Friday, October 15, 2010

Into the first day when the city of Dengfeng

 This city and already can feel the mountain out of a strange combination of feelings. Dengfeng City, in the mountains south of the room too, standing anywhere in the city looked north, saw almost all very tall like a mountain, like the walls surround the northern sky, not only wide, but high, very straight, just like fifty-one last year down from the Wuyi Mountain peak travel days to see the kind of feeling climbed steeply. Looking to have this effect of the mountain, overlooking and would be like standing on top of it? Travels Before the Internet to see, in particular, so that room is worth a mountain to climb, because there will be a So, in the end what?

mountain board room too, a total of three lines. First, from the Songyue Temple, His Holiness the West line up behind the temple, and second, from the Songyang Academy polar hole up behind the center line, three up from the east Lu Cliff Falls. Lu Ya as far waterfall over there away from the city, so in order not to waste the good old days early in the morning the car in their way, we have chosen online from the City closer to the West Hill. Of course, the original plan was to put Songyang Academy swept the previous day, next day, leaving more time for hiking, but the first day of the Shaolin Temple on the road and are frustrating for too long, eventually only the Songyang Academy on the first be completed two days and mountain climbing. Songyang Kageyuki

Wansong College from Hangzhou, the monastery has been Wuyi Wuyi Mountain, over the years gradually such a some kind of college, stacking up more and more interest. Songyang Academy, speaking from the years when the Northern Wei Dynasty in the form of Songyang Temple, and the Five Dynasties and the Later Zhou Dynasty (AD 950 years) is too much room to the College, as early as ten years in the Southern Song Chun Xi (AD 1183) Wuyi monastery was established, earlier in the eleven years in the Ming Hongzhi (AD 1498) was rebuilt by the temple from the Wansong College. Thus, when the Songyang Academy in Northern Song Dynasty and Shangqiu should be days of College, Changsha Yuelu Academy, the Lushan known as the White Deer Hollow Academy of four, they do not what those two things.

However, because of too long, can not help future generations through a variety of catastrophe, from the gloom and doom, then preserved with Confucianism, and the book seems to fall on the cultural relics are not many, and have actually been some other non- Confucianism, non-book things snatched the limelight. College entrance piece for example, Tang Tianbao (Emperor Li Longji's reign) the establishment of the monument, the one about how the heavy and tall hat with a large monument erected in the story, In the end, or be added in the construction industry in ancient China who could do anything, in many places across the body as many times Luban. The people of Lubanga, but also like on the Guan Gong, and Bao.

be as precious rarities, it is that two thousand Cooper, of course, but also missed some magical legend. Legend is one line to add to the fun of the conversation here, but the idea is still the cypress grow their stalwart, although an old, but still full of vitality, completely fail to see is 4500 years old. Today, it has become a business card Songyang Academy, the visible symbol.

unique and Confucianism, and book-related, is a place known as However, it is regrettable that, come back to check, contains the history Song County, Luoyang has the following built a two-way hometown, saying the pupil showing reverence for his master is in over there. Combination of historical judgments, it seems Songxian Li Xue Li Xue be ideal than the number of Dengfeng.

but not very important, so future generations to struggle to compete with the tourism resources of interest of course related, but how much of the story also shows that included recognition of the positive connotation. Respect for knowledge, respect for teachers, is always a virtue should not be abandoned, as in Songyang Academy Wansong College and saw the plaque on the gate, Despite the physical destruction of the College building destroyed and another building, but the spirit of the invisible, like Cooper has been to shift as the sinking will survive years Evergreen. His Holiness asked

out of the Songyang Academy, to the west line of His Holiness Temple mountain road some distance, but it is very easy to find outside the College with a passenger van to go there. Cars north west, has been at the foot of the monastery, the monastery in the open, the road will go through a geological museum, will then be in a big arch forks in the road, to the left is the earliest existing Miyan Shi has a brick tower of the Songyue Temple the right is His Holiness Temple. If the first day of the sweep can Songyang Academy, which Songyue Temple trip the next morning we would have been included, but this time only rounding.

(Songshan on Songyue Temple and other temples around the other, insert a wjn road book ad 8E1A470B636E0! 1055.entry)

(and its pavilion on the Miyan Shi tower tower , as seen last year in the Small Wild Goose Pagoda just insert an image of the ad himself. aspx /% E5% 85% AB% E5% 8A% 9E% C2% B7% E5% B0% 8F% E9% 9B% 81% E5% A1% 94/IMG% 5E_4279.jpg)

route up the mountain from the more recent, which we take care Songyue Temple and the Temple of the first king of the reasons, of course, many other. For example, the latter is not only one of the earliest Buddhist temples, only 3 years later than the White Horse Temple, the Buddha's tooth relic was found. In addition, Temple is also known as His Holiness is the Jizo Mountain in nine of the second temple outside, so in the middle of the temple also has a main hall to possession of the house.

because in the past and the new capital Baoguang Temple in Baoji Famen have seen something related with the relic, so I have some of the king of the temple, visiting the slack, absent-minded. Bring two people interested in the pot on the 3-year-old Xiaoshuai and 4-year-old dispute. (Insert a story ad .aspx / Kids / IMG% 5E_3% E5% B2% 814% E5% B2% 81% g)

wjn is closer to the elderly, to see the yard there are several The old man put out a table, the name of a sign that read This form, the day before I met at the Zhong Yuemiao to, but did not get in touch. Although fully believed to be free, beautifully shy, but just worry that their body bone to the elderly, is unlikely to make them all like a normal guide, as always accompanied the visitors to go round and round turn. Sure, they are actually This time we talked about this ancient, a few treasure the past, a section of road over gossip. Mouth rumor, but also opened an internal study of the book they give us eleven identified. Side, there are a record of Aunt doing in earnest, about a certain period of three people a day to explain the work of a certain content of the log.

elderly people so dedicated,UGG boots clearance, we can not bear to Funi, and that there are some Baidu does not gossip, such as during the reign of an organization are not core to Dengfeng, Luoyang, can not come, only to step down after the Since only. Among the gossip in this enthusiasm, it means the clock to twelve at once ... ... I was also thinking about the top twelve on the ... ... Junji Dengfeng

Thus, even if the elderly there is a Mengliao stomach, to our list of small hills of the plan, or to take leave of the.

His Holiness Temple from the western side of the mountains may be the most popular three lines of a relative, and we see down this road who seems to have more people than the climb up. Although less popular, but that is mature development area, not be as simple Qingliangfeng rugged piece of the mountain, most are brick paved road, rail security. There is such a good road, we could see silver-haired, about eighty-nine ten year-old woman, while at the foot of quivering, but also slowly,bailey UGG boots, basically just relying on their own, independent walking. This healthy and strong, it can boost the morale of our young people, since they feel that again asked, climb down, what is difficult for us.

which can be seen from the map, as a starting point of His Holiness Temple, it is already too deep probe into the chamber inside the mountain. Thus, it is basically a line straight down the cliff on the And with a month ago Qingliangfeng desperate slope suffered, presumably Uncle Wang climbing this section of track is easy pleasure. 'd Fiona shoes petite figure with its light, the idea has never lagged behind those of us male. Linked to the Qingliangfeng on the same small West China, could not help but I want to come to the quality of small, less acting, more easy to judge. Of course, the same assumptions, a month ago, Uncle Wang also mentioned that he could not understand was very puzzled West China could run so fast, but today saw the second sample, it is estimated only confessed.

soaring in all the way, can have sweeping views along the way some geological wonders. For example, His Holiness will be able to see the temple, and may be due to some faults and the resulting Looking west, it is such a look -

fold formation also very typical, after all, the official name of this route, called Songshan National Geopark -

spent about two and a half hours in 2:30 or so, finally reached the very top of Mount Room - Junji peak.

list of small hills, there are two indispensable conditions, first, the relative peak height with the surrounding area, and second, the open degree of the surrounding area. Thus, while the head of Taishan Yuhuangding only 1545.6 meters, ranked only third among the five mountains, less than Qingliangfeng, but because it is surrounded by an average elevation of only one or two meters, and very open Qilu plain, so people registered to the top of the hill is very easy to Songshan Junji peak situation is similar, although it is only 1491.73 meters tall, but in vein as the Qinling Mountains in the east of barberry, is already a junction point of mountains and plains, following an average elevation of Dengfeng City Only three or four meters, and thus produce the effect of such a small world.

Junji relatively flat topography of the summit, several temples spread along the layers of mountains. A Goddess in the bottom side of the temple there was a lady bowed, while very sad to cry, and I do not know whether to be a big accident at home. The top of the temple but also for the days of Lord Dear Mao Yeye, which was the only thing I know the hill a few big temple of God. Lord Temple on this day, eat something, there are very icy cold jelly. We all thought it was out from the refrigerator, but very sure that the owner of Fiona's shoes in the house do not have electrical appliances, is completely natural state. Moreover, it is important that something is not expensive, than sell cheaper on the train. How much benefit from this close away from the city, the other may be good to go way up the mountain, the last naturally also with the development of small, few visitors, demand is not related to Sheng.

full meal full of water, the elderly but also trapped the king to take a nap, but actually feel the afternoon. Then Junji landmark at the peak, finally discharged him,UGGs, and left a photo of eggplant, this ready to down the mountain, this time is 16:30 a. Lu

Junji peak to the plane falls from the cliff than to the King Temple is far more, which means the way down the Eastern Front, not only to far.

but still a long way in front of the ridge, Peach, gentle breeze Cantabile, Fei different patterns, like the Great Wall of winding mountain road. I do not remember when was the last time, or ever had, like enjoying a sunset. I think everyone is very intoxicated, because down from a downhill, everyone can not help but sing and dance, dance with ... ...

sunset is magnificent, it is almost evening, this scene certainly makes nostalgia, but the pace was not too much idle time, or can not drive down the mountain before dark. Of course, there is more anxious than we. In the case of one pair just halfway up the mountain from the side to the young lovers. When asked about the way we go Junji peak and time, not help but feel worried. But I immediately said: , is really easy to cheat ah ... ...

Since then, successively passing through a weather station, a village, at 7 o'clock to reach a dam. To see the water, they also know from the legendary Lu Cliff Falls is not far away. Is from here, the terrain dips, no longer the number of

was getting dark, we continue to underground the line through the thin strip of sky, close to Lu Ya waterfall. Lu Cliff Falls is a long, slightly curved inward contraction of the cliff waterfalls. Hill Road, right in the middle of the waterfall, close to the cliff across the indentation. People walk through this, like the general into the Waterfall Cave. Only, light is dim, and the time constraints, has not let us leave any photos. If the day passed, especially in summer when the water large should also have a very good impression. But this is life, you can not get all the time, there must be something to care, If we had several hours to reach here, of course, to see beautiful waterfalls, but they can not enjoy the sunset of the Peak. If you want to experience, then pay some more, more to several times.

down after falls from the cliffs Lu, Uncle Wang and a few dogs have been some small dispute, both sides have big voices, which eventually led away by their parents each become a wonderful trip last episode.

completely out of the area, it is already more than 8 points. Start so late is also concerned that will not ride into town. There are a good few more van results posted on the door and stood in front of a driver call on us, and we follow them, but went straight on the top of a car parked, but not the driver of the car. It seems, is the front man standing, or the front car was also pondering they should take a marketing proposition. Special Request

accompanied Uncle Wang's energetic music, happy to roll back to the city, climbing after the hot pot, hot pot of ice cold beer and cola, and almost become a norm in the washes, are pleasure ~ ~ Attachment: Dengfeng Travel Tips

general to Dengfeng, without the special interests, hobbies, nature must first ensure that the most famous of several places, such as Shaolin Temple Songyang Academy, Zhongyue Miao, mountain and Pacific Room With a list of small hills of Junji Peak, and Fei Lu cliffs three thousand feet waterfall, but also not to be missed. Therefore, the trip can be the backbone to put up four places, all over here, half a day is enough. While taking into account the Shaoshi Shan Shaolin Temple in the west, farther away from the other three are to be arranged in that half-day in a separate. Thus, one and a half trip proposal -

D1: Songyang Academy - Room Mountain Junji peak too - Lou Cliff Falls - Zhong Yuemiao

D2 (day): Shaolin < br>
chose to climb from the Songyang Academy, is because the journey up the mountain side closer to people faster and climb, and will not produce the total can not see the first of fatigue, while the evening falls back from the cliff Lu You can also look into the distance at the Zhong Yuemiao sunset. Lu is the first out if Cliff Falls,UGG shoes, on the mountain is too long, and my heart will feel full of hard, but the evening to the Songyang Academy, will be as close to here from the mountains, may not see a good sunset.

the Shaolin Temple's half-day, you can also consider the proposal with the previous half-day White Horse Temple in Luoyang, combined -

if coming from the direction of Luoyang, the morning of the White Horse Temple, Shaolin Temple afternoon (evening can Shaolin's ceremony to see nearby), next mountain to climb too room around;

if the trip started from Dengfeng, you can turn the implementation of the morning Shaolin Temple, White Horse Temple in the afternoon.

if there are two day stay in Dengfeng, it can go more places, except for too much room to climb the mountain one day, another day to the Shaolin Temple, and relatively close to the west of Wing Tai Temple, the Temple will be good , Songyue Temple, His Holiness Temple all the way to a clean sweep in the evening of Shaolin's ceremony. (Again, around Songshan Temple Road into wjn book ads 8E1A470B636E0! 1055.entry)

If you have three days? ? ? When I did not say it, love how frustrating to how frustrating it.

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