Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Love, to a price it

 If love can be and vegetable market, like those of pounds of vegetables, said the two, as measured by the price, you set how much money would it?
Remember one magazine said, in fact, love is not worth the money, also a hair. How is a hair of it, too cheap, right? really exciting is that the original interpretation of it. A thoughtful points, one point for a sub-ten care ...... also a hair out together. text had in mind unclear, but the article was read for a while really touched me.
up for work the morning, he saw an elderly couple crossing the street, the old lady and helped his wife's arm, walking in his wife's the left. was a little strange, boys generally do not walk in the girls are left? so deliberately observed, the old woman's husband had very good legs and feet, the time would have some difficulty walking. his eyes moist at the time .. ..
so if a person can walk with my old. two people walk together after dinner, that the more happiness.
finally be able to support a marriage is the love? love of these young men and women of our fear of it is already tarnished the concept.
booming fast-food of love, our eyes have long confused. In temptation, men and women, in fact, the same vulnerability.
read more emotional posts, together with their own experiences and friends to do things. I'm not sure we have more love to find out what it is like.
love happens to be found the most unreasonable, but why it most is complex. It was for its students, its dead, really want to open, and it so happened, however, who would leave this world who can not live? point of their own that is really good.
by What most women obviously have very virtuous, very good, and men still do not know enough total, even after the change of heart to find a bunch of reasons to stall the value of your love ...
some money?
love ? you give me a price right.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Burst strength, more than 100 large collection of classic joke! (Rpm)

 1: Once a man fishing, caught a squid only.
Squid ask him: Do you let me go, do not I eat ah roast.
Man said: Yes, I ask you to consider a few question it.
very happy squid said: You test it you test it!
and then the man put the squid to bake ..
2: I have too schizophrenic, but now we have recovered.
3: A student in the U.S. driving test, turn left in front of signs suggest that he was not sure, ask the examiner:
br> hh then hung up ..
4: One day, 5th Floor, mung bean jumped from suicide, a lot of blood flow into the red beans; has been festering, he is a soybean; wound end up with scars, and finally into the black beans.
5: Small sensible hair, next to the school, the students see his new hairstyle, smiles: Xiao-Ming, your head like a kite Oh-type! Xiao Ming feel wronged, to go out crying. I cried myself ~ he flew up hhhh
6: personal long as onions, walked wept hh.
7: Little Penguin one day asked his grandmother, Grandma Grandma, I'm not a penguin ah? ; Yes ah, ah you are a penguin, how is it? > wedding day h
a corn corn h
find another asked beside the popcorn corn: the corn you see our family do?
popcorn: Dear, people wearing Wedding of the Well hh.
9: music class, the teacher playing a Beethoven tune
Xiao Hua Xiao Ming asked: ;
Xiao Ming: raise the dead, the living What?
A: Jiaojiu Ming 2!
11: Question: cloth and paper afraid?
answer: cloth afraid of ten thousand, the paper just in case.
reasons: not (cloth) afraid of ten thousand, only the (paper) just in case.
12: One day a lady sat down midway car h
not know the way her mother had h.
mother said with a stick to hit the driver ass : Which?
Driver: This is my ass h..
13: an egg cup of tea to the tea, the results it became boiled eggs; an egg run the Songhua River to swim, the results it becomes the egg; have eggs went to a Shandong, turned into a Lu (halogen) eggs; an egg become homeless, it becomes a wild eggs; an egg on the way careful not to fall, fall in on the ground, turned into a missile; an egg go to the yard of the family, turned into a bomb; an egg go to the Tibetan Plateau, the results become a hydrogen bomb; an egg is sick, turned into a villain; an egg married, turned into a jerk; an egg go swimming in the river, turned into a nuclear bomb; an egg go to the flowers gone, turned into a Hua Dan; an egg riding a horse, holding a knife, that he is Peking Opera Blues; an egg or female, long ugly, the result becomes a dinosaur egg; an egg is male, his wife and the other eggs out adultery, and he became a son of a bitch ; an egg hh
14: host asked: Will the cat climb? eagle Responder: Yes! Moderator: examples! eagle tears: That year, I was fast asleep, the cat climbed a tree h later on With owl h
15: both feces shell dragonfly the welfare lottery, A said: I want to put in a radius of 50 miles award to buy down the toilet, eat your fill! B said: You Ah Tai Su a ! If I won the lottery to bag a living, eat fresh!
16: why the chicken cross the street
answer to get another side
17: A: That man is doing? < br> B: He was shaking.
A: Why did he want to shake it?
B: Yes he was cold.
A: Oh, not cold-drawn shivering.
A: hh < br> 18: Mr. Banana and his girlfriend have a date, walking down the street, the weather was hot, took off her clothes, Mr. Banana, after his girlfriend fell down hhh
19: a sausage is Off
feeling cold in the fridge, and then looked at the other side of the root, with the point of comfort, saying: ; I'm sorry, I'm popsicle. > 21: This diver is very difficult moves, he made a swivel for three weeks then take a half forward somersault backflip three weeks a month.
22: MM University of got lost looking for. met a gentle professor .
MM: May I ask, how can I go to college?
Professor: Only work hard in school, be above University.
23: Secretary and Chief of pooling the elevator, after the Secretary released a fart Chief said: You fart! chief said: I did not put the h soon be removed from office Chief Secretary said at the meeting: fart great things you can not afford to be magnanimous, to what you use?
24: Question: Now the business is not good doing it!
boss: Why?
Miss: , just graduated, did not find work, really do not have the money hh , I assure you, Allah will not grab one of us! Honey, you have a good lazy Yo, what with which to wash hh on the begging.
a drunk man walked by, that his poor, threw him a hundred dollars.
walking a few drunk one turned around to see the blind man to distinguish the sun goes big hundred copy of the true and false.
drunk over snatched the money back: I am looking for a friend in this, and he was blind, the toilet, but in fact I was dumb. Akira walked hh
28: Avian influenza mm are . know why Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit you?
AB: I do not know!
C: Because Adam did not smoke! (Hint: homonym of a word)
30: someone had just been abandoned by his girlfriend, happened in the street caught flirting with former girlfriend and the new love, he imagined gas, to humiliate them about. Then came forward politely greeted, and was contemptuously new love of his girlfriend, said: ! It felt like the People's Daily mm as real hh
32: just look at the top of the line of duty on the computer screen has a scroll bar things like news, the text above passes very quickly.
even curious to ask: This is the lyrics you?
Sister: Yeah!
Line of Duty: how flies so fast? no see!
Line of Duty: Jay!!
33: Wife: I really stepped on the dog blind feces will marry you.
Husband: I was really blind will marry you step on dog feces.
dog feces: Oh my good luck! lay there have been two of you to step on .. ....< br> 34: Chemical Examination Question: A and B can be transformed into each other, B in the boiling water can generate C, C in the air oxidation of D, D has the smell of rotten eggs, and asked A, B, C, D What the?
I A: A is the chicken, B is the raw eggs, C is a cooked egg, D rotten eggs of course, friends!
35: rubber, skins, lion's skin which the worst? < br> A: rubber.
because the eraser (rubber poor).
36: Q: 3 What is a foot tall thing???
answer: 3 foot tall monster!! !!!!< br> 37: ants go to the desert, and why the sand did not leave his footprints, leaving only a line on the road?
answer: because it is the bicycle!
ants back from the desert home, he did not tell anyone, but his family knew he was coming back! Why ah!
Answer: see his bike parked downstairs hh.
38: One day a woman was caught for drug use police, police saw her hand tattoos and asked her what are you doing to your boyfriend's name tattooed hands, he called the Little good is not h ah .. is not. quickly said that he had .. h. A drug that is not fast addict
looked up I saw that woman with the angry eyes of the police said

This is hate Rights h.
40: One day, Mel and her boyfriend driving out for a drive,
car almost out of gas, just next to a gas station, opened in the past, when a sudden gust of her boyfriend's hat blown off.
small beautiful boyfriend said to her:
through the woods, accidentally taken to a gibbon droppings,
kind of apes the apes cleaned differentiate.
But soon they fell in love, someone asked how did you come together?
gorilla said : Dead fat ..
43: There was a duck called the Little Yellow, one day it hit by a car when crossing the road a bit and yelled: : There is a penguin, polar bear away from his family home and far, and if by taking the case, have to go to get to 20 years. One day, the penguins stay at home, especially bored, ready to go polar bear to play, and he went out, but walked the road half the time found myself to forget to lock the door, which had gone for 10 years, but still have to lock the door, ah, then go home to penguins and locked the door. lock the door after the Penguins went off again polar bear, mean that he spent 40 years to the polar bears and penguins to their home hh door, said: Home play ~ more bun ah? ;
46: Little said: color.
48: a man, his stomach is not good. One day, he came to stomach the hospital, the doctor said: the like, said to him: it? pull down, pull finished, on the polar bear said: !
A: eat a vegetable!
52: two sausages in the fridge, over a long time,
a bit of a shake with the sausage, wow! cold ah ~!
very surprised the other sausages to say, hey? how can you say sausage?
53: One day,
Bucks have only run faster and faster,
went to the last,
it becomes a high-speed Bucks
54: One day, a teacher took a group of adopted children to the mountains of fruit,
she announced that: children ran to pick fruits of.
set the time comes, all the children are gathered.
teacher: Apple, because I picked the apples. Xiao Ming stood up but silent.
Teacher: Xiao-Ming?
Teacher: Xiao-Ming??
Teacher: Xiao-Ming! you how ah? you know the answer in the end ah? anyhow Zhiyi Sheng ah! < br> Xiaoming: squeak ~
56: elephant asked the camel: l how long your Mimi in the back? r
camel, said: l die away, I do not and the penis with a long face what speech!
57: How to drink larger cups?
read the Great Compassion Mantra
58: Xiao Ming: A few degrees today?
Xiaohua: minus 3 degrees Ah!
Xiao Ming: No wonder so cold
59: A little boy came home from school through the window and get a glimpse of a woman lying in bed wild man rubbing my chest, I shouted to a man!
little boy again the next day that woman from the window out of date lay a man,
the little boy went home and cried in bed mad rubbing my chest I want to bike to bike!
60: Once upon a bird,
him every day through a corn field ,
but unfortunately,
patch of corn field one day, a fire,
have become all the corn popcorn!!!
after the bird in the past ..... .
that snow, cold in death ...
61: that there is a polar bear, because the snow was too harsh, and have to wear dark glasses to see things,
but he can not find sunglasses So crawling around on the ground looking eyes closed, goes up and up Yeah, the hands and feet dirty crawl to find sunglasses. wear sunglasses, mirror a photo, and found: Oh, I was a pandas.
62: science class the teacher asked: Why is a cold body after death?
no answer.
teacher asked: no one know?
At this time, there is a student stood up and said: That is because �ľ���Ȼy.
63: Xiao Ming in a car accident lost a leg,
Xiao Ming in a car accident and lost a leg,
clearly lost the small car accident again His other leg,
small out in a car accident and lost his leg,
fact Xiao Ming is a dog.
64: One day, A, B, C three people go out and walk on hang around for a long time on the road.
A later said,'m bored, I want to play B.
then C saw A look, put the B onto the alley to go play.
65: Three The first rabbit only just pull shit
second only long ball of the triangle is actually the third
ask it: I Yong Shounie the
66 : When will Taiwan want reunification?
buy instant noodles when
67: One day Xiao Qiang asked his father: : see Xiao Ming hit his dog, was unhappy to say: beat the dog to see the owner, heard of you?
when Xiao Ming said: good! I watched you and your dog while playing .
69: Bugs: flowers, do you do with my pencil?
flowers: No, I did not use.
Bugs: You're useless?
flowers: I'm useless !
Bugs: Well, you are useless in 17 people admit to a
70: ants after falling off from the Himalayas is how to die?
answer: starvation. floating down because too light ~ So take a long time h
80: Why do dogs get smaller?
A: Because it is farther and farther.
81: Once there was a horse! it ran ran forward to fall into the sea.
Therefore, it becomes a the river. Later, he became car to run over several units, making him appear a good few black stripes.
a result, it becomes came to a factory, the result is transformed into children spared, no horse has become a world hh
Then, a group of people could not help but after reading this joke to say: The joke, it was compiled into a class, we call it Tomorrow we must also, otherwise hh, chopped off two fingers;
acquired, then hh, in cutting the four; the first 3 days, then hh
Xiao Ming: Is it not also the people who
banks: NO , to the time you become a little jingle.
83: a personal encounter God
day is good when God suddenly going to give that person a wish
God asked: Do you have any desire to do?
The man then said: I heard that cats have nine lives, then please give me 9 Mania now!
God said: Your desire to achieve slightly!
day, that person stand idly by ,
want to die a death anyway, 9 Mania Well
to lay the tracks,
results of a train in the past,
the man was dead.
this Why is it?
because that station has 10 train cars.
84: a guy to the hospital to be examined, and has done a lot of testing.
doctor said: There is good news and bad news! see have your test results, I find that you have potential homosexual tendencies!! and difficult to cure!
this guy said: Oh my God! good news that it?
doctors shy to say: I found you quite lovely yeah
85: a hunter with his dogs to hunt for a slip of the day in the woods are not prey.
dark, not willing, he just kept on riding in the woods turn,
Ma suddenly said: l you do not give me a break, think I'm exhausted ah!? r
shocked to hear the hunter immediately roll down from the horse, pulling dogs to run away, ran to a lesson panting under a tree, the dog patted his chest and said to him: l scared me, actually talking horse! r
so hunters spot was scared to death
86: wolves, tigers and lions who must play the game will be eliminated? Wolf
because: Momotaro (out of the wolf)
87: A day pick a mirror facing the mirror of the talk about the importance; this good side of people familiar ah
B said; is not it? I see (taking the mirror), I ah! I do not know you, ah?
88: A tomato and tomato B to go shopping.
B Q A: Where are we going?
A does not answer .
B asked: Where are we going?
A or no answer.
B asked again.
turned on Tomato Tomato A B said: We are not tomatoes come from? why we will be talking to?
89: Once there was a white and a black cat white cat

cat fell into the water to save it up
white said something to the black cat
`` Q: What does?
small big question: Big Brother, why do we eat shit every day?
big wrote: Do not say when to eat something so disgusting!!
92: Cao Chuan Lu in
Su: ;
93: A monkey eating peanuts before going into the bottom a chance to eat first.
this manager explained: It has been fed peaches,
results Peach not pull out, scared monkeys fear, and now we must eat a good amount.
94: peripheral hospitals to prevent the escape of 100 patients, two patients still want to escape the mental hospital.
effort over the wall in the beating in the darkness. to 30 of the wall Next,
What? the
suddenly was electric fish in the stream, the four boys were electrocuted to! guess an electrical appliance.
Con: ah .... do not know Jesus ~
Xiao Ming: The answer is TV
small Luo: Dad, why do we have a long woolen?
Camel Dad: Because the desert wind, we have relied on block wind and sand, we will see ah!
small Luo : Daddy, why do we have a thick hoof?
Camel Dad: Because the desert is sand, so that we stabilize ah!
small Luo: Dad, the last question, then we doing it in the zoo?
97: hen incubates the eggs, have an egg from its ass drilled out
hen: smelly hh br> 99: My girlfriend invited me to her house to watch movies. to her home after,
pen she wrote on the wall film r l word,
watch the two of us to sit on the toilet up.
100: a morning, to a known tough Executive Morning soldier asked: What do you unsteadily? Great you have bread?
she said yes, wedding night, the man cried, My God, Want Want a small bread
102: Little said: him: China, white dream Allen, green dream conditioner.
Patient: I go all the dose?
Doctor: You can see Leslie.
104: there is a bun was crossing the road, The results are not careful flattened by a truck, when it looked at his dying body,
it said: Who is the idiot day?
A: Japanese
106: where a nun to the priest confessor: What you call him? The. . priests nuns touch down):
Teresa: br> Father: Do you know Sanyi home address? came a peddler, greedy fishing husband would like some money, let Shining wife put some rice inside forgetful grass, said: Of course, the burden of his! You fool! also said that the Spirit does the grass, but he did not even forget his own load! Shining living room looking up chaos.
forehead suddenly his wife a beat: bride first night, the groom not very good at, and thus will not move into the penis. woman moaning, saying: Oh well, empty pain! Yi Men conscience
a prostitute standing, see a guest over, pull people nailing, appropriate door upstairs, the window see the two aunts, Mrs. Kou asked: wanted him to have sex, even for a moment when finished, prostitutes pay cut to take PCT folder of arbitrage, sighed and said: that can not let a man into her room, because my mother would worry. Three days later, her daughter reported the long-distance calls her life. asked.

Monday, December 27, 2010

2007, 100 domestic and international technology hotspots Review (II) 1

 2007, 100 domestic and international technology hotspots Review (II)
Chen Guangren
summary based on the overall scientific and technical activities throughout the year 2007, from the scientific, social, historical, cultural, interesting, news and the angle, choose the 100 domestic and significant progress in science and technology, projects, activities or events, to demonstrate the endless frontier of science and technology developments and colorful history of the scene.
Key words science and technology; research activities; scientific and technological progress; Technology N1 Events
CLC Document code A Article ID 1000-7857 (2008) 04-0026-15
) , the most dynamic cultural achievements, which constitute our universe and the various beliefs and attitudes of human beings all one of the most powerful forces. But science is not isolated in the ivory tower to the development of cold, excited by the scientific curiosity interest has always been the main driver of technological development, and science and history, culture and more excited each card shows the interest of science.
1.1 Haug and other research centers in China under the Martha Lake Huguangyan Leizhou drawn from the analysis of sediment winter monsoon proxy paleoclimate data that caused the decline of the Tang Dynasty between AD 700-900 lead to long-term increase in winter monsoon drought Weather causes. National Climate Centre second-class chief scientist Zhang China 36 750 according to historical climate records, calculated that in the past
2 000-year moisture index data series, indicating that China has between 700-900 AD, cold winter (ie strong winds in winter) is basically associated with the wet summer, dry periods and wet climate presents alternate periods, and before the Tang dynasty in the last 30 years is not the rainy periods of drought periods. The result of falsification of the Tang dynasty in the arid climate of the thesis, also called in a scale of -10 in winter and summer monsoon intensity was ; natural enemies sodium lithium boron silicate, which is the popular science fiction since the 1935 comic book Luther rely stolen from the Metropolitan Museum of kryptonite weakens Superman's forces to defeat Superman. and the movie describes the difference is not real large green crystals of krypton ore, but the white powder-like substance; it is not fluoride, is not with radiation. newly discovered mineral is named Gold particles draw the sun image
IBM Corporation researchers have created the world's smallest works of art with 20,000 mm gold particles drawn sun images (Figure 2). solar image taken from a piece of 17th century ARCHINEER painted gold symbols. researchers to etching, the desired location directly on the particles, and with each tablet of gold particles 60 nm in diameter silicon wafers fabricated in the picture. It works on the accuracy achieved break, indicating that AMD can produce sensors, lenses, nano-circuit of wires needed and used to track the subtle signs of a disease [4]. Georgia Institute of Technology researchers silicon atomic force microscope probe heat, and let thin polymer membrane their ; carved 0.5 mm2 of silicon on a carved more than 30 million words of the Hebrew the naked eye can not see the Great Wall, and only up to a certain spatial resolution satellite remote sensing images to get the Great Wall. the human visual perception from the light, color vision to the case in excellent condition, ordinary people can see objects the size of 10 m, forming flat The remote sensing techniques can be human visual function. Chinese-American astronaut Chiao photographed from space, the Great Wall with a digital camera image, the U.S. aerospace museum remote sensing images can show the Great Wall or other appropriate surface material [7].
1.5 Lei Huofu Castle Ruins excavated 30 years ago, 3 000 full hives, proved that in the records where the flood occurred. According to deep-sea samples collected and found that the flood had exceeded the natural barrier, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea was separated from inland lakes, the flood very quickly, and the Israeli land area equivalent to 4, the surviving The fishing vessel is already invented [9]. University of Exeter, said scientists at the University of Wollongong in Australia, dating back 8740-8160 years, the North American Laurentide ice sheet melting of Germany, the Mediterranean sea-level rise caused by 1.4 m , about 1 120 km2 of land along the flooded; the Black Sea is salt water inundation, 72 700 km2 of land were flooded, this period lasted about 34 years; causing 145,000 farmers moved west. This event may be a Noah's Ark to save the human story of the origin [10].
search for origin of life, the European Space Agency September 14, 2007 launch unmanned Foton M3 conducted 43 experiments, 26 September in Kazakhstan Stan successful landing (Figure 3). a spaceship attached to the outside by the lake sediments 400 million years ago the rock formed in some biological compounds have survived, indicating that the simple organisms to reach the Earth by meteorites possibility exists [ ,],[. Russia, Germany, Australia, the science team used computer models of molecular dynamics simulations show that inorganic particles can evolve [13]. University of Arizona research team used a radio telescope to red supergiant star VY Canis outer layers of gas observed found traces of a variety of complex molecules that form the original molecule of life may come from stars [14-15]. University of California, Santa Barbara Helen. Hansi Ma believes that the enclosed space between the thin layer of mica may be the birthplace of the first biological molecules [16]. Cardiff University's Charles Ende La so that human life originated in comets, and later it spread in the galaxies, and finally to the most livable planet [17]. Denmark University of Copenhagen Escobar. Weller Oxley and other found a frozen, has survived the harsh environment nearly 50 years old live bacteria, the oldest ever found of living organisms on Mars will help the possibility of life on the [18]. Saint Louis University Titmouse. Caskey found that 14.3 billion years ago, such as deep-sea microbial fossils of ancient bacteria in their immediate surroundings, indicating that early Earth life may have originated in the deep sea of the addicted Hot microorganisms [19].
1.7 1 million years ago fossil proof of Jiuquan butterfly was Butterfly before (Figure 4), dragonflies and other insects, fossils, the fossils length, width 7 ~ 8 cm, a complete wings, head, chest and tail, very clear lines on the wings, hidden in the back some 110 million to 1.3 million years ago the rivers and lakes in sedimentary strata. slim, lightweight body butterflies, dragonflies and other flying insects is difficult to form a fossil, the findings indicate that it is very suitable for biological Jiuquan survival was warm and humid climate. The fossils of the study insect origin, evolution, evolution and the study of ancient geography and ancient environment of the ancient climate, changes in the interpretation of ancient ecology of great value [20-21].
1.8 dating back 500 million years old jellyfish fossil
Kansas University of Bo Lien. Cartwright, etc. found in Utah than 500 million years ago, the oldest jellyfish fossils (Fig. 5). As a very fine save in the sandy sediments, showing a piece of old jellyfish fossil rich detail, you can see only 500 million years ago, the bell-shaped jellyfish shape, slender tentacles, muscle scar structure, and even female. It is very rare, because the jellyfish and other mollusks died easily biodegradable, and most of preserved fossil jellyfish coarse sandy sediments are formed, the shape is often quite vague. so far have been found in the Cambrian period of 4 different jellyfish, this fossil dating back 540 million years for the study population outbreak of the Cambrian period of rapid diversity and evolution of species provides an important line
cable [22].
1.9 serial swallowed fossils found Kerry
Witte and other German scientists accidentally discovered in a museum ingestion of fish and amphibians fossil shark swallowed (Figure 6), its history can be traced back to the basin in southwest Germany Saernae about 2.9 million years ago, the late Permian period. only freshwater sharks, about 20 in (50 cm) long, shark viscera There are two small amphibian from the vertebral sub-orders, each about 8 ~ 10 in (20 ~ 25 cm) large; of which there has been a amphibians digestive organs in the bony fish remains of bony fish alive this time around 4 in (10 cm) in length, the adult fish can reach 20 in (50 cm) or longer. This is the first such complex found direct evidence of the extinction of the food chain, food chain and help to rebuild the ancient understanding of modern water the formation of the food chain under way [23].
1.10 5 300 million years ago to produce three-dimensional map
spider Ghent University, Belgium David. Penn and other use of spiders in France, Museum Research and Restoration Center, a team of scientists agency analysis methods and the introduction of two mass X-ray scanning of two comparative studies, confirmed that the ancient sculptures from West Africa on the sunlight, may contain from ritual animal sacrifice blood (Fig. 8), iron luster of these artifacts exist only blood-related. These techniques are very sensitive, able to find a few samples of a few micrograms of the target molecule, and a technology if those elements not found in other kinds of technology can fill the gap. This research helps to better understand the behavior of ancient artists, as well as further study of these valuable artifacts open up new avenues [25].
1.12 The earliest reference to america map 500 years ago, the Library of Congress, Washington
December 13, 2007 show a painting in 1507 is considered the Val Sim Coral is a small village in the German monk, may integrate the Columbus, Amerigo. Vespucci, and many Portuguese, Spanish navigator of the information, accurately drawn and the separation of the Eurasian continent, sandwiched in the Pacific and this new continent between the Atlantic Ocean. This map length 2.32 m, width 1.20 m, 80% accuracy. The picture of the equator is only 70 mi error. This map hidden in the castle library of a German nobleman 400 years, was rediscovered in 1901, the U.S. Library of Congress in 2003 to 1 0 million U.S. dollars to buy the map. This is the first one depicts the human history in between the Atlantic and Pacific integrity of a map of the Western Hemisphere, is also documented first a . Vespucci's name Semitic text written in ancient Egyptian pyramid inscription Una King. Saqqara in northern Egypt's pyramids Una King has 4400 years ago, but will have inscriptions dating back to the age of 25 century BC to 30 BC century. this spell with a hieroglyphic inscription Satan recorded 100 years ago had been found, but has been unable to understand the meaning of them. Semitic Canaanites was 5000 years ago using a very old language form, later the Phoenicians and the Hebrews used to
[27]. University of Reading in southern England Mark. Page Er and other basic vocabulary of 200 investigated thousands of years in English, Russian, Greek, between the evolution of Spanish and found that all of the modern Indo-European languages with 87 dates back to about 1 million years ago, the common origin, while the frequency of use of words and word form, meaning the stability of the unbreakable link with a word use, the more it changes over time, the less likely [28]. Tsinghua University, font printed document and the scramble English Mongolian identification problem and achieve a unified platform in Mongolian, Tibetan, Uygur, Kazak, Korean, Kirghiz (scramble English) comprehensive integrated document recognition, and to support the Arabic language recognition [29]. Oren University of Washington. Aiqiaoni invention Panlmmages other software, such search engines have been able to use 300 different languages image search, online dictionary 350, covering 2.5 million words [30]. American research team at Swarthmore College in recent years, such as identification, recording, collecting a number of endangered languages. study found that 70,000 languages in the world, only 83 languages with influence, there is now every two weeks a language disappears, the vast majority of endangered languages faster than birds, mammals, fish and plants [31].
1.14 Western Pacific island of Kiribati?
Walt Disney Company is promoting his new film Kiribati (Figure 10) over 3 mm large competitors Bermuda, Cape Horn, the North Pole, won the out of place, the most distant places, the real end of the world. Kiribati, located at latitude 1.25p, longitude 173., a total of 33 islands, only across the equator, the Earth and the international date line, north and south and east-west hemispheres the two hemispheres of the country. it mm from its nearest neighbor Australia and the Hawaiian Islands about 4 630 km. At present, two islands of Kiribati have been swallowed by the sea, the highest above sea level where only 6 ft. With global warming and sea level rise, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and other Pacific island countries will gradually be underwater [33].
3.15 Office issued the first detailed medical report Roman times. in 1989 in Rimini, Italy, Ferrari Square, was built under the clinic discovered Roman 2nd century BC, was destroyed about AD 260. In the ancient Roman structure consulting room consulting room and modern times, and there is not much difference. after 17 years of excavations, archaeologists found more than 150 different medical devices, is now found in most surgical equipment. where the arrow is used to pull the iron tweezers, tooth extraction pliers and open the skull, a small chisel to take debris and other medical equipment design is very rare. that 1800 years ago, doctors have mastered the diet, medication and surgery and a series of treatment [34].
1.16 James. Watson mixed feelings of grief and joy
2007 �� 5 31, Nobel Prize winners, known as the ; 454 life science companies br> studies [35-36]. In the October 14, 2007 issue of the British All our social policies are based on an idea: African intelligence with us the same, but all tests have shown that not the case. growing, Long Island, New York, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on October 18 issued a statement, Watson suspended Institute of Technology, University of Glasgow scientists using human brain response to a clear difference and fuzzy images, created a magical Marilyn - Einstein mixed picture (Figure 12). It almost see Einstein, far concept becomes Marilyn. Monroe. the human brain of a clear analysis of images blurred image faster than the speed of faster, part of the image remains clear state, the other with rough features, can create change based on distance and the picture [ ,],[activities, protection of the robot access to data, records the activities of the robot for each robot to determine the identity [39]. Chiba University in Japan recently enacted provisions of intelligent robotics research ethics mm to ensure that the robot is used for peaceful purposes. It includes: the researchers were only associated with the civilian robotics education and research; researchers may not be unethical, illegal use of technology to the robot; researchers not only to strictly abide by Asimov, ;: First, the robot can not injure a human being; second robot to obey human commands unless the first violation; third robot to protect itself, unless the first or second violation of Article [40].
1.19 found Cancer Longevity ; anti-oxidation, can destroy cancer tumor and anti-aging [41]. University of California, San Francisco biologist Cynthia. Kenyon and other life-cycle of an only 3 days of Caenorhabditis elegans by the DAF-734 2 of the gene screening revealed 29 genes which can promote or inhibit the growth of cancer cells, half of these 29 genes also have an impact on the nematode life span. When DAF-2 mutation, and promote cancer cell growth and gene expression can not be normal , and inhibition of cancer cell expression of the gene also extend the life of C. elegans [42].
1.20 search for extraterrestrial life
the U.S. National Academy of Sciences National Research Council released a report encouraging experimental work, field research and observation space 3 ways to search for extraterrestrial life combined. The report pointed out that the search of foreign stars biological hypothesis has been hindered by Earth's center, the hypothesis that all life forms need water, but some compounds in the liquid solvent to be cell In fact, Titan's internal discovered a mixed solution of water and ammonia. chemist requires the use of Earth organisms in the laboratory did not use the organisms with known differences in biochemical structure, there is a huge new creatures. laboratory and field studies combined with the Earth a better understanding of biological completely different chemical composition of potential extraterrestrial life. If you do not conduct research to better understand , the future, once found in outer space alien, the consequences would be very dangerous [43].
social image of science that we live in an age of science, science directly concerned everything we have experienced what is , how to do, why the problem, it is the world we live in an important, understandable and most influential component. in science and technology have become the future development of human history and the rise and fall of the modern state as a decisive strength, concern the whole society to participate in science and technology activities to become a necessity.
2.1 technology invented by British public opinion
nuclear power, Sinclair C5 electric mini car, cars, cigarettes, TV, fast food thing, electronic guns and religion [44]. British China's Eastern Han Dynasty the abacus rather than screw pumps and aspirin in the first row [45]. print, have been the name of the research literature there is a 7. These type copies of mud, wood type print to an indisputable fact that China's response to the br> right [46]. U.S. the scientific status of ancient inventions, excavation of ancient China, the scientific value of inventions, innovation and the promotion of national cultural heritage protection, China's State Administration of Cultural Heritage June 1, 2007 start cultural heritage, for the investigation of ancient inventions, collate, study, exhibition, 2015, the system is of great significance to master the ancient Chinese inventions on the basic profiles [48].
2.2 Mapping the global distribution of plant species
University of California, San Diego and the University of Bonn, Germany, biologists drawn reflecting a new global map of plant species diversity, covering hundreds of thousands of species, is by far the most comprehensive global distribution of plant species. This map highlights a particular protected area, in order to measure climate change on plants and humans may provide the necessary impact to help [49].
2.3 Census of Marine Life and the protection of the University of Hamburg, Germany
scientists ,2002-2005, east of the Antarctic Peninsula, Weddell Sea water 700 ~ 6 000 m deep study found that more than 700 new marine species, this changed in the past that with the increase in ocean depth, loss of biodiversity concept; and that the Antarctic may be a global center of marine biodiversity. The research is the abyss of the Census of Marine Biodiversity Programme (CeDAMar), the International Census of Marine Life (CoML) part. CeDAMar 10-year research project Since the year 2000 the goal was to water depth in the 4 000 ~ 5 000 m in the abyssal plain in the study of marine life; and more than 70 countries including China to participate in the international Census of Marine Life (CoML) for the use of advanced technology to conduct a global survey of marine biodiversity joint action [50]. American scientist Craig. Venter proposed global ocean sampling inspection plans to build a variety of marine microbial genes on the inventory, has so far received more than 600 million new genes and thousands of new protein family [51].
2.4 deal with biological invasions
Xishuangbanna Botanical Garden, Yu-Long Feng and other proposed plant invasion, 8 populations by large leaf and 5 Buddleja physiological and ecological characteristics of native plant study found that if invasive alien species not encountered in the natural enemy, the alien plants will be put in the origin of natural enemies for the defense of this part of nitrogen for photosynthesis, increased photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency, resulting in uncontrolled soaring invasive plants [52]. Institute of Insect Sciences, Zhejiang University, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Australian scientists to reveal the invasion mechanisms. study found that, due to biotype B whitefly and between indigenous asymmetric mating interactions in promoting growth in the number of B biotype, while suppressing the indigenous whitefly population growth, resulting in B biotype whitefly rapid invasion and expansion. outbreaks of pests B biotype originated in the Mediterranean Sea - Asia Minor region, accompanied by poinsettia plants and other broad invasion of the global transport of tropical, subtropical and temperate low-latitude regions, cotton, tobacco, vegetables and garden flowers The main pest is the World Conservation Union International Scientific Committee on Environment (SCOPE) 1997 established the world to prevent invasive species in biological invasion plan (GISP), the World Conservation Union (IUCN) in 2001 to develop such a global strategy for invasive alien species, the European Union in 2003 to develop invasive species strategy, the European Commission 11 July 2007 adopted a response to profit bees disappeared, the loss of the East Coast up to 70%. bees outlier trend subsequently spread to mainland Europe, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Australia, Portugal, Italy and Greece have similar phenomenon. researchers speculated that the bees may have access to a certain insecticides, pesticides damage the immune system of bees, to identify the direction and the ability to fly down and lost during the flight [54]. The European Parliament Environment Committee, said legislative proposals, pesticides, modern The importance of agricultural self-evident, but the soil, air and pesticide residues in food on human health and the environment had a negative impact. requested in the next 10 years to achieve the goal of halving the use of pesticides and to prohibit aerial spraying of pesticides [55] .
2.6 may not be environmentally friendly bio-fuels
Brazil, the United States, China, India, South Africa, five countries and the European Union six March 2, 2007 announced the launch of Fuel and other alternative energy research and development [56]. International Academy of Sciences Committee (IAC) announced the report Rockefeller University in New York, Jesse. Otho Bell analysis shows that renewable energy may not be as imaginary as environmental protection, development of renewable energy requires a lot of land resources, the ultimate cost may be the destruction of the environment [58]. United Kingdom 11 organizations involved in the drafting of the report, willow, there is seeded, elephant grass and other plants used to produce bio-energy to provide heat, power and vegetable oil at the same time, the field may cause some decline in the number of wild animals, even destroy the soil and water quality [59]. OECD and FAO July 4, 2007 released a report [60]. International Water Management Institute October 11, 2007 issued the report, the development of bio-energy will make severe water tight [61]. bio-fuels is conducive to sustainable development a focus of debate.
2.7 Satellite monitoring Fire distribution and fire
resources through the European Space Agency remote sensing satellite ERS-2, a giant earth environment monitoring satellites, surface fire, draw the map of global fire, which combines all the available satellite data, can provide images of fire, time, location and other information. by July 1996 to August 2007 data, suggesting that the fire situation in a month shows that the Greek fire in August 2007 the number of its July 1998 and August the number of fire 4 times higher than in other European countries experienced over the past 10 years, the total fire. The European Space Agency and the French Space Agency in 2000, 10 month launched the Application of Google satellite maps and distributed in San Diego County over the 18 sets of remote cameras, you can quickly fire data collection, processing, determine the fire's exact location and provide images for the implementation of fire fighting and evacuation of people to gain time [63].
2.8 . Fotino capsule by instruction

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tan Zuoren in the end is what kind of person (ZT) 4

 A year ago, Tan Zuoren wrote this article; year later, he of hometown of Beichuan disasters
Tan Zuoren
I would like to guilty, not guilty you dedicate 5.12 mm
dedicated to the children of the earthquake victims
one great misfortune of Beichuan sorrow
For the North River, I am a sinner.
two years ago, the North River intellectuals kind invitation to the North River, to help plan Yu in red tourism cultural tourism and also inspect the construction of power plants and bamboo, Ping Xuan Dam power plant officials and the public debate. I the face of thousands under the rubble of Beichuan Middle School should not wither creatures, I do not have remorse. I vowed to use the pen for them to seek justice. But two months ago, I can not write a word, I eat their words , dishonest. I am a sinner in Beichuan.
not make me no matter what the excuse acquittal. North River, in the face of your century disaster, facing the back of your history, I can only deeply regret. I want my the endless lament for you, also dedicated to my self-righteous do not repent of the Han Chinese brothers.
mountains towering gantry, please prove: my speech, from the facts; my confession, from sincere.
every place, there is a history of disasters; and disaster history of the North River, buried history of a bear.
Kitagawa, hometown and the ancient town as Yu, the great catastrophe experienced two disasters, and therefore triggered twice the population crisis. a civil war in 1935, Red Baier Jun fierce battle the whole 100 days of Beichuan, after the total population of the North River dropped from 4.6 million to 2.5 million, the county all temples destroyed the village streets. Another is the 5.12 earthquake in Beichuan. the disaster, leading to nearly 40,000 in Beichuan county lost more than half the total population, the survivors are less than 0.6 million people registered. In particular, those tragic, Beichuan only casualties in the thousands of students, aged 3 to 17 years children almost out of stock, in fact, unprecedented human disaster!
in these major catastrophe, how many natural disasters, many man-made, its own history of note. based on facts and judgments, abandon preconceived value judgments, let us Review of history to see Beichuan County, the great catastrophe of the whole process twice in order to clarify the historical responsibility to future generations to leave the experience and lessons of history.
a history who is a responsible man-made disasters
1935 �� 1 month, fled the base of Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi Central Red Army in Guizhou Zunyi Conference was held to determine the million troops have been less electricity so that the Central Red Army squad of thousands of Red Fourth Army Fourth Army commander tao electrical connection, then gave up the business for many years in the Sichuan-Shaanxi broad base, leaving Tongnanba, north west team in April 12, 1935 by the Jiangyou Gan River (Yuan Wangdong) into Beichuan County environment.
the Red Army after their entry, side to intercept the 14 million Sichuan army pursuit, hastily arranged last 73 days of the Thousand Buddha Mountain (Tumen) campaign; side of the local tyrants and points of land, mobilize the masses supporting the front of Beichuan. Red Fourth Army in the North initiated ethnic equality, ethnic regional autonomy policy, the creation of the Chinese Soviet Yu Lisuweiai Rural Northwest Federal Government (Governance City) shortly after the Red Army in the Aba and Ganzi sand were the People's Republic was established Spengler, Boba People's Republic, that is, effectiveness in the establishment of and transportation and battlefield army rescue team, the county is almost all young adults into battle, and actively expand the red with red, made great contributions to the war.
1935 �� 6 12, the Fourth Army completed attract Sichuan army, blocking Sichuan army, covering the Central Red Army force a strategic task of the Dadu River, over the Keung Shan, Gong Mao and the Central Red Army joined forces in late May .6, the Red Army began to leave the territory of the North River. In Beichuan children, with the Red Army embarked on the Long March, most of whom never came back .1953, the North River as .
Red Army retreated, to prevent Sichuan army pursued the implementation of invading along the way, set fire to all take away food, burning all bridges and streets. Shiniu mountain, was built in the Tang Dynasty, the Millennium Yu Temple, also destroyed by fire being. Kwai River within the county, Pass, and consistent Ling, all dams, open bar, a small dam, mouth pieces, peach Lung, Yu, the pier, the dam end of the first temple bar, the manger, even white, Ma Wo , blue chip and other 17 streets and villages, all were burnt, causing more than 6,000 within the market town of 1,260 residents and farmers, a total of 10,000 people without food to eat, homeless.
pursuit of Sichuan army followed after entry vigorously engaged in retaliation, killing, where expenditure red workers, activists were killed, a few days when the Soviet cadres is exterminate the whole family, into the woods. January, less than the territory of more than 2,000 people in Beichuan were killed. Large After the massacre, plague, famine followed, epidemic, resulting in population decline of several half of Beichuan, some affluent areas to become no man's land. Kuomintang, said Fung Hong of Beichuan County: North River from the bandits were after, but also suffer the ravages of war, the loss is huge, is impossible to account. Along the quiet road off sparsely, that is, the portrayal here.
1935 �� 12 April to 23 July, the Red Army presence hundred days, resulting in refractory Beichuan years. Later, General Wei traditional singing: evidence, the North Chuannu force for over 50 years, until 2003, it became the last of a minority autonomous county.
Buddha Quanshan battlefield site is now clearly visible, destroyed the temple and village sites vivid Yu, was the Red Army from carving and White Army was destroyed in the Ming Dynasty Gou Mountain chiseled monument mountain peak, especially since memory (also known as Yu monument, a large Yugong De monument. 700 Kedou Wen original monument, only the remaining 25 characters) as the Longmen disaster of 1935 made history testimony. < br> Second, the North River Elegy
should not have happened in Beichuan, Sichuan is located in the middle of Longmen Mountains northwest of the south central area of heavy rain is Longmen. county area 2869.18KM2, of which mountainous area 2834.73KM2, accounting for link with a total area of 98.8%. District the only blue-chip junction of River and Baicaohe openings River (Jian Jiang, Fu River right bank tributaries, hydropower development has been planned 20) have a small valley basin, nearly all of the mountains. in the Longmen Shan fault zone in North River is the main central Longmen Shan fault zone mm Yingxiu Beichuan fault (about 320KM) the starting point, there had been 6.2 earthquake in 1958, has always been set to the earthquake fault zone �� minimum security area. Qushan new county of Beichuan River fed up with pagodas in the town of flood openings above the city along the layout, with a total area of only 1.6 square kilometers. Seventeen rural county under the jurisdiction of three towns, inhabited by the Qiang, Han, Tibetan, Hui and other seventeen people, the total population of 16.06 million people. Among them, the Native Qiang 9.1 million, 56.7% of the total population, as the only Qiang Autonomous County.
within the beautiful mountains of Beichuan, a good ecological environment, abundant natural and human tourism resources. In addition to the North River were Hometown proud Yu, Qiang culture, old revolutionary base areas, there are giant pandas, golden monkeys and other diverse wildlife resources, and Yuanwang Dong, Thousand Buddha Mountain, Xiaozhaizigou, Longmen standard Devonian strata profile of tourism resources such as high-grade, suitable for diverse experiences based integrated development of tourist products.
Nevertheless, history has opened in Beichuan joke. Beichuan good simple people do not wait until the big Yu Rongguang the light, wait until the Red Army did not repay the favor, do not enjoy the fruits of modern civilization, there is no economic development of mountain ecosystems looked forward to a good time to be bailing can not escape natural disasters, broken way out, broken dreams.
tragedy of Beichuan, the county seat moved from the beginning .
1950 �� 1 month, then the Red Army, now the People's Liberation Army, returned to the city of Beichuan mm rule, completed a 15-year appointment. At that time the county government for military control and security, starting in 1951 Qu building in Beichuan County to the security of the North Town Road (later extended to North Mau road) .1952 on Highway marble, Mianyang, closer to the county government had to give up one thousand three hundred and seventy four years old, located in the North River valley, the terrain is relatively wide flat rule city has set aside in the ex Yu on own people, in the year in September to relocate the county seat is only 79 320 people, surrounded by the mountain terrain of a narrow face water song mountain town (located in the narrow valley gorge port, the ancient mountain music set off) for the 2008 earthquake in Beichuan, a city default crash death trap.
from the county seat moved, the local spread of the In Folk Legends .1958 February 8, North River 6.2 earthquake occurred in Di (micro-epicenter for the term of the present Red Shifang town of Gold River), Great Leap Forward, the political situation at the time, no one knows the earthquake damage and casualties .1959 years, some local cadres to move back to the city government's motion is not approved on February 8 .1961 Beichuan 4.7 earthquake from happening again, casualties unknown. So since 1959, it was proposed to continue to move back to the county town government site, but unfortunately were rejected, resulting in a number of Beichuan people lost the opportunity of escape.
Longmen Shan fault zone, seismic activity is frequent in the active fault zone since 1169 to have a destructive earthquake occurred more than 5.0 26 (6.0 and above 20), with an average of 32 years / time. Tangshan earthquake before, away from the North River less than 200KM radius, have occurred in 1933 in Wenchuan Diexi magnitude 7.5 in 1958, Shifang Gold River 6.2, 1970 Dayi 6.3 magnitude earthquake and other earthquakes, have occurred in the late seventies Song Pan Pingwu 7.2 1976 earthquake swarm in 1977 Maowen 4.2 earthquake, 5.4 earthquake in 1978, Blackwater, 1978 Qionglai 4.4 earthquake, 1981 Pengzhou Tai Po 4.5 earthquake in 1999 Mianzhu Hanwang 5.0 earthquake swarm, and so on. The earthquake affected Beichuan, causing Beichuan panic, required to move the city is growing. Beichuan county government, many times to higher levels of government to fight the report, City proposed to move the motion. Beichuan investigation after many experts also think that the Beichuan County is located in the central Longmen main fault seismic zone, the county surrounding steep terrain, dense points of geological disasters, disasters great body, very dangerous.
1986 ��to 1987, many of Beichuan, Mianyang City, the Geological Society of experts invited to visit, survey and demonstrates the need to move the city. because of some Italian experts insisted on adhering to relocation costs, the city moved the motion be set aside In 1988, the North River had just been applied for decades, hopeless, North Sichuan people had to think of ways to spot. From 90 onwards, the administrative center of Beichuan county began to move Jian Mao dam across the river, leaving the old city area schools, hospitals, residential and commercial streets. To prevent regular roll Wang Shi old rock down the mountain the event of major disaster, were carried out Zhilv slope, piling support, blocking stone Bolkan Danger measures and other projects, but frequent small earthquakes occurred in the rainy season in particular, small earthquakes, leading to the mountains or the Rolling Stones flying stone street, wounding occurs. Beichuan to do nothing to escape from the active, low-built house from the scary to the thinking of hemp, and finally escape no escape, waiting for death door, so to perfect the synthesis of natural disasters.
2008 ��May 12, unfortunately, who watched the North River for many years the legend of Jian Jiang, the overall direction of translation more than 200 meters, patron of music consumed Hill Street, burying almost the entire old city. the Old City area, few people escape. Mau dam side of the new urban landscape Jiashan a large area of the mountain collapsed, collapse the body 300 Articles pound is located in the , including the county government, including a large number of buildings collapsed, causing heavy casualties.
5.12 day meeting is to Mianyang, Beichuan county party secretary Song knew the Beichuan was making dumplings. Song Shuji back to Beichuan, the original people of the county public security bureau 144, only 47 survive; County Detention Center 42 soldiers and 35 prisoners were buried; and 160 county hospitals, only 4. Beichuan, however heroic people, cadres and the masses as one, unity, self-help. In the afternoon, sending five batches of personnel in distress, still can not wait for the case of Mianyang, the official relief to only have less than 1 / 3 of the cadres of the North River County four groups, led more than 2,000 people survived the implementation of the emergency transfer of self-help and security.
22KM away from the new county seat of Beichuan's original old town of Beichuan town government (Yu-ri), except in the 5.12 earthquake was subjected to Tangjiashan barrier lake PRELIMINARY Lake flooded, the Housing construction is relatively small loss, the safety of the transfer.
Beichuan County crash proved, once errors are found, must be corrected as soon as possible, so as not to lead to disaster. Even the legacy of the previous generation historical error, it should be someone responsible, it was corrected. if not corrected, not as bound to lead to accidents, disasters will come to place greater reality.
know disaster is not a refuge, resulting in an instant gone home video, Castle Peak night white head, which is man-made or natural disasters?
Third, the scourge of disaster in the disaster in the human tragedy of the disaster
is among the natural disasters, man-made ambush.
a mistake, you can make; an error can be corrected; a series of errors constitute a causal chain, will lead to disaster, disaster. It is based on this understanding, after returning from the North River, May 19 In an interview with Sichuan earthquake is more than man-made disaster started two days, I always thought was the hardest-hit Wenchuan disaster .5 14 I went to the Wenchuan driving, but was resistance in the Dujiangyan. In Dujiangyan city, I found that damage to buildings, the most serious damage , collapse the most radical, even the school premises! these completely collapsed school buildings, and the surrounding part of the collapsed or partially damaged or intact residential areas, in sharp contrast! the contrast of the large, want to turn a blind eye can not. < br> 5 16, in the Town of Beichuan County, music, facing the crushing collapse of Beichuan Middle School's main teaching building, the overall decline in new two-classroom building, laboratory building section collapsed, more than ten meters away from the main building is in good condition destructive of the old school building built in the 70 mm and reported as two, three years ago the old dilapidated building, and not far from the teachers quarters slightly damaged, I am completely speechless. The fact that evidence. the facts better than evidence.
North River is an earthquake prone area. Here, in north people know that there can not avoid the disaster coming, hide no place to hide, keep track of. Beichuan not reach the majority of buildings intensity repairable, rare earthquake not down, down but not collapsed, , not reinforced, resulting in an earthquake occurs, the collapse of large areas of housing, or crushing collapse, causing heavy casualties, especially in young children and school students a large number of casualties, this is not a man-made, what is?
terrible natural disasters, but also can not be countered ; man-made but it is hateful, hateful, shameful, despicable, more poor victims of natural disasters mm man-made to become victimizers, including the common victims, including unnecessary.
in Beichuan, one of the Beichuan Middle School teachers is dead to me softly tells parents: yes. of parents described in detail in the 96 ~ 98 when the main teaching building construction br> I accidentally the development of events: the official also acknowledged that school shabby start problem, and promised to seriously track down, then who are all denied, not only the use of propaganda to confuse right and wrong, even the use of repressive state machinery to suppress for justice for children parents who raised the question some time ago arrested punished people (including my friend, Mr. Liu Shaokun and Huang Qi). Maybe some people really think that using high pressure pressing, set an example, unable to pronounce the voice of victims to cover up the crime can be in the past.
I would like to ask: When individuals rise to the accountability of schools shabby and criminals stand? not want to show that China's legislation is not to judicial enforcement of social justice, but only for those in power service? not want to show that China now is only the power to build, not responsible; only crime, no rule of law; only political parties, not people; only bayonets, there is no special social speech?
who is resisting the democratic rule of law, should G problems, dig the country money, the suspect fled the responsibility, to play cards the government, do your own business, is actually put into a man-made natural disasters and man-made artificially expanded the number of times again. This social nature the government agencies, can not evade responsibility. I think that the people at all levels of government, owes the world a truth, lack of an accountable society, but also due to all the earthquake victims of a son. aside the issue whether earthquake prediction at least the following questions, the Government has a responsibility to tell people: 1) the construction of large reservoirs in seismic belt of the geological environment and safety issues; 2), seismic fortification standards put in place civil issues; 3), schools, hospitals public oversight and other public buildings, earthquake fortification, building classifications and construction standards.
problems in school, I was silent for two months, is not afraid to write, but Beichuan, said Mr. Tang Shilin We have had promises. Now, I want to re-hold it supremely even pick up a pen to the pen mm die, I no regrets.
Please Longmenshan testify.
four Keung Shan silent cheating the system
no doubt that the earthquake was not a direct result of the earthquake casualties, but the building. quake could cause houses to collapse, resulting in casualties. qualified earthquake resistant buildings, a small loss of life; failure of earthquake resistant buildings, more casualties more. If the town site is unreasonable, if the failure of public buildings, and even jerry shabby, if there is no reasonable system of earthquake disaster reduction and pre-qualified three mechanisms (forecasting, prediction, prevention), a large building when the earthquake area of collapse, causing a large number of casualties is inevitable thing.
5.12 earthquake, Wenchuan and Beichuan can be used as a model for two different regions, to study the real causes of natural disasters. Over the years, also known as the Wenchuan Yu hometown, but the Wenchuan as the �� minimum security zone earthquake in Beichuan County, has more than 100 km from the epicenter, is more than 70% of the houses collapsed, more than 50% casualties. did not know such a strong contrast, the Department is not certain who invented and adhere to the guiding ideology, Less than fortification, particularly in public buildings is so; (3) North River some public buildings, especially the quality of school buildings have serious problems, some are shabby, at least so Beichuan Middle School. These basic facts should be negative to the whole society was responsibility to.
these basic facts, through the conscience of the majority of domestic public media from the things.
early as December 30, 1999, seismic zone, earthquake zone and the Anning River Longmenshan seismic belt, and to Wenchuan, Beichuan, Qingchuan prevention as a key monitoring areas. The planning ten years ago, has the next 20 years in the tri-state area may be destructive earthquake occurred many times to make a more accurate long-term forecasts, and established the year, quarter, month, ten days, weeks, and internal reporting system in consultation with forecasts. In recent years, both within and outside the system, the medium-term earthquake prediction on the short-impending prediction and information as many as dozens. But since there are projections, why not forecast and prevent it?
1998 �� 12 17, by the State Council issued the medium-term forecast, issued by the State Council. : earthquake prediction, forecasting and prevention, are two different powers, the first power belongs to the professional functions, and the second power belongs to the public administration. The institutional arrangements under a huge hidden ambush is: Even if the professional departments have science forecasts, nor unauthorized release, but should be subordinated to public power sector, non-scientific factors in the decision-making. Sometimes these public decision-making, particularly the small probability of unexpected events should occur in a big hurry (such as natural disasters, community events, accidents, etc.), to live can not the people. this arrangement may result in pre-and unexpected, rather than measuring reported, reported without defense, without force against the serious consequences of a major earthquake occurred .5.12, is one of typical cases.
5.12 before the earthquake, according to Zipingpu Reservoir after 04-05 years detected 735 earthquakes recorded (unpublished two years), the reservoir and the Sichuan earthquake earthquake administration The earthquake has made the accurate medium-term or even short-term prediction. but because of the lack of magnitude estimates (reported to be 5.0 ~ 5.5) and became a technical error. resulted in the decision-making departments underestimate the errors underestimated the consequences of the earthquake, resulting in the non-fat early-warning decision-making mistakes, which led to serious social consequences. see the current .
the bane of man-made, not people, but what is the system is not perfect and the mechanism is unreasonable. system flaw led to the man-made, so that victims and perpetrators, both officials and the public together to become victims. the Chinese system trap, has become the biggest bottleneck in the development, the offside trap to public power, public policy dislocation, absence of public oversight, public interests, the various public buildings are not subject to oversight and shoddy and corruption, as against public the safety of dangerous goods.
natural disasters and man-made calamities in the conspiracy, a murdered child in Beichuan in China's two knives; before a knife can hurt; then a man-made disasters of the knife, is the real deadly.
this everything, like a satire and should not occur in Yu hometown. Keung Shan silent.
V. Yu Beichuan students can be as conclusive
Yu, one of the Chinese human ancestor, Yan Huang, a Chinese civilization later founder. According to Historical Records, flood control, and rejuvenating the country, creating Jiuzhou, unified China, the first unified Chinese nation is the founder of dynasty.
Han Yang Xiong, Beichuan County, New Village, Shi Yu Shi Township, New Hill, is the birth place of Yu. Since ancient times, Stone Mountain New Zealand is considered a sacred place, not within a hundred mile radius of farming or living. Even if the crime were sneak in, and shall not enter the official arrest, three years after this Qianxiu be forgiven. Yu Township, the point has not been allocated Yu ditch, cut open child floors, wash the children pool, hope Chongshan (Yu parent Gun, No. Chong Pak) , Yu Temple, Gou Mountain mountain peak Monument (Monument of Yu Gong), sites, is the Longmen Mountains as Minshan Jian water, Minshan guide Jiang, Da Tung Do not, water and prosperous, pesticides Hennessy, its early activities, in Beichuan, Wenchuan, Dujiangyan ancient Munsan County places, and in the formation of a hometown Yu cultural zone. Xiachuan Zai, home world. Since the beginning of the Xia and Shang, Yu to people Learning the history of the West Hing process. so also the sage Confucius of Confucianism as a catholic to positive Yu, impeccable perfect, Chan said: Yu, seamless then I carry on. Baoqin, the sovereignty of human rights than authoritarian nationalism and cultural populism replaced the feudal autocracy > built in Beichuan County, eight in the Tang Dynasty (AD 634) to Yu stone monuments in New Zealand and Oasis from each of the word, composed of Shiquan County (634 ~ 1914), the city was in the governance of the city (in 1992 renamed Yu ), called the old town of Beichuan, one thousand three hundred and seventy years have elapsed since the historic (if Zhou Jian County dollars, when the one thousand four hundred and forty years). Tang Dynasty from the county when the county built a mile southeast of the stone Yu Temple in New York built a mountain, as one of the earliest .1935 Yu Temple, the Stone Temple New York, because of man-made mountain and engulfed Yu (2002 reconstruction), resulting in activities of traditional folk festival was forced to go to Yu Yu Yu Mizoguchi palace temple (built in the Qianlong, was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, 1994 reconstruction). Beichuan and June sixth days of spring and autumn each year birthday Yu, Yu Festival activities are to be held every year continues, has continued. Yu Chong Yu in the wind of the Millennium we do not, the territory of the North River in addition to Yu Yu Outside the temple built in the old town, Yu hole, mouth piece, the end dam, mountain music, openings, Chenjiaba other places, but also built the temple or Yu Yu palace, passing Yu Hometown long history and cultural heritage. So Beichuan, and the people pure and honest and simple, hard-working good people.
years, Yu hometown of Beichuan County, representing the old, small, side, four blocks of the poor (the old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas Chief marginal areas, poor areas) .1935 northwest of the Red Army initiated the federal government in the regional ethnic autonomy, the first autonomous policy, the first Yu Lisuweiai Township. But after 50 years of continuous efforts, the North River was in July 2003, approved the establishment of Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County, the National Minority Autonomous County, the last one, the only Qiang Autonomous County, caught the last train to the Ethnic Autonomous County. only this, reflecting the traditional culture of the red regime do not pay attention to the ethnic minorities do not respect.
bitter experience, after the destruction of 5.12 Beichuan, Yu hometown of Beichuan those in power, there should be some shame. the people's government, the people of the North River, you should apologize, then apologize, then accountability, not just training money things.
six voices telling Longmen Mountains
four thousand years, was born in the south central Longmen Mountains hinterland of the North River Rock Knob Yu, it is impossible to imagine, and now look like scars Longmen Mountains.
5.12, after the earthquake, according to aerial observation, after the Longmen Mountain, the Minjiang River Valley line, the green coverage of less than 20%. has been formed and sandy arid valley of Minjiang River corridor, after this great misfortune, is being accelerated degradation, will become the Chengdu Plain dust storm sources. Longmenshan three mines south of the starting point of the railway station Pengzhou Big Treasure, Gold River Shifang, Mianzhu Han Wang, the connection is the Longmen Shan fault zone of the surface toward the central line. in these industrial areas is also a historical earthquake-prone areas inside, and now has disembowelling, devastation, local industrial and mining losses. which have occurred in 1958, 6.2 earthquake in Shifang Gold River rock, the death of 225 people and injuring 157 people occurred in the year 1999 5.0 Hanwang Mianzhu devastating earthquake, and now there are three schools of the school collapse occurred only in the primary casualties more than 1,000 people. Long front of the fault zone and piedmont terraces, is rich in densely populated areas, the earthquake caused large-scale housing collapsed, causing a large number of casualties.
5.12 2473 China earthquake caused water damage to water facilities (including Sichuan, nearly 2000). Longmenshan earthquake damaged more than 1000 hydropower facilities, earthquake loss rate of 100%. Mianyang 825 reservoirs, earthquake damage 627 (76%), high-risk reservoirs 178 (28%), of which 38 are dangerous break; and neighboring Beichuan County, 187 Reservoir Jiangyou 100% damage, cracks, settlement , deformation, leakage dangers, including 19 with dam dangerous. Minjiang River valley, and more than 9 Minjiang River Zipingpu dam dangerous situation. According to observation, near the dam, most of the areas worst earthquake damage. Large dam collapsed near the mountain are often very serious, leading to more power stations were buried, resulting in heavy casualties water and electricity sector, a huge loss of property.
forces of nature ...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mr. Du Zhenyu national security may be a consolation prize - second-hand housing zt Tiantongyuan

 Super League champions in yesterday's ceremony, with the outstanding performance of the final round of the league, Changchun Yatai's Du Zhenyu became Mr. Super League this season. The Yankees Tao Wei, and this award can only regret that brush by. Beijing Guoan and the league title after pass, only to get the best of two popular Division and consolation prize of fair play.
is still Tao Wei Du Zhenyu, the problem is in fact the second half in the league has been plagued by the Chinese Football Association . From the data, they are basically equal. Tao Wei played a total of 24 times this season, scoring 8 goals and 1 assists. and Du Zhenyu are contributed nine goals and 11 assists Yatai eventually won. Super Long efficiency agriculture secretary general, said: \continued until the final round of the league. The results, the key to the final round of the championship battle, played due to injury, Tao Wei, and Du Zhenyu not playing on consecutive nights, and assists in the game. At the same time, Changchun Yatai has won the last League champions, and thus, the final balance of the Du Zhenyu backward side, so he won the title this season, Mr. Super.
Du Zhenyu this component in addition to heavy awards, Changchun Yatai also won a very important awards That is the best coach award. Yatai coach Gao Hongbo won for the first year led the league title and get the best coach in the title. to get this award, Gao Hongbo's acceptance speech was somewhat surprised how many people. He Xu Genbao thanked first, and then said he would not necessarily stay in next season Yatai.
In addition, two consecutive striker Li Jinyu Wang exalted with 15 goals in the Golden Boot again. The same award-winning two consecutive terms There Tianjin teenager Hao Junmin, he won the year's best young players, that is, last year's \
Second, the Fair Play Award: Dalian Shide, Tianjin Master Kong, Beijing Guoan
three best young players: Hao Junmin four Golden Boot: Li Jinyu Five best players: Du Zhenyu VI Coach Members: Gao Hongbo seven, the best referee: Sun Baojie

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Diary of Japan to study, etc.

 This article is the first University of Economics and online Yong Ying (the Arab States) to write this blog to do a reprint

related articles focused on literature, economic analysis, the focus of journal articles and practice

focus on the general journal and essays, the number of articles would be far more than live in the main space.
Japan to study the other diary
the first day of November, with the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce, Securities Regulatory Commission, China Banking Regulatory Commission and the Beijing delegation and key leaders (public inconvenience due to privacy considerations) visited Tokyo to Beijing's sister cities. This is my fifth visit to Japan, is the first time I came to Japan because of work.
days of the trip, visit the Japan's Liberal Democratic Party branch in Tokyo, the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly, Tokyo Stock Exchange, met with Vice Governor of Tokyo and the pig, Mr. Naoki Seto Japanese Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance officials. We mainly promote the Beijing Olympic Games, the Japanese side to listen to at CLC the Tokyo Metropolitan rail transit construction experience, visit the Tokyo capital market and financial sector development, and take the East are Metro Link, visit the Shinjuku business district, the Chicago region and Shibuya, Asakusa and other areas. visited Tokyo Disneyland, and Tokyo Disney President and held talks and consultations.
Tokyo is one of the world's largest cities, the capital economic circle of Japan's total GDP accounted for about 33% m40%, even more than the National GDP. business, financial industry extremely developed, the same big city disease are becoming increasingly prominent. tokyo and Beijing has a long and good relations of cooperation, Beijing will host the Olympic Games after 44 years of Tokyo, Tokyo, and there are plans to host the World Cup after 16 years, and now Beijing GDP, equivalent to only 10% of Tokyo, in many respects, the two sides are very optimistic about prospects for cooperation, Tokyo, Beijing should learn from the experience is.
we examined the planning of Tokyo, including Tokyo building settlement and earthquake response experience, the Beijing CBD core area in the future construction of a number of world-class ultra-high rise buildings, and there is subsidence in the region, the national experts specialized and Japanese experts discussed. I will be specifically described later in CBD progress in the core area of planning.
trip to Tokyo is an important reference for the purpose of Japan's capital markets and the main bank system.
related to the leadership also called on Beijing Mizuho Bank, UFJ Bank and other Japanese high-end international banking giant, despite Beijing failed to secure the Japanese banks will be up to elections in Beijing, but the Japanese side to enhance the future to conduct RMB business in Beijing, plans to confidence, and said it would actively participate in the financing of capital projects such as the Olympic Games.
Mizuho Saito, president of the macro and I have met twice, once on December 8 last year, he came to our house, one to go with the Middle East this summer. be very familiar. I remember when we discuss the history of Japan to discuss whether the reading of the founding of the Chinese people of God, five strong brutal emperor, the emperor finally began Qinming Emperor Chong Jun 60-year controversy over the Buddha worship the Buddha of waste, and ultimately in the era of Emperor Sung Jun Sung established Buddhist faction wins the status of Buddhism in Japan, better than the codification of the text reading of the fate fujiwara Time commitment for a long time combat confusion, inverted screen military defeat in three emperor was shogunate banished to the shogunate rule began, and I think shogunate ruled by fundamental social crisis in the post-Shirakawa Emperor's source level of the war and after the two emperors of the Mercedes Benz of chaos, the source Yoshitomo killed, Ping's authoritarian started, Saito said he had the historical task of the most respected source of Yoshitomo, respect for his loyalty and fearlessness.
Speaking after the era after the Yangcheng Emperor Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu, etc. name Music in Kyoto, the first audience with the Emperor together, I say this is a big event in Japan, and China's Ming Dynasty can be compared to the three major symptoms, and then I said, Bank of Japan's first prototype is in the post-Sakura-cho, Emperor of Japan during the last generation of women formed The female emperor is great, not only in time and consistent with the Qianlong Emperor, in the national contributions, and also similar to the Qianlong Emperor.
I have to say that Saito, the Meiji Restoration of China's history books written, and in Rensiao Mary Rose Emperor reform significance of the times as great as the meeting
more formal, I do not have much chance to chat Saito thin, but we also talked about a lot, such as Chinese and Japanese have a word to describe a class of fleeting time off fast, talking about his first and invited me to visit when I meet Mizuho Bank, and to his guest house in Hokkaido. also talked about when he sent me indifferent Zhiyuan's masterpiece, I say Shangqie alive Everybody laughed.
we talk to the financial system's problems, and other leaders in Beijing this is most concerned about. Saito introduced the leaders to Beijing, Japan's Mizuho and the latest developments in the main bank system, the Japanese financial industry owners rely on bank mergers and cross-shareholdings, risk prevention, the owners rely on the securities distributed motherboards, expansion of the second board, sound board and outside the three markets, the invisible multi-level capital market against market risks. The latter has been a national decrease of China's capital market risk, follow the consensus for reform. The Commission is further high-level visit to Japan to learn the Japanese experience in capital markets spread to the capital market reform in the future and introduce the issue of the international board to get more experience, I will later the current capital market situation for the latest details.
Saito and Japanese economic circles, some experts told us about Japan's financial crisis, Japan's response to some of the practices in Japan in 89 years when the domestic housing market experienced a similar double-up the stock market case, the three metropolitan area (Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya) or 1.2 times the average total premium. This is precisely during the period of Japan's financial change.
1985, the Plaza Accord led to yen appreciation, funds flow back to Japan from the United States, there excess liquidity, just and mainstream economic circles in China stock market fever, the crux of the housing market, the unanimous view of the same.
1985-1987 have been established in a variety of subsidiary banks, Mizuho also has quite a number of subsidiaries engaged in the stock market and real estate investment , the rapid development of the banking industry, holding nikkei (TOPIX Nikkei) the market value of 20%.
1986-1991 increased by the Japanese industry as the economy range, the three major metropolitan real estate value of land equivalent to market value of all U.S. , the expected appreciation in this land, banks and lax regulation, the land is used as loan collateral.
1991 the implementation of the early summer of tightening the economic situation is not a soft landing, the stock market crash, resulting in a large number of non-performing assets, seven largest banking group in the NIKKEI stock investment account for every drop of 1,000 points will evaporate 2.3 trillion yen.
the Japanese government due to the impact of Keynesian too, and not through the means too strong to change this phenomenon in 1995, Murayama Cabinet to use state funds to buy shares of banks, especially the way public funds to banks, while the establishment of asset regeneration agency.
He also highlighted the Japanese financial sector is highly developed in Japan the main bank system defects and 100% Guarantee System in Japan fatal. to March 2001 based on risk management, loans, bad debt up to 43.2 trillion yen in March 1992 only 8 trillion yen, according to finance publicity in the producing method of this data for 429,000 loans billion, according to bank loans to self-examination, the data is as high as 79.6 trillion.
real change in this situation is that in the Koizumi era, the Koizumi cabinet through the provision of bank reserves accumulated bad debt, reform the Ministry of Finance, with caution package auction method claims, save the strength of Japanese companies.
1998 in Congress to pass a 17 trillion to strengthen deposit insurance, bad debts, 18 trillion, will be part of the banking industry; 25 trillion increase in financial institutions, fund composition.
to 2006, the impact of bad debt has been greatly reduced, most banks earnings, in September 2004, non-performing loans accounted for 5.3%, compared with the peak dropped by 45%, 3.5% a year later, more than 04 years fell 34%.
As of September 2005, plagued Japan for 15 years old to solve the basic problem of bad debts, years of government efforts to achieve significant results, the Japanese economy to achieve growth.
Japan in dealing with bad debt and bad debt when the combination of corporate revitalization, preservation of the vital forces of economic development the specific approach is to set up the Industrial Revitalization Corporation, to help with strength, but a temporary shortage of funds to survive a large number of companies 欠贷.
China can learn from this approach.
this can not be familiar with familiar with the Japanese in 1985-2006 by a sudden fall into the high-speed development of this lost decade of economic history is that many people can not really understand.
latest statistical report in the China Banking Regulatory Commission, as of 9 at the end of 2007, the Chinese domestic banking institutions with total assets of the foreign currency to 50.62 trillion yuan, up 20.3% over the previous year. Beijing reached 34.74 trillion, accounting for 68.6% of them, Shanghai has reached 3.02 trillion, accounting for 5.9% of them. such a huge financial asset, whether it is safe, will have a direct bearing on the efficiency of China's future development, as well as the fate of the results.
brewing in the two directions of the major reform of China's capital market in the subsequent text I tell you, is not only a defensive risk, China's capital market historic layout of major adjustments will occur, and Beijing will be the responsibility of the carrier of the biggest adjustments, not only has operational centers in Beijing, hosted the three equity registration board, but the introduction of the international board and the state the second board. to Beijing, to be like in the Olympic Games on August 8 this year countdown to the first anniversary, the same as to say we are ready to face a major adjustment of the capital market, can not be said to be a new challenge. This is the line One purpose of learning Japanese.
I am following is a brief look at the domestic capital market reforms and set OTCBB (Third Market) situation.
non-listed companies in China equity market that is commonly known as the Third Market. the future of China's capital market ideal model, that is, from the Third Market to Market or the Small Enterprise Market, and then to the Main Board of the pyramid shape. Third Market as the base of the pyramid structure, the transaction size should in theory than motherboards and small plates, this is a very attractive fat
so-called preferred investor demand. As for whether the introduction of the GEM authorities still controversial, building a national OTC market is expected to go ahead.
Third Market is the OTC market, as China's multi-level capital market system an important part, it is the motherboard market and small market base and front panels. According to OTCBB candidate cities Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin, the idea is to target the three major cities in the motherboard market and establish a connection to the equity market, the transfer of small plates platform.
OTCBB building has become the number one listing in 2007 the Commission the task.
senior has made clear that the Commission, following the Shenzhen SME Board, the country will set up a third board-counter market, in order to gather the national high-tech enterprises Zhongguancun in Beijing, providing an additional source of financing. the Commission believes that to attract and fund Zhongguancun enterprises in Shenzhen to the south of the GEM is not easy, so set the Third Market in Beijing is the best place, the three main board counter market for some lower than Listing requirements and the financial performance of enterprises.
at the end of October China Resources Hotel, Beijing for the three panels on the meeting confirmed the news of Beijing won the final victory, the SFC has been clearly established in Beijing Zhongguancun OTCBB, OTCBB now has entered the stage of practical operation , Beijing opening registration centers share, for the three board Pathfinder. in the OTC transactions, enterprises must be managed, in this sense, equity is a registered management company may launch a pre-prepared three plates.
now agency share transfer system in the Zhongguancun enterprises listed companies are a good operation, and most business is as a springboard, a warm-up for future IPO.'s first listed company century Riel was released in November 2006 the company IPO China Securities Regulatory Commission accepted the application is indicative of major announcement is expected to become the first company from the Transfer.
. Securities Association of China Tang Ying Ling, Deputy Secretary-General has made it clear that the agency share transfer system Zhongguancun will expand the pilot projects, and gradually extended to other 52 high-tech zones, and a national unity of the OTC market. Some scholars have pointed out that only from the form in terms of , share transfer agent system is extended to a certain extent, a national OTC market.
experts said that such as Zhongguancun sponsored by a brokerage stock transfer agent, with a better value discovery, can make a share transfer intentions implementation of non-listed companies issued at a premium, this with a variety of property rights exchange, property rights institutions conducted by the equity transfer of net assets have very different prices.
compete in the new three-panel, after the dust has settled, the Commission a official said: income threshold, there is a real good performance, there are strict information disclosure system, there is sunshine and timely supervision. STAQ, NET is closed, the operation of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange youngest board listed by the securities company for buying and selling shares of the Company. that time reduced to three board after the delisting of shares of listed companies continue to circulate the transfer of the place, won the industry's ; of the title.
Zhongguancun in Beijing's new three-panel operation, were to become China's NASDAQ, the future will echo the Shenzhen SME Board, the creation of the GEM, and more for the emerging high-tech enterprise, for many emerging business provides a good development platform, which is also the Commission to finalize the root cause of settled in Beijing OTCBB.
Another important reason is that capital is not conducive to stability in the capital market to get rid of bias, this bias is also the century Beijing at the turn of the second board as the most appropriate development of the city and the capital market lost an excellent opportunity this reason.
reports of failure can be said is filled with emotion. in the country the first to propose the establishment of capital market experts in Beijing, the first prototype of automated quotation system is also in Beijing, but Beijing has always been divided and the capital market was never meant to. the capital market is not conducive to bias makes Beijing the capital of stability is always fell short of success at the last minute.
as the source of China's reform, think tanks, whether it is the motherboard or the construction of the second board located in Beijing are the first to put forward ideas, talents and help build the Shanghai Stock Exchange END , built the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, but it has always been the wall flower wall results.
turn of the century, Beijing Technology Exchange Market has become the country's largest technology trading market, no doubt for Beijing Construction Second Board added the balance of the most important weight. But persevering capital market is a joke in Beijing opened.
seven years later, OTCBB waving to Beijing again, this time, like 93 years and the 2001 Olympics, like the two, and perhaps belated, is the most exciting. China Banking Regulatory Commission also confirmed that the practice of Beijing is the only run the most good, running well because there are a large number of emerging companies, OTCBB can become China's NASDAQ, we will wait and see.
the main Inspection of Japanese capital market leaders to become an important event, a few days time we visited the Tokyo stock exchange, the staff listened to the introduction of the Japanese stock exchange, also my first meeting at the leader of the main content Japan is a number of motherboards, the most extensive capital markets, a typical level, including the capital region: 『Tokyo securities, including a (board), two (second board)』, Mothers (new businesses), JASDAQ (also mainly for emerging enterprises) Hanshin Area: 『including a Osaka securities (the motherboard), two (second board)』, Hercules (new enterprises), Nagoya: Nagoya securities 『including a (board), two (the second board ) 』, Centex (new businesses),
together with the local securities, Kyushu: Fukuoka securities, Q-Board (new businesses), Hokkaido: Sapporo securities, AMBITIOUS (new businesses).
and decentralized capital markets with the Japanese capital market risk, a different approach to prevent some developing countries, the main consideration is and and bigger.
so the formation of two high-level views. have in common is: split the financial risk is imperative. different is that one faction advocating the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets in Hong Kong three combined, and made relative to the Hong Kong tend to this view, if the merger will become the world's eighth largest stock exchange market. this is conducive to resist financial risks, but because there are different settlement systems and standards, combined there is a certain degree of difficulty, and long-term damage to an international financial center.
Dier Zhong is currently the State Department's approach is very inclined partition board, will not complete the split share reform (there are a lot of non-tradable shares, legal person shares more details, please check google) that s stocks, national priorities and some blue chip listed companies separated from the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Shanghai to strengthen its liquidity function, split out of the board will be located in Beijing, to facilitate decision-making sector regulation. To this end, the State Council, Beijing has been the case five visits. If the State determines that the future Shanghai increased risk, most likely to take this approach.
when in imminent risk, high-level adoption of the latter approach, building a second motherboard, the introduction of international boards, open new three panels, and these will have started by the As a practical financial decision-making center, Beijing building capital markets, changes in the Chinese capital market and a more healthy development of the extremely important instructions of a senior leader of the seven words problem was the preparation, the symbolic significance of the NASDAQ last year's Asia Pacific headquarters in Beijing put into building an international board of China and Beijing to build an international financial center and a strong signal that the financial settlement center. And as our trip is an important purpose of the Tokyo Stock Exchange has been approved to set firm in Beijing, becoming the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq after the third office in Beijing to obtain permission to establish securities companies. forecast middle of next year and London Stock Exchange Beijing representative office will be located, thus, the international capital markets, securities industry giants will gather in Beijing, not only absorbed the Chinese companies listed overseas, but also for the international board of China Construction Pathfinder.
future financial sector development in accordance with an ideal ratio of the banking industry: 1:3 ratio of the securities industry, more appropriate, and China is far to this level, the international board in an open, additional domestic second board the same time, stock index futures will be brewing a major adjustment, the first in the China Stock Index Futures Forum 11 held in Beijing issued a strong test signal to the market, the city office at a clear goal in Beijing will not only stock exchange (the second board has been implemented to develop GEM OTCBB and the future introduction of the new international board), but completely covered by options, futures and other trading centers, including the country's first full financial settlement center, when Beijing will form a financial settlement center, financial center of corporate headquarters and financial decision-making centers of the situation, the second to the future international financial center of China (Hong Kong China is currently the only international financial center) forward.
This paper was Professor of HKU theory result in future competition with the Hong Kong an international financial center can only be in Beijing coincides with the possible steps which the phase coincide. (for students interested in the financial sector can be found about that after reading it needs to be patient, typical data to send, theory is very easy to understand the peace implementation).
timetable is now the State Council, or the construction of the international board is the introduction of overseas companies in China financing a bold attempt to attract foreign enterprises to Beijing Municipal market, implemented, Not only will raise China's status in the international financial markets, more capital flows have a strong absorption of the anti-magnetic, international hot money and solve the problem of excess domestic liquidity, capital markets will be resolved once and for all the various problems.
the feasibility report has been developed. motherboard settled in Shanghai as international financial risk sharing does not meet the principles, nor with close to the central principles of supervision, it is located in Beijing City is the only option, compared to the three boards in three cities of competing International board has no suspense.
trip also focused on the Japanese stock market conditions listed overseas companies to do the research, access to a large number of first-hand information, less than four days I wrote the five on the Japanese main bank system and capital market system has become more than a thousand page report large orders, as the compilation of the report, a successful team leader to complete this task in Japan for the Beijing Olympic harvest in the international capital market and presented a gift.
a focus in Japan is to visit Tokyo Disneyland, and any trip to Disney this purpose is different, mainly to study the construction of large-scale theme park experience and the introduction of the negotiations, in the Chaoyang Park is building the world's largest Ferris wheel project, its budget just above the ground increased to 230 from the 208 meters meters, 198 meters from the radius has increased, Beijing 2008 will become the iconic, once the world's largest Ferris wheel London Eye (Millennium Wheel) (ground level 135 m) construction engineer, said the Beijing Wheel the modernization of China's most attractive landmark building, the Beijing Modern Architecture jewel in the crown. We rode a line in Tokyo a special Ferris wheel at night there will be a very beautiful landscape.
and The visit also talked about Tokyo Disneyland and Disney now Beijing has carried out the actual nature of the negotiations, the details of planning control in Beijing, the subway station called the sixth line of the future world there is a station, not to the local place names of origin, not to named local landmark, is not named after the road, and that station is the future of China's first Disney Park Reserve. Similarly there has been basically agreed upon a future world of France; South Korea's Lotte World is also in talks expected to Lotte World Construction in the CRD region.
Disney as an international tourism giant, Shanghai has carried out consultations in 2006, but because Shanghai is not rich in tourism resources and other reasons has died in Beijing in 2001 when the re-negotiation of the temporary storage start, not only because of Beijing Cultural center, but also promote the development of tourism because of the Olympic Games in Beijing building rich tourism resources of international giant theme park is the strategic direction of consensus, Disney executives have said: Great swim, eat Duck, Disney again how pleasant thing. and to shake hands with Donald Duck and the Monkey King of China looked forward to returning wealth to the local characteristics of the Disney settled in Beijing.
next year's Olympic Games has been determined by the 50 Heads of State and Government attending the , after the launch of Disney at the Olympic Games, will prevent the post-Olympic era Olympic booster low, focus on positive factors also prevent economic growth shifting from fast to overheating.
I have made at the meeting the Mayor of office, except Hong Kong is special (Pocket Disney), Disney, the world's other cities hosted the Olympic Games (Paris, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Orlando (and Atlanta 440 kilometers)), including Hong Kong is also an internationally renowned tourist center, the next Disney settled in Beijing, China become the United States, the second a country has two national parks of Disney.
this point, the future will form over the western South Korea in Beijing, Lotte World, octagonal amusement park, east of Happy Valley and Disney to form the south to form the future world, and Beijing amusement park, the situation of the six theme parks, the impact of Beijing, no less than the Olympic Games, Orlando because Disney had extraordinary change.
back to the future planning of the building, CBD core area buildings have reported two cases , core area A program stand out, feasibility planning has been approved. China World Trade Center Tower A report to 688.8 meters, construction area of 688,000 square meters, 138 floor, B Tower Lueai, final adjustment program is 666.6 meters, the top screen one day. two Tower Building connections between the two, the base is like a bird-like exhibition and business center connected, whole body transparent, very beautiful, very modern.
postures and a rotating skyscraper construction, that is, the nations of the center of 550 + the future will be the core area of the City full financial settlement center and the world headquarters of multinational financial groups resident. In addition to sitting on the Deutsche Bank China Central Place, the other up the headquarters of foreign banks in Beijing is very likely to the new Financial City office.
In addition to the nations of China World Trade Centre and the Centre, there are several buildings over 400 + into the conceptual planning stage of construction.
China World Trade Centre, Centre for the use of the nations will be a large area of the core of the financial, insurance, media, consulting associate , and positioning for the future of foreign financial headquarters base and cover options, stock trading center (China Second Board, the International Board, three boards and the future will be located in Zhongguancun GEM) of the total financial settlement center.
outside the CBD, as well as naming for the tolerance of the post-modern church, and large arc quintana transparent financial Museum. also stepped up planning.
China World Trade Center design unit is the famous American SOM, the nations centered design unit is famous Dutch city (CCTV Design units).
the City is completed, Beijing will further accelerate the pace towards an international financial center. was a former mayor of Beijing's financial background've done it, said: Mayor Wang is a typical not only to resolve the crisis after taking office, will also do a very impressive financial industry in Beijing.
Mayor Wang had a press conference to express their views: to include trade finance services, including creating a good environment. how to improve the environment Street, this is responsibility of local government. , Beijing into an international financial center to the historic task to determine, and most of the joint-stock commercial bank headquarters, the four asset management companies headquarters, headquarters of the four major national insurance companies, four of China's financial industry trade associations, the same time, China Depository Trust & Clearing Center, Computing Center of China Securities and Futures are also registered in Beijing. Beijing has is the undisputed center of the national financial management, financial regulation and control centers and fund settlement center.
the king unwilling to here, to compete with Shanghai China's financial center, foreign banks in the world he gave the invitation, President pro-To Beijing, the capital market positioning, GDP scale of development, a large number of Chinese financial institutions gathered in the headquarters of a large number of central enterprises and transnational corporations are also located in Beijing. this kind of demand for services. Of course, he will not forget the introduction, with other cities can not match Beijing's unique resources, that is, central banks and other financial regulators in Beijing. Beijing Municipal Government introduced tax breaks and other preferential policies on foreign banks, inviting them to China's operational headquarters will be registered in Beijing. Not only that, east of Beijing also established a special development zone, so that the background service agencies of foreign banks located in this.
the influx of foreign capital, the rapid development of the Zhongguancun Science Park, Financial Street The status is stable, Li Yang, director of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Finance, commented:
to conduct RMB business in Shanghai, the first pilot of the environment, all foreign banks in Shanghai have the main reporting bank (principal reporting bank, foreign banks based in China, registered the concept of different corporate banks), with the advantages of information Beijing and monitoring center is open RMB business, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan Chase Bank, UBS, Calyon, Societe Generale, BNP Paribas and Korea, the three banks will be selected incorporated bank in Beijing, the main reporting bank also moved to Beijing and the East Agricole also the world's fifth largest bank in selected Asia-Pacific Beijing CBD, open RMB business to foreign banks in China headquarters profound changes in the layout. New stationed in China or interested in entering China's Bank of America, Zurich Bank, Wells Fargo, United States Bank of Scotland finance will also be registered in Beijing, and Beijing, such as Royal Bank of Canada to retain the 43 foreign banks, and all the main reporting bank in China, they have identified corporate banks will settle up to Beijing. foreign bank registered in the ground , Beijing, from Shanghai, including Deutsche Bank to secure, etc., 1 / 3 of China was the main reporting bank, all of the new business of foreign banks in China and all Chinese in Beijing, the main report row. Mayor Wang a background in finance , into an international financial center in Beijing has achieved a lot.
Beijing, but also led him to complete eight years old by the Royal Park Headquarters to the world's fifth largest cities (Tokyo, Paris, London, New York, Beijing, Berlin, Seoul, Zurich, Madrid) of the magnificent transformation.
four days in Tokyo, I also fully experience the charm of Tokyo as an international city.
Tokyo has two international airports, Narita and Haneda, Beijing Capital International Airport T3 terminal will be built into the field of similar size and become the world's ninth largest airport, Shanghai Hongqiao and Pudong plus than even with a lot more. Recently the official capital of the second airport location in Daxing, planning report, the capital of the Second International Airport Vision passenger capacity of 80 million is expected to -1 billion, and has three runways will be built the world's ninth largest Capital International Airport, Tianjin Binhai Airport airport together to form a triangle structure, build East Asia's largest airport.
capital of the Second Airport will greatly improve the Beijing ...