiating with the Micro Bone, the oldest hound hunters unexpectedly agreed to sell the company Micro Bone to him. old dogs are no longer run the company and began to write his autobiography, royalty-free, no risk, more profitable.