Monday, April 11, 2011

Venerable Master Discovery wicked , both against the edge when honed , tested , are all increasing the margin

 Among these five years we are Buddhist, summarizes the teachings of the Buddha, but also for further studies of our own goals: , no matter what other people heart to me. In front of you with that, before us the Road, Road is the road, ten road, I walk the Path to Buddhahood. Which he was a road that is his thing, each taking each word, he does not respect me, and I respect him, and he told me with a false heart, and I him with a sincere heart, I will not be affected realm. I can not say that he was causing me to hate him, no! That we really were his victims, and was he down with him. He hurt me I do not hate him, a heart did not hate, I especially respected him, and he framed my realm Tuishang Qu, how can I not appreciate him? Of you in the The Great Nirvana. Immortal shame, shame Paramita is the repair of the Buddha, Lee Wang antiphonal singing heart did not hate the song the king's move benefits the successful Buddha achieved shame Paramita line, so the Buddha to thank him, how could hate him? Buddha Bodhisattva vow in the future, the first degree you. Sakyamuni Buddha is immortal shame predecessor, songs such as the Venerable Chan Lee King is the Buddha of his words, become a Buddha that is exactly the first degree is obtained, such as Chen, this is the problem, the wisest solution to the problem way, how can there be no resentment? I'm sorry this man, I've never dealings with him, was wrong, this concept is the idea of ​​Bono, this heart is the cycle of the heart, not the Buddha heart, Buddha mind blind faith, faith is the general said. Sincerely implemented in phases, that is pure heart, the heart of equality, Ching heart, compassion, heart is absolutely pure from pollution, prosperity, good fortune and decided to not lust, lust if you are polluted, you do not keep silent; adversity bad pratyaya no rage, a rage you did was contaminated. So where is your pure heart repair? Pure heart is nothing more than good times and bad, good fortune and bad pratyaya, where the first repair, in other words, good times or bad is your friendly knowledge of good and evil, are on the edge of their growth, without which good mentor, how can you repair to a clean heart? How do you know your heart is pure?
, all is to increase the upper edge, is the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of all is, all is good mentor, and we accomplished. If you can appreciate the meaning, you only really can understand and live in a world of gratitude, you will understand. In the realm of pure heart inside honed, equanimity is no exception, compete with a little a little heart, my good, you as me, which was uneven. To tell the truth, then of course you will not be pure injustice, really clean, the heart flat. Not only on the good man, the wicked, the animals, the hungry ghosts, and hell are created equal. Equal focus from where? From the law of all living beings have Buddha nature, if we focus on from the Buddha, the heart is not hard to equal, the sex is equal. Buddha said: See all sentient beings are Buddha, the Buddha, where he had to see? From the Buddha's point of view. Buddha see mountains and rivers the land, plants and trees are also Buddha, where he had to see? From the law of the point of view. With the Buddha Dharma is a sexual, not two, and so was that There are no world out there is a law is not the Tathagata Buddha said that Slovakia is now for me to make, help me become a Buddha, Buddha is to help to help me clean my card was equal enlightenment compassion, if you have this card you will complete ten words Buddha the. Therefore, we use the equality of all sentient beings to see the heart and decided not compete with heart.

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