Monday, December 13, 2010

Virgo character analysis - I think a good reference!

 1. In the character of Achilles heel mm
1) all by the state, needs a sense of security.
Say virgin alternative, dual personality, and even a little bit nervous, in fact, only one reason, along with Virgo everything outside their own significant character and switch to, let's call it perfect, radiant, and can behave very outgoing, talkative, easy to mix with people (not their character of this). and once virgin state is not good, it will become another person, even a very useless, nothing, but Usually at this time they are hiding and will not be seen. Because Virgin is fully aware of such a character, sensible in the state they chose a good time to do more, more activities, more complete some goals in life, because they can not do know when the bad state will come, and sometimes even had to postpone their plans for this or that there is hard to understand patterns of behavior. This change of state performance on the interpersonal relationships, especially love is described below fits and starts. So Virgin needs absolute security, which is an indefinable something unknown road, anyway, is not so virgin uncomfortable, easy to induce the state of feeling bad. Very often, a sense of security from their unique personal space. In short, the state is good, virginity is the darling of the public; state is bad, but it is the world's deserters.
2) hot and cold.
I do not know much about the Virgin suddenly seen post cold turns hot, this also resulted in condemning a character, or to love them feel aggrieved and helpless. with the guard for the Mercury, Gemini, like virgins and capricious, but Gemini is a mercurial mind, good virgin change is emotional. The term can be summed up not just sentimental, often fell into virgin inexplicable grief and remorse in the (self-critical spirit and perfectionist tendencies), which on the surface is the emotional trough. in cold, Virgin most want to hide one's own world, alone in the solitude and indifference to adjust their emotions, such feelings are, and adjust to the heat longer follow it. But the world is not because of you, to many times Virgin to face many practical chores, when the Virgin had become cold in the face around the world: to speak or do something very natural, there are traces of affectation; or it is extremely cold and passive, to ignore anyone. In fact Virgin is clear that he now looks, but they can not change and control their own emotions, can only choose frantically to escape. they want to get is: its very natural to face you, embarrassing and irrelevant to you to say so, contrast or cause and usually too big to be described as hypocrisy, weird personality, not as good as the first hide for a while, so come out after a good adjustment. So, in dealing with people, they will, and had exchanges of people (it could not escape), or complete strangers (anyway does not matter) conversation, instead of alienating friends and familiar. your position more weight in his mind, he is far more you avoid them. especially the lover, he only make you feel his presence, without letting you touch him or see him, that is commonly referred to as ambiguous. The reason is simple: he just wanted to give you a best and most perfect of their own, rather than you see him help the fragile side. So remember, sometimes you cold Virgo is definitely not what you do wrong, wrong, this is their normal physiological phenomenon, they just do not want to hurt you cold and frost (But in fact this practice has been hurt). not sad, because they care about you, their hearts than you are sad, self-blame and guilt! they can do, just want to quickly adjust the mood, back your side.
are based on the above two points, Virgin will sometimes show a very different type of behavior and thinking. They have a lot of character comes from this: do not like the initiative, poor communication (we can also warm, but today hot, cold one day), do not love the performance, do not like the spotlight (in case some day unable to grasp the state of bad mood, would not have lost face), and so on.
2. some
character on perfect is synonymous with them. heterosexual relationship is probably more than they need to identify a good popularity and his charisma to counter those common views. Once you find the hearts of true love, he will protect you for life, as long as you give him a sense of security, he never no betrayal, only you in mind in the eyes of a person. whoring, affair, nothing to do with their insulation (one due to a sense of responsibility, the second is the trouble).
on the Visions such as water bottles, nor is it the kind of plan carefully Scorpio, Virgo is more reflected the wisdom. delicate, rational, studious together twelve constellations in the first-class insight and the most logical thinking ability, Virgin does not want clever immune. nothing less in the front lip virgin, free to lie, they are a lot of yarn will be able to see through the false; also do not tell what they are scheming to play, but you play them. virgin is someone who can sell you to him you have to thanks type. nothing too few debates with virgin, they did not find reasonable grounds may even find more than one reason to. Virgo is never suffer. But it is strange, sometimes deliberately virgin often very simple demonstration of stupid bully look good, because only they know their own hearts.
on the their well-appointed. virgins are always hovering between the purity and lust, which is difficult to tell. but their heart is really very good, would rather their plight do not want to hurt anyone, and soul, the general crystal clear as crystal. < br> on the ; slow negative consequences). They were always thinking too much, not to be too slow.
on the Virgin is because it is selfless, it seems selfish. (to understand?) because Virgin do not want to hurt anyone.
on the has been unable to control things around, or can not regulate their emotions, they frantically to escape, fall themselves, this condition is usually harmless to others, but it is harmful to themselves, so that all who love them are heartbreaking. But do not worry too much after a while they themselves will be good, their spirit of self-critical nature of work very soon. virgins generally do not completely fall, fall before the might have to leave room, just waiting for the arrival of hope . degeneration are sometimes made for others to see.
on the content. because they feel unable to grasp the emotions, and these can be encouraged to go do their own, will certainly help. It is their goal to pursue perfectionism.
perfect source of SARS Whether for family, couples, lovers, friends, or colleagues and ordinary friends, most of the time, Virgin have become too indifferent.
no sense of security, the development of a relationship has long --- and when the virgin test his / her eye has a clear grasp and accepted, the other has long since lost patience and walked away. Ever since Virgin started the pain of fate, because the slow loss of critical, but also because of the loss and despair, and because disheartened and more cold.
After all, this is a strong and actually looked vulnerable wrong sign. because of the highly developed thinking things around nerves and high demands, in order to meet this high demand and pick pick pick pick up, afraid of the inappropriate choice of the final disappointment. worry about the outcome of pure virgin hard to develop a close relationship, for the virgin he / she admired, and they not afraid of their own and away from the match, the better their people, virgin he / she does not have enough patience to find their advantages.
no confidence, lack of security was a virgin all the root causes of bad habits, and thinking highly developed nerve root is the source of this. So You can see a good and attractive appearance of the virgin hot and cold elusive, even though you know many years, and then a little deeper, you can also find this old friend the envy of almost everyone actually some sense of inferiority. This really makes you understand .
but do not think that a low self-esteem your virgin worse than confident, if he / him know what you think, will be in my heart smile. because they have stringent requirements on their own, requiring a more perfect their performance more intelligent, instead he / she is really in reality less than you.
see signs before the comments, what hate of the perfect virgin, critical, serious sort of words. But now I understand what they said is a fact, is the only The biggest shortcoming is not perfect for everyone to reveal why the Virgin, critical, serious and cold. because the Virgin has unmatched in the brain, which is not to say there is no other sign that a virgin smart. the brain and the brain is different, like Scorpio the brain than the other constellations allow them to dominate the fast adaptation and love, they thought the other twin's brain agile than the other constellations, the Virgin of the brain and other serious they think the big question of the abstract, with an unparalleled advantage. Think Experts can not sit down and feeling more than half of scientific research. born a virgin, no other signs dazzling charm and character of its own troubled by slow, each constellation has its own characteristics, which is unique. virgin perfect and really picky to their own benefit, because they can constantly improve yourself, slow indeed care for their way of thinking .-- nothing good, only the right inappropriate.
sincere love for the Virgin of the people, has the following Advice --- love it if you are a virgin (not love a tool to fill your fantasy), then, please be patient properly, and try him / her to improve, though at first you do not understand him / her why she so concerned about details, but when you stand on his / her perspective, perhaps would have happened to him / her an understanding of the phenomenon.
for Virgin, has the following advice - Love is understanding and tolerance, tolerance means have concessions and compromise. If you firmly believe that their slow and picky is good for others, then please stick to it, to see the final they will not be a good but no one understood isolated. soft on the outside than the inside just, do not do paper tiger would be more beloved?

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