Monday, December 27, 2010

2007, 100 domestic and international technology hotspots Review (II) 1

 2007, 100 domestic and international technology hotspots Review (II)
Chen Guangren
summary based on the overall scientific and technical activities throughout the year 2007, from the scientific, social, historical, cultural, interesting, news and the angle, choose the 100 domestic and significant progress in science and technology, projects, activities or events, to demonstrate the endless frontier of science and technology developments and colorful history of the scene.
Key words science and technology; research activities; scientific and technological progress; Technology N1 Events
CLC Document code A Article ID 1000-7857 (2008) 04-0026-15
) , the most dynamic cultural achievements, which constitute our universe and the various beliefs and attitudes of human beings all one of the most powerful forces. But science is not isolated in the ivory tower to the development of cold, excited by the scientific curiosity interest has always been the main driver of technological development, and science and history, culture and more excited each card shows the interest of science.
1.1 Haug and other research centers in China under the Martha Lake Huguangyan Leizhou drawn from the analysis of sediment winter monsoon proxy paleoclimate data that caused the decline of the Tang Dynasty between AD 700-900 lead to long-term increase in winter monsoon drought Weather causes. National Climate Centre second-class chief scientist Zhang China 36 750 according to historical climate records, calculated that in the past
2 000-year moisture index data series, indicating that China has between 700-900 AD, cold winter (ie strong winds in winter) is basically associated with the wet summer, dry periods and wet climate presents alternate periods, and before the Tang dynasty in the last 30 years is not the rainy periods of drought periods. The result of falsification of the Tang dynasty in the arid climate of the thesis, also called in a scale of -10 in winter and summer monsoon intensity was ; natural enemies sodium lithium boron silicate, which is the popular science fiction since the 1935 comic book Luther rely stolen from the Metropolitan Museum of kryptonite weakens Superman's forces to defeat Superman. and the movie describes the difference is not real large green crystals of krypton ore, but the white powder-like substance; it is not fluoride, is not with radiation. newly discovered mineral is named Gold particles draw the sun image
IBM Corporation researchers have created the world's smallest works of art with 20,000 mm gold particles drawn sun images (Figure 2). solar image taken from a piece of 17th century ARCHINEER painted gold symbols. researchers to etching, the desired location directly on the particles, and with each tablet of gold particles 60 nm in diameter silicon wafers fabricated in the picture. It works on the accuracy achieved break, indicating that AMD can produce sensors, lenses, nano-circuit of wires needed and used to track the subtle signs of a disease [4]. Georgia Institute of Technology researchers silicon atomic force microscope probe heat, and let thin polymer membrane their ; carved 0.5 mm2 of silicon on a carved more than 30 million words of the Hebrew the naked eye can not see the Great Wall, and only up to a certain spatial resolution satellite remote sensing images to get the Great Wall. the human visual perception from the light, color vision to the case in excellent condition, ordinary people can see objects the size of 10 m, forming flat The remote sensing techniques can be human visual function. Chinese-American astronaut Chiao photographed from space, the Great Wall with a digital camera image, the U.S. aerospace museum remote sensing images can show the Great Wall or other appropriate surface material [7].
1.5 Lei Huofu Castle Ruins excavated 30 years ago, 3 000 full hives, proved that in the records where the flood occurred. According to deep-sea samples collected and found that the flood had exceeded the natural barrier, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea was separated from inland lakes, the flood very quickly, and the Israeli land area equivalent to 4, the surviving The fishing vessel is already invented [9]. University of Exeter, said scientists at the University of Wollongong in Australia, dating back 8740-8160 years, the North American Laurentide ice sheet melting of Germany, the Mediterranean sea-level rise caused by 1.4 m , about 1 120 km2 of land along the flooded; the Black Sea is salt water inundation, 72 700 km2 of land were flooded, this period lasted about 34 years; causing 145,000 farmers moved west. This event may be a Noah's Ark to save the human story of the origin [10].
search for origin of life, the European Space Agency September 14, 2007 launch unmanned Foton M3 conducted 43 experiments, 26 September in Kazakhstan Stan successful landing (Figure 3). a spaceship attached to the outside by the lake sediments 400 million years ago the rock formed in some biological compounds have survived, indicating that the simple organisms to reach the Earth by meteorites possibility exists [ ,],[. Russia, Germany, Australia, the science team used computer models of molecular dynamics simulations show that inorganic particles can evolve [13]. University of Arizona research team used a radio telescope to red supergiant star VY Canis outer layers of gas observed found traces of a variety of complex molecules that form the original molecule of life may come from stars [14-15]. University of California, Santa Barbara Helen. Hansi Ma believes that the enclosed space between the thin layer of mica may be the birthplace of the first biological molecules [16]. Cardiff University's Charles Ende La so that human life originated in comets, and later it spread in the galaxies, and finally to the most livable planet [17]. Denmark University of Copenhagen Escobar. Weller Oxley and other found a frozen, has survived the harsh environment nearly 50 years old live bacteria, the oldest ever found of living organisms on Mars will help the possibility of life on the [18]. Saint Louis University Titmouse. Caskey found that 14.3 billion years ago, such as deep-sea microbial fossils of ancient bacteria in their immediate surroundings, indicating that early Earth life may have originated in the deep sea of the addicted Hot microorganisms [19].
1.7 1 million years ago fossil proof of Jiuquan butterfly was Butterfly before (Figure 4), dragonflies and other insects, fossils, the fossils length, width 7 ~ 8 cm, a complete wings, head, chest and tail, very clear lines on the wings, hidden in the back some 110 million to 1.3 million years ago the rivers and lakes in sedimentary strata. slim, lightweight body butterflies, dragonflies and other flying insects is difficult to form a fossil, the findings indicate that it is very suitable for biological Jiuquan survival was warm and humid climate. The fossils of the study insect origin, evolution, evolution and the study of ancient geography and ancient environment of the ancient climate, changes in the interpretation of ancient ecology of great value [20-21].
1.8 dating back 500 million years old jellyfish fossil
Kansas University of Bo Lien. Cartwright, etc. found in Utah than 500 million years ago, the oldest jellyfish fossils (Fig. 5). As a very fine save in the sandy sediments, showing a piece of old jellyfish fossil rich detail, you can see only 500 million years ago, the bell-shaped jellyfish shape, slender tentacles, muscle scar structure, and even female. It is very rare, because the jellyfish and other mollusks died easily biodegradable, and most of preserved fossil jellyfish coarse sandy sediments are formed, the shape is often quite vague. so far have been found in the Cambrian period of 4 different jellyfish, this fossil dating back 540 million years for the study population outbreak of the Cambrian period of rapid diversity and evolution of species provides an important line
cable [22].
1.9 serial swallowed fossils found Kerry
Witte and other German scientists accidentally discovered in a museum ingestion of fish and amphibians fossil shark swallowed (Figure 6), its history can be traced back to the basin in southwest Germany Saernae about 2.9 million years ago, the late Permian period. only freshwater sharks, about 20 in (50 cm) long, shark viscera There are two small amphibian from the vertebral sub-orders, each about 8 ~ 10 in (20 ~ 25 cm) large; of which there has been a amphibians digestive organs in the bony fish remains of bony fish alive this time around 4 in (10 cm) in length, the adult fish can reach 20 in (50 cm) or longer. This is the first such complex found direct evidence of the extinction of the food chain, food chain and help to rebuild the ancient understanding of modern water the formation of the food chain under way [23].
1.10 5 300 million years ago to produce three-dimensional map
spider Ghent University, Belgium David. Penn and other use of spiders in France, Museum Research and Restoration Center, a team of scientists agency analysis methods and the introduction of two mass X-ray scanning of two comparative studies, confirmed that the ancient sculptures from West Africa on the sunlight, may contain from ritual animal sacrifice blood (Fig. 8), iron luster of these artifacts exist only blood-related. These techniques are very sensitive, able to find a few samples of a few micrograms of the target molecule, and a technology if those elements not found in other kinds of technology can fill the gap. This research helps to better understand the behavior of ancient artists, as well as further study of these valuable artifacts open up new avenues [25].
1.12 The earliest reference to america map 500 years ago, the Library of Congress, Washington
December 13, 2007 show a painting in 1507 is considered the Val Sim Coral is a small village in the German monk, may integrate the Columbus, Amerigo. Vespucci, and many Portuguese, Spanish navigator of the information, accurately drawn and the separation of the Eurasian continent, sandwiched in the Pacific and this new continent between the Atlantic Ocean. This map length 2.32 m, width 1.20 m, 80% accuracy. The picture of the equator is only 70 mi error. This map hidden in the castle library of a German nobleman 400 years, was rediscovered in 1901, the U.S. Library of Congress in 2003 to 1 0 million U.S. dollars to buy the map. This is the first one depicts the human history in between the Atlantic and Pacific integrity of a map of the Western Hemisphere, is also documented first a . Vespucci's name Semitic text written in ancient Egyptian pyramid inscription Una King. Saqqara in northern Egypt's pyramids Una King has 4400 years ago, but will have inscriptions dating back to the age of 25 century BC to 30 BC century. this spell with a hieroglyphic inscription Satan recorded 100 years ago had been found, but has been unable to understand the meaning of them. Semitic Canaanites was 5000 years ago using a very old language form, later the Phoenicians and the Hebrews used to
[27]. University of Reading in southern England Mark. Page Er and other basic vocabulary of 200 investigated thousands of years in English, Russian, Greek, between the evolution of Spanish and found that all of the modern Indo-European languages with 87 dates back to about 1 million years ago, the common origin, while the frequency of use of words and word form, meaning the stability of the unbreakable link with a word use, the more it changes over time, the less likely [28]. Tsinghua University, font printed document and the scramble English Mongolian identification problem and achieve a unified platform in Mongolian, Tibetan, Uygur, Kazak, Korean, Kirghiz (scramble English) comprehensive integrated document recognition, and to support the Arabic language recognition [29]. Oren University of Washington. Aiqiaoni invention Panlmmages other software, such search engines have been able to use 300 different languages image search, online dictionary 350, covering 2.5 million words [30]. American research team at Swarthmore College in recent years, such as identification, recording, collecting a number of endangered languages. study found that 70,000 languages in the world, only 83 languages with influence, there is now every two weeks a language disappears, the vast majority of endangered languages faster than birds, mammals, fish and plants [31].
1.14 Western Pacific island of Kiribati?
Walt Disney Company is promoting his new film Kiribati (Figure 10) over 3 mm large competitors Bermuda, Cape Horn, the North Pole, won the out of place, the most distant places, the real end of the world. Kiribati, located at latitude 1.25p, longitude 173., a total of 33 islands, only across the equator, the Earth and the international date line, north and south and east-west hemispheres the two hemispheres of the country. it mm from its nearest neighbor Australia and the Hawaiian Islands about 4 630 km. At present, two islands of Kiribati have been swallowed by the sea, the highest above sea level where only 6 ft. With global warming and sea level rise, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and other Pacific island countries will gradually be underwater [33].
3.15 Office issued the first detailed medical report Roman times. in 1989 in Rimini, Italy, Ferrari Square, was built under the clinic discovered Roman 2nd century BC, was destroyed about AD 260. In the ancient Roman structure consulting room consulting room and modern times, and there is not much difference. after 17 years of excavations, archaeologists found more than 150 different medical devices, is now found in most surgical equipment. where the arrow is used to pull the iron tweezers, tooth extraction pliers and open the skull, a small chisel to take debris and other medical equipment design is very rare. that 1800 years ago, doctors have mastered the diet, medication and surgery and a series of treatment [34].
1.16 James. Watson mixed feelings of grief and joy
2007 �� 5 31, Nobel Prize winners, known as the ; 454 life science companies br> studies [35-36]. In the October 14, 2007 issue of the British All our social policies are based on an idea: African intelligence with us the same, but all tests have shown that not the case. growing, Long Island, New York, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on October 18 issued a statement, Watson suspended Institute of Technology, University of Glasgow scientists using human brain response to a clear difference and fuzzy images, created a magical Marilyn - Einstein mixed picture (Figure 12). It almost see Einstein, far concept becomes Marilyn. Monroe. the human brain of a clear analysis of images blurred image faster than the speed of faster, part of the image remains clear state, the other with rough features, can create change based on distance and the picture [ ,],[activities, protection of the robot access to data, records the activities of the robot for each robot to determine the identity [39]. Chiba University in Japan recently enacted provisions of intelligent robotics research ethics mm to ensure that the robot is used for peaceful purposes. It includes: the researchers were only associated with the civilian robotics education and research; researchers may not be unethical, illegal use of technology to the robot; researchers not only to strictly abide by Asimov, ;: First, the robot can not injure a human being; second robot to obey human commands unless the first violation; third robot to protect itself, unless the first or second violation of Article [40].
1.19 found Cancer Longevity ; anti-oxidation, can destroy cancer tumor and anti-aging [41]. University of California, San Francisco biologist Cynthia. Kenyon and other life-cycle of an only 3 days of Caenorhabditis elegans by the DAF-734 2 of the gene screening revealed 29 genes which can promote or inhibit the growth of cancer cells, half of these 29 genes also have an impact on the nematode life span. When DAF-2 mutation, and promote cancer cell growth and gene expression can not be normal , and inhibition of cancer cell expression of the gene also extend the life of C. elegans [42].
1.20 search for extraterrestrial life
the U.S. National Academy of Sciences National Research Council released a report encouraging experimental work, field research and observation space 3 ways to search for extraterrestrial life combined. The report pointed out that the search of foreign stars biological hypothesis has been hindered by Earth's center, the hypothesis that all life forms need water, but some compounds in the liquid solvent to be cell In fact, Titan's internal discovered a mixed solution of water and ammonia. chemist requires the use of Earth organisms in the laboratory did not use the organisms with known differences in biochemical structure, there is a huge new creatures. laboratory and field studies combined with the Earth a better understanding of biological completely different chemical composition of potential extraterrestrial life. If you do not conduct research to better understand , the future, once found in outer space alien, the consequences would be very dangerous [43].
social image of science that we live in an age of science, science directly concerned everything we have experienced what is , how to do, why the problem, it is the world we live in an important, understandable and most influential component. in science and technology have become the future development of human history and the rise and fall of the modern state as a decisive strength, concern the whole society to participate in science and technology activities to become a necessity.
2.1 technology invented by British public opinion
nuclear power, Sinclair C5 electric mini car, cars, cigarettes, TV, fast food thing, electronic guns and religion [44]. British China's Eastern Han Dynasty the abacus rather than screw pumps and aspirin in the first row [45]. print, have been the name of the research literature there is a 7. These type copies of mud, wood type print to an indisputable fact that China's response to the br> right [46]. U.S. the scientific status of ancient inventions, excavation of ancient China, the scientific value of inventions, innovation and the promotion of national cultural heritage protection, China's State Administration of Cultural Heritage June 1, 2007 start cultural heritage, for the investigation of ancient inventions, collate, study, exhibition, 2015, the system is of great significance to master the ancient Chinese inventions on the basic profiles [48].
2.2 Mapping the global distribution of plant species
University of California, San Diego and the University of Bonn, Germany, biologists drawn reflecting a new global map of plant species diversity, covering hundreds of thousands of species, is by far the most comprehensive global distribution of plant species. This map highlights a particular protected area, in order to measure climate change on plants and humans may provide the necessary impact to help [49].
2.3 Census of Marine Life and the protection of the University of Hamburg, Germany
scientists ,2002-2005, east of the Antarctic Peninsula, Weddell Sea water 700 ~ 6 000 m deep study found that more than 700 new marine species, this changed in the past that with the increase in ocean depth, loss of biodiversity concept; and that the Antarctic may be a global center of marine biodiversity. The research is the abyss of the Census of Marine Biodiversity Programme (CeDAMar), the International Census of Marine Life (CoML) part. CeDAMar 10-year research project Since the year 2000 the goal was to water depth in the 4 000 ~ 5 000 m in the abyssal plain in the study of marine life; and more than 70 countries including China to participate in the international Census of Marine Life (CoML) for the use of advanced technology to conduct a global survey of marine biodiversity joint action [50]. American scientist Craig. Venter proposed global ocean sampling inspection plans to build a variety of marine microbial genes on the inventory, has so far received more than 600 million new genes and thousands of new protein family [51].
2.4 deal with biological invasions
Xishuangbanna Botanical Garden, Yu-Long Feng and other proposed plant invasion, 8 populations by large leaf and 5 Buddleja physiological and ecological characteristics of native plant study found that if invasive alien species not encountered in the natural enemy, the alien plants will be put in the origin of natural enemies for the defense of this part of nitrogen for photosynthesis, increased photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency, resulting in uncontrolled soaring invasive plants [52]. Institute of Insect Sciences, Zhejiang University, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Australian scientists to reveal the invasion mechanisms. study found that, due to biotype B whitefly and between indigenous asymmetric mating interactions in promoting growth in the number of B biotype, while suppressing the indigenous whitefly population growth, resulting in B biotype whitefly rapid invasion and expansion. outbreaks of pests B biotype originated in the Mediterranean Sea - Asia Minor region, accompanied by poinsettia plants and other broad invasion of the global transport of tropical, subtropical and temperate low-latitude regions, cotton, tobacco, vegetables and garden flowers The main pest is the World Conservation Union International Scientific Committee on Environment (SCOPE) 1997 established the world to prevent invasive species in biological invasion plan (GISP), the World Conservation Union (IUCN) in 2001 to develop such a global strategy for invasive alien species, the European Union in 2003 to develop invasive species strategy, the European Commission 11 July 2007 adopted a response to profit bees disappeared, the loss of the East Coast up to 70%. bees outlier trend subsequently spread to mainland Europe, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Australia, Portugal, Italy and Greece have similar phenomenon. researchers speculated that the bees may have access to a certain insecticides, pesticides damage the immune system of bees, to identify the direction and the ability to fly down and lost during the flight [54]. The European Parliament Environment Committee, said legislative proposals, pesticides, modern The importance of agricultural self-evident, but the soil, air and pesticide residues in food on human health and the environment had a negative impact. requested in the next 10 years to achieve the goal of halving the use of pesticides and to prohibit aerial spraying of pesticides [55] .
2.6 may not be environmentally friendly bio-fuels
Brazil, the United States, China, India, South Africa, five countries and the European Union six March 2, 2007 announced the launch of Fuel and other alternative energy research and development [56]. International Academy of Sciences Committee (IAC) announced the report Rockefeller University in New York, Jesse. Otho Bell analysis shows that renewable energy may not be as imaginary as environmental protection, development of renewable energy requires a lot of land resources, the ultimate cost may be the destruction of the environment [58]. United Kingdom 11 organizations involved in the drafting of the report, willow, there is seeded, elephant grass and other plants used to produce bio-energy to provide heat, power and vegetable oil at the same time, the field may cause some decline in the number of wild animals, even destroy the soil and water quality [59]. OECD and FAO July 4, 2007 released a report [60]. International Water Management Institute October 11, 2007 issued the report, the development of bio-energy will make severe water tight [61]. bio-fuels is conducive to sustainable development a focus of debate.
2.7 Satellite monitoring Fire distribution and fire
resources through the European Space Agency remote sensing satellite ERS-2, a giant earth environment monitoring satellites, surface fire, draw the map of global fire, which combines all the available satellite data, can provide images of fire, time, location and other information. by July 1996 to August 2007 data, suggesting that the fire situation in a month shows that the Greek fire in August 2007 the number of its July 1998 and August the number of fire 4 times higher than in other European countries experienced over the past 10 years, the total fire. The European Space Agency and the French Space Agency in 2000, 10 month launched the Application of Google satellite maps and distributed in San Diego County over the 18 sets of remote cameras, you can quickly fire data collection, processing, determine the fire's exact location and provide images for the implementation of fire fighting and evacuation of people to gain time [63].
2.8 . Fotino capsule by instruction

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