Monday, October 25, 2010

American Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics

 (the Code in August 1996 by the American Association of Social Workers adopted by the Assembly in January 1997 implementation)


primary mission of the social work profession in the promotion of human well-being. To help meet their basic human needs of mankind, with particular attention to vulnerable groups, the oppressed and the needs of the poor and increase their strength. Historical tradition of social work and image orientation are focused on the promotion of social well-being of the individual and social well-being. The basis of social work is attention to those who have influence and life issues caused by environmental forces.

social workers, together with or on behalf of the client to promote social justice and social change. Social workers must be sensitive to cultural and ethnic diversity, and commitment to end discrimination, oppression, poverty and other forms of social injustice. These forms include: direct practice, community organization, supervision, consulting,UGG shoes, administrative, advocacy, social and political action, policy development and implementation, education, research and evaluation. Social workers seek to enhance the ability of people to express their own needs, but also to promote the pursuit of organizations, communities and other social institutions on individual needs and society's response to questions.

social work profession's mission based on a set of core values. The social work profession throughout the calendar for the social workers believe in the core values of social work's unique objectives and the basis for the development of the former:

. Service

. Social justice

. Personal dignity and worth of

. The importance of relationships

. Integrity

. Capacity

combination of these core values reflect the unique nature of the social work profession, core values and principles which must be derived from the human society with different and complexity of the environment.

NASW Code of Ethics The purpose of

professional ethics is the core of social work, professional obligation to explain its basic values, ethical principles and ethical standards. American Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics describes the values, principles and standards to guide the behavior of social workers. This Code and all social workers, social work students are concerned, not because of their professional functions, working with different agencies or services arising from differences in the object.

American Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics of the six main purpose:

1. Code to determine the mission of social work's core values are based.

2. Code of Practice outlines a wide range of ethical principles to reflect the core values of expertise and to establish a set of guiding ethical standards of social work practice.

3. Code of professional responsibility to help social workers have ethical conflict or in doubt as the relevant basis for thinking.

4. The Code provides to the public understanding of social work ethical standards of professional responsibility.

5. New Code of Practice to promote the socialization of social workers, to understand social work's mission, values, ethical principles and ethical standards.

6. The Code of Practice of the social work profession's own standards, to assess whether social workers act in violation of professional ethics. American Association of Social Workers has a standard procedure to determine complaints against their members. In signing this Code, social workers are required to meet its implementation, participate in NASW's decision process and to comply with any of the U.S. Association of Social Workers discipline, rules and sanctions.

when ethical issues arise, the Code provides a set of values, principles and standards to guide decisions and behavior. It is not a set of social workers on how to act in all situations the norms. Code applied to specific scenarios, we must consider the value of the background and codes of practice, principles and standards of the possibility of conflict between. Ethical responsibility from all of the relationships, including individual, family, social and professional relationships.

In addition, when the values, principles and standards conflict, the American Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics does not distinguish between what are the most important or what should be weighted. When the values, ethical principles and ethical standards of conflict between the social worker arranged for the priority, there may be reasonable differences. Ethical scenarios in a specific decision to rely on the full judgments of individual social workers, but also should consider the ethical standards of professional peer review process in what will be judged.

ethical decision making is a process. In many cases, social work, the complex ethical issues can be resolved with a simple answer. Social workers should carefully consider the Code and any appropriate ethical decision making scenarios relevant to all values, principles and standards. Choices and actions of social workers must be with the spirit of the Code is consistent with the text.

addition to the Code, there are many sources of information conducive to ethical reflection. Social workers generally should consider ethical theory and principles of social work theory and research, laws, rules, policies and other relevant organizations code of ethics and so on, and that in many ethical principles, the American Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics is a social workers first and foremost the source code of ethics. Social workers should also be aware of the main quarry of personal values, culture and religious beliefs, as well as practitioners of personal values, culture and religious beliefs impact on ethical decision making. Social workers should be aware of any conflict of personal and professional values, and be dealt with responsibly. When faced with ethical dilemmas, in order to seek more guidance, social workers should refer to professional ethics and ethical decision making of the relevant literature, finding the right counseling. These consultants include: institutions or social work organization's ethics committee, regulatory agencies, knowledgeable colleagues, supervisors, or legal advice. When the Association of Social Workers

ethical responsibilities and institutional policies, laws or regulations conflict, social workers to comply with this Code shall be the values, principles and standards of attitude, responsible commitment to resolve the conflict. If there is no reasonable solution to the conflict may be, social workers before making a decision should seek appropriate advice.

American Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics by the American Association of Social Workers and the individuals, institutions, organizations and units of use or as a reference framework. (Example: license and management committees, professional liability insurance providers, courts, board of directors (Management) Council, government agencies and other professional bodies, etc.) in violation of the Code does not automatically mean the standard should bear legal liability or illegal, only after Legal and judicial proceedings can be determined. Suspected violation of this Code should first be subjected to peer review process, the process usually is a separate legal or administrative process, but also with the distinction between legal review or proceedings to allow the profession to regulate its own members advice and.

Code of Ethics does not guarantee ethical behavior. Moreover, codes of ethics can not solve all the ethical issues and disputes, or covered to make responsible moral decisions within the scope of all the complex dimensions. Further, code of ethics set forth values, ethical principles and standards for reference purposes only professionals and judge its actions. Ethical behavior of social workers from their personal commitment into practical work ethic. American Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics reflects the values of all professional social workers to keep the promise. A high moral character, discernment of good and evil, sincere, reliable and ethical choice for people who will certainly make good use of these principles and standards.

ethical principles

following broad ethical principles are based on the core values of social work: service, social justice, individual dignity and worth of the importance of relationships, integrity and ability. These principles set all the social workers should pursue the ideal.

worth: Services

ethical principles: first and foremost the community of the goal is to help people in need and is committed to social problems.

should go beyond the personal interests of social workers to provide services to others. Social workers according to their expertise, value and technology to help people in need and is committed to social problems. Social workers are encouraged to not expect a considerable economic return, the voluntary sacrifice part of their professional skills (free service).

market value:

ethical principles of social justice: social workers to challenge social injustice

social workers pursue social change, in particular, collaboration and on behalf of the disadvantaged, by oppressed individuals and groups. Social workers in social change efforts should first focus on: poverty, unemployment, discrimination and other forms of social injustice. These activities seek to increase the oppression, cultural and ethnic diversity, sensitivity and knowledge. Social workers are committed to ensuring clients have access to necessary information, services, resources, equal opportunities, and meaningful participation in national decision-making.

value of three: the individual dignity and worth of

Ethical Principle: Social workers respect the inherent dignity and worth of individuals

care and social workers in a to treat each person to respect, concern for individual differences and cultural and ethnic diversity. Social workers promote social responsibility of the client for self-determination. Social workers seek to promote the client to express their needs and changes in self-ability and opportunity. Social workers to discover how the client and the dual responsibility of society at large. They seek to subject to professional values, ethical principles and ethical standards, the practice of social responsibility to address the case of the main interests and the conflict between the interests of society.

value of four: the importance of relationships

ethical principles: social workers should recognize the central importance of human relationships

social workers understand the interaction between The relationship is an important tool for change. Social workers play in helping the client process partnership role. Social workers in the efforts of a purpose to try to enhance relationships, to enhance, restore, maintain and promote individuals, families, social groups, organizations and community well-being.

value of five: integrity

ethical principles: the behavior of social workers should be trusted

social workers should always be clearly aware of the professional mission, values, ethical principles and ethical standards, and can pay is to the practice. Social workers with a sincere and responsible behavior, to perform their respective organizations, the practical work of ethical practice.

value of six: capacity

ethical principles: social workers in their professional capacity should be implemented within the business and enhance their professional skills

social workers should continue committed to increase their professional knowledge and skills, and applied to practical work, social workers should be encouraged by their professional knowledge base of

ethical standards contribute to the following ethical standards

with all professional activities of social workers have relations. These standards concern: (1) social workers ethical responsibility of the client; (2) social workers ethical responsibilities to colleagues; (3) organization of social workers in the practice of ethical responsibility; (4) social workers ethical responsibility as professionals; (5) social workers ethical responsibility of social work; and (6) social workers ethical responsibility to society at large.

Following these criteria, some of the guidelines on professional conduct mandatory, while others are expected to do. Each with a mandatory standard, the scale is by those responsible for violations of ethics events professional judgments made by the staff to grasp.

a social worker's ethical responsibility of the client

1.01 对 commitment to the client's primary responsibility of social workers is to promote the client's well-being. In general, the client's interests a top priority. However, social workers in the larger society or specific legal obligations, it may in some cases will replace the commitment of the client, and the client should be so informed. (Example: social workers were informed of the case law requires that the primary abuse of children, or had threatened to harm themselves or others.)


self-respect and social workers to promote the client's right to self- and assist the client try to identify and clarify their goals. Professional judgments of social workers,bailey UGG boots, when the client's actions or potential actions have serious, predictable and immediate risk of harm to themselves or others, the social workers can limit the client's self-determination.

1.03 informed consent

(a) Social workers should only be the case in the main appropriate and effective professional relationship informed consent to provide services within the scope, must be clear and understandable informed in a language the client: service objectives, service-related risks, arising from a third party payment service provision limits the relevant costs, reasonable alternatives, the client may refuse or withdraw consent rights, consent time frame. Social workers should be given to the client the opportunity to ask questions.

(b) If the police can not read or practice the main institutions of the basic language used is difficult to understand, social workers should take action to ensure the client's understanding. This may include: providing a detailed verbal description of the client. Or as far as possible qualified translators.

(c) If the client lacks the capacity of informed consent, social workers should seek the consent of third parties, and to the extent the client is able to understand the client informed in order to protect the client's interests. In this case, social workers are looking for a third party should be recognized is in the client's expectations and interests. Social workers should take the necessary steps to strengthen these cases the primary ability to provide informed consent.

(d) If the client is non-voluntary cases, social workers should provide the following information to the client, including the nature and content of services, client the right to refuse service range.

(e) If the social worker through the electronic media (such as: computer, telephone, radio and television) to provide services to service recipients should be informed of the limitations and risks of such services.

(f) Social workers should be in the recording, or allow third parties to watch the video before, get the client's informed consent.

1.04 capacity

(a) Social workers should be only in their education, training, licenses, certificates, suffered or supervisory experience consulting, and related professional experience range of services and to show themselves.

(b) when the social workers to provide services in the areas of independence,UGG boots cheap, or the use of new technology or orientation of the intervention should be a considerable learning, training, consulting, or accepted with the orientation of the experts involved in technical or supervisory can only be implemented.

(c) the generally accepted standard has not been established in the emerging field of practical work, social workers should be careful to judge and to take responsible steps (including: appropriate education, research, training, consulting and supervision ), to ensure that do the job, and to protect the client from harm.

1.05 Cultural Competence and Social multiple

(a) Social workers must understand the culture and of human behavior and social functions,cheap UGG boots, and recognize that there is strength in all cultures.

(b) Social workers should have the cultural background of knowledge of the client base and in the provision of services can show the sensitivity of the client culture, but also able to distinguish between different groups and different cultural groups .

(c) Social workers should be committed to understanding through education and the nature of social diversity, as well as race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, political belief, religion or disabilities and other issues.

1.06 a conflict of interest

(a) Social workers should be vigilant and to avoid affecting professional discretion and impartial judge, a conflict of interest. When the actual or potential conflict of interest occurs, the social worker should inform the client, and the interests of the client or as protection as a priority the best interests of the client's attitude, to take the necessary steps to resolve the dispute. In some cases, sometimes in order to protect the interests of the client must terminate the professional relationship and make the appropriate referral.

(b) Social workers should not be obtained from any unfair advantage in the professional relationship or exploit others to get personal, religious, political or commercial interests.

(c) Social workers should not be the case with the main existing or previous generation dual or multiple relationships, in order to avoid exploitation or potential harm to the client's risk. If is difficult to avoid dual or multiple relationships, social workers should take action to protect the client, and has the responsibility to set clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive boundaries. (When the social worker and the client have more than one kind of relationship, whether professional, social or business relationship, that is dual or multiple relationships. Dual or multiple relationships may occur simultaneously or one after another.)

(d) When social workers are related to each other two or more persons to provide services (for example: spouse, family member) must be clear to everyone who is the client, and explain the social workers of different nature of their professional duties. Social worker services in the face of a conflict of interest between objects, or must play the role of potential conflict (eg: social workers in child protection cases are required to testify in a dispute, or documented in the main proceedings for divorce card), social workers must give the person to clarify their role and take appropriate action to minimize any conflict of interest.

1.07 Privacy and Confidentiality

(a) Social workers should respect the client's privacy. Except for the provision of services or the social work evaluation or research is necessary, otherwise the client should not be lured out private information. Once out of the privacy provision of information, standards of confidentiality will spend.

(b) social worker to open the confidential information, the client must go through the consent of the exact, or through legally authorized agent of the client consent.

(c) unless compelled by professional reasons, or social worker must be acquired in the course of professional services, all information be kept confidential. Social workers should strictly confidential information, the general exceptions are as follows: to prevent the client or third party suffered a serious confirmation, predictable, and immediate harm, legal or regulatory requirements or disclosure without the client agrees . In any case, social workers should be open to the most necessary and achieve their goals with the least amount of confidential information, and only with the target can only be directly related to public exposure of information.

(d) Social workers should confidential information in public before, in the case may be, inform the client confidential information to the public and the possible results. Whether social workers should be the main case law requires the consent or disclosure of confidential information, should be the case.

(e) social worker and the client and other stakeholders to discuss the nature of confidentiality and privacy restrictions on the client. Social workers should discuss with the client confidential information under certain circumstances need to provide them, and when legally required to decrypt the client the possible consequences. This discussion should be in the social worker and client as soon as possible after the establishment of professional relationships, and, if necessary, in the professional relationship can be discussed in full.

(f) When social workers to families, couples or group counseling services, social workers should reach an agreement with the participants about the confidentiality rights of each member, and the others to share confidential information confidentiality obligations. Social workers must also be reminded to participate in family, couples or group counseling for members, social workers can not guarantee that all participants can follow their confidentiality agreement.

(g) Social workers should be informed to participate in family, couples, marriage or group counseling the client, the social workers, social workers, employers and agencies, in consultation with its members in public confidential information related policies.

(h) Social workers unless the client's authorization, can not disclose confidential consulting fees paid to third parties.

(i) unless the social worker can determine the right to privacy can be protected in any discussion or advice can not be confidential information. Social workers can not in public or semi-public places, such as: hall, reception room, elevators, and restaurants to discuss the consultation confidential.

(j) during the proceedings, social workers should remain within the scope permitted by law, protect the confidentiality of the client. If the client without the consent or disclose such confidential information and disclosure would hurt the quarry owners, even if this is the request of the court order or other legal representatives, social workers should also ask the court to withdraw the order, or as limited as possible command of the range, requires the maintenance of records are sealed, or the record will not be exposed in a public survey.

(k) in the face of the mass media, social workers should protect the client's privacy.

(l) Social workers should protect the client in writing, by electronic or other sensitive information. Social workers should take practical steps to ensure the client's record kept in a safe place, and to ensure that other unauthorized people can not access to these records.

(m) Social workers for the use of computers, e-mail, fax machines, telephones, telephone answering machines, and other electronic or computer technology to send confidential information, be taken to ensure their safety. Must avoid any possible leakage of information for identification.

(n) transfer and clean-up of social workers in the client record, should protect the privacy of the client should also be consistent with national laws and regulations and social workers license specifications.

(o) Social workers in the face of termination, suspension or death, should take practical precautions to protect client's privacy.

(p) for teaching and training of social workers to discuss the purpose of the Lord appearing in court, unless the client agreed to exposure of confidential information, can not disclose any identifying information available.

(q) Social workers are doing the main consultation and discussion appearing in court, unless the client's consent or mandatory requirements, can not disclose any identifying information available.

(r) even if the client died, social workers should also be consistent with the above standards to protect the client's privacy.

1.08 record close

(a) Social workers should provide a reasonable approximation of the main case on its own records. If the client in to see their records relating to, there may be a serious misunderstanding or harm, social workers should provide appropriate assistance to the client to explain or give advice. Only clear evidence that the client may cause serious injury to exceptional circumstances, social workers, can restrict the client to obtain all or part of the record. Lord of the file must be documented clearly documented record of the case subject to the requirements and restrictions on the case see the main view all or part of the reason for the information.

(b) When the client provides the client access to their records, social workers must take action to protect the records are mentioned or discussed in other people's privacy.

1.09 sex

(a) whether social workers can not, under any circumstances and the current voluntary consent of the client or the occurrence of forced sex or sexual contact.

(b) When the client has the risk of exploitation or potential harm, the social worker and the client can not be a relative or a close personal relationship between the client's sex or sexual contact with others. And client's family or the client have a close personal relationship or other sexual contact, sexual relations may harm the client, but also social workers and the client would be difficult to maintain appropriate inter-professional boundaries. Social workers should assume responsibility for all of the responsibility to establish a clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive boundaries of the relationship, rather than the client, the client's relatives, or with the client have a close personal relationship to bear this responsibility.

(c) Social workers and the former's case can not have sex or sexual contact, in order to avoid the potential to produce harm for the client. If the social worker's actions violated the ban, or claimed to be an exception under certain circumstances, it is a social worker rather than the client, should bear the full burden of proving that a previous case did not suffer the primary intention or unintentional exploitation, coercion or manipulation.

(d) Social workers had previously not have sexual relations with their personal clinical services provided. Of previous sexual partners are likely to provide clinical services to produce harm, and make between social workers and individuals to maintain appropriate professional boundaries is difficult.


physical contact physical contact if the results are likely to produce psychological harm the client (for example: hold arms or light caress the client), social workers should not be the case Lord have physical contact. Social worker and client have the appropriate physical contact, has the responsibility to set a clear, appropriate, and with cultural sensitivity to constraints similar to the limits of physical contact.


social workers, sexual harassment prohibited sexual harassment on the client. Sexual harassment include: sexual overtures, sexual temptation, sexual and other sexually asked the nature of verbal or physical contact.

1.12 defamatory language

social workers to communicate with the client or the client referred to in the text or language, should not use defamatory language. Social workers in all the main communication with the case or refer the client should use the correct and respectful language.

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