Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Seventeenth Chinese Internet Shiba Mo touch three and a half of China's Internet heroes and three ...

 Shiba Mo says the end is coming, and here was originally to write TOM, then many users suggested that TOM is not the basic domestic Internet companies, hope that I can evaluate the character of the Internet. Many people have asked me, Who do you think is the hero of the Internet, the latest anti-hooligan more fashionable than you? they asked, you say who is the rogue Internet. Here I make a conclusion.
follow the The three and a half and three and a half rogue heroes.
first part, three and a half of China's Internet hero, after so many years Chinese Internet, the success of many ups and downs, in the end who can be regarded as a hero? author's point of view:
Heroes Heroes three and a half
the most beautiful - the most lonely hero
Ma - Ma
the most useless hero - the most tragic
Zhang (half) Heroes - Fang Xingdong
1 The most beautiful hero - Ma Ma
to fear there is no controversy as a hero.
1988   -1995 Electronic Institute of Technology in Hangzhou lecturer in English and international trade.
1995 年 -1997 founded the Yellow Pages, ;, Wuxi Little Swan, Beijing Guoan Football Club and other Chinese Internet home page first.
1997 年 -1999 joined the Ministry of Foreign Trade of China International Electronic Commerce Center, the development of China Ministry of Foreign Trade official site and online commodity trading market. < br> 1999 at set up research and development center in Hangzhou to Hong Kong headquarters, the founder of Alibaba.
2003 C2C invaded the field, personal online trading platform launched Taobao (, and growth in the 2-year period for the nation's largest personal auction site. In the same year to enter the field of electronic payments, set up pay the company to launch an independent third party electronic payment platform.
not understand IT, the IT hero, looks very thin. protruding cheekbones, twisted hair, five feet high and a hundred pounds weight of the body, a fragile look. may be difficult to imagine that this year the college entrance examination took only 21 minutes when the math, and self-proclaimed But in most people do not know why things Internet, it firmly into this industry.
where someone will say Ma vision is good, in my opinion the so-called good vision statement gab purely short, we are not immortal, no one knows what will happen tomorrow, everyone will start from their own experience, by virtue of their own judgments to decide what to do now.
Ma himself said: not be believed. Now and then 10 years of memories of the Internet, we should say that China is not the first, but the second company. We in February 1995 began to create this company, China's Internet connection with foreign Internet is August 1995. no network, how the network first in the west? In fact, from here we can see the boss, as many of the same business, in order to survive any means, rack their brains to think of a way.
when faced with a large influx of returnees such as home business, Ma felt crisis, has taken a lot of entrepreneurs will be used strategy is to gamble, fight it dry again, the betting on Alibaba above. Time has proved the success of this choice. Ma gamble paid off.
In fact, many the development of entrepreneurs in the face of crisis, this strategy will take time, like Mr. Chen, Shi Yuzhu are all like this. this option there are too many uncertainties, most people have failed. It is easy to those who bet on success to say look how good, in fact, they themselves did not dare to believe that success.
advantage of the success of a number of Ma, the courage to gamble, dare to fight it, which is a prerequisite for most successful. Ma's English is a big advantage good, so easy to look at the issue of domestic and foreign, when relevant, be considered together. Alibaba China to business to the world, I am afraid that is the embodiment of this point.
fact we Ali Baba above can also see the shadow of China's Yellow Pages, from a different angle is that they can not manage product do the Chinese Yellow Pages?
Ma said to himself: will get a little, how could you want anything. precisely because so many years of failure or bad thing, so I fail to see very light, the success is also very lightly. So I, like many young people, I colleagues, as well as outside school buddy, learn about their brother, if I succeed, most people can succeed, you do not give it a chance, never give up, you have this dream, with wisdom, courage, and take the right path, you will have the opportunity. is already China's largest Internet company. No matter how the front, at least for now Ma is the most beautiful of the hero.
Ma hero lies in innovation, courage and hard work. with those who rely on mimicry, using sex to attract attention in essence difference. that Ma is a hoot surprised situation, the most beautiful of the hero deserved.
2, the lonely hero - Ma Ma
mention, I am afraid there is much controversy.
king. and he is blatantly and openly copied. good at striking in Ma. Tencent is a typical platform game. not necessary to take risks, , we will tend to it in the form of e-commerce. almost the same. Tencent's total revenue is as high as $ 80,300,000, an increase of 115%, ranking the highest in the Chinese Internet. Looking back now commit themselves to their competitors ICQ, AOL, MSN and Yahoo have not got the upper hand Lee, Sina and Sohu UC The Search Q, and Netease are nowadays the bubbles are struggling for their own survival,
reported that: He soon mastered by learning ICQ instant messaging internet technology, and suggested that China Motion company used the Internet. To do this, run hearing will be held a demonstration, Ma suggested that the company launched from a technical perspective this project, the owner of a strong profit hearing questions : how to make money out this stuff? all management can not answer, Mr. Ma is also able to answer. So the boss adjourned the meeting and made the most of his life regret the decision to shelve the qq technology abandoned. Ma QQ is only just 100 million with the proceeds of the original stock funds and university students LIQUID Tencent co-founded a by-product. It is reported that Zhang Ma entrepreneurs seeking pain had acquired 20 million of his company. But now, Tencent has been developed the qq,, qqgame, four communities and mobile QQ, QQ, and WAPQQ three major online platform, forms the QQ portal. times bring the hero, making hundreds of millions of users Ma unsuccessful qq are not. < br> Some people say that Mr. Ma in the copy, but we want to say a few not in the domestic Internet copy, even when Wang Zhidong had engaged in Sina, was not to imitate other countries, but also in the copy it? from the original portal to today's blog, can be said that in addition to Jack Ma of Alibaba, a few say he did not copy?
Tencent's success lies with Ma for the management of the core sound. but more thanks to China Mobile, China Mobile, the SP without services, which might have been Tencent does not exist. why the other can not grow the various versions of QQ? Ma's shrewd keep a close eye on that point: I am afraid that with the QQ, is heard above the MM can only soak up the bar. and then continue to extend the use of this point. This is the typical style of doing things Chaozhou, solid build your own empire.
but the disadvantages are also obvious that The empire tends to go more closed. Chaozhou people can not fight together with outsiders is an open secret, so Fang Xingdong said that once the horse is still the lack of a broad minded entrepreneurs. because cooperation, is a difficult thing even more convinced the more people have been failed in the said Charles Zhang, What kind of hero. In actual fact the hero of Charles Zhang Charles Zhang's vision at the top of the performance.
Zhang vision, but lack of willpower and management of Zhang be.
2 years after the establishment of Inc., February 1998, the successful launch of Sohu (Sohu) website, the same year in October by the U.S. remark makes sense:
goes on, the Internet will be large-scale e-commerce, a wide range of economic activities will be carried out in line one by one, and will stimulate the production of new types of work. For the status of Internet development in China, Zhang that the number of Internet users to the number of geometric level rise, the Internet in China will be more and more people accept it. But the rapid development of Internet in China is subject to the policy of the government to adjust the telecommunications sector, local high-tech venture investment model's basic form of arduous pioneering, and major sites. As cultural and other reasons, the risk of investment has become a matter of localization, so the interests of venture capital can only be connected to the operation of private institutions, not by the state to achieve the establishment of the incubator fund. Faced with a situation of competition in the Chinese ICP, Charles Zhang that has too few competitors, the key is the Sohu is the first high-profile to do the news.
do Sohu is the first high-profile search.
Sohu is the first and the acquisition of promising sites
community too much.
Sohu not did not find the opportunity, but not a good grasp opportunities. almost every Sohu are the first to find an opportunity, but eventually became a laggard. Sohu adhere to the strategy changes over the years, Zhang vowed to face the size of the media claim that XX is core strategy, we must do in this area NO1. the fact that everything is not as Zhang wish.
Zhang able to find talent, we found that many big names in the Internet industry: former Vice Zhong Shan, president of money left after Sohu as president of the Chinese financial sector, financial sector this year, March has been listed on Nasdaq; Feng Jue, former vice president left in 2002, TOM Online is currently senior vice president; is the former marketing director Zhang Ligang Dragon Network is now the founder of e; Sohu subsidiary of Founder of the Chinese Zhou Yunfan, the current air network is the CEO. coupled with the current comeback venture Koo, Sohu has been the loss of executive talent to form a team . Zhang in many ways the first to eat crab, but the glass is not his final lift.
Zhang alone, his vision and courage, in the Chinese Internet is not comparable to the second person. in this regard is well-deserved hero. But as the commentary pointed out that: What the Internet for less. because so far he is the most important of China's Internet industry, but also one of the most distinctive symbol, has a unique symbolic significance. br> 4, the most tragic (half) Heroes - Fang Xingdong
mm to challenge Microsoft hegemony , intellectual property and open to challenge Microsoft beating the drums, cold look at reality and see smiling faces of the future, a lot of controversy, his sharp words directly, but also frequently condemning others. The only advantage is to maintain the quality of farmers, buried hard as one day. read more Read more, through the blog would like to recommend a good thing to share. But what happened in 2005, completely exposed the weakness of Fang Xingdong. That is a good scholar Fang Xingdong, not a good businessman.
2005 年 5 months, the blog network president Shen Feng was recently submitted his resignation to the Board and has been approved. The on the matter sent messages to all employees, the Fang Xingdong admits that he has work in the past, tuition. origin, but also talking about a year ago, had no improvement in the 263 dry Shen Feng, Fang Xingdong do not know why get the attention, in early 2000 to join a blog network in a responsible position. This office can be incredible, setting off a earth-shaking changes.
Shen Feng formed after he took office one of the core departments, crowd out the crop and a number of backbone, and has brought his own army in the 263 line, respectively, live in the company to control all the important part.
2005   4 months, fierce snake, director of product resigned in August, general manager of multimedia business Lian Ke resignation; early October the Ministry of interactive content of the resignation of Director, Centre for wheat 99, while former President Juju Wang was removed from office, and later to take charge of the market. the end of Wang Tong, vice president of technology, General Manager of Shanghai Branch Permeation, vice president of marketing Du Gang, Xin Qi, director of marketing, media co-director of the East Fangyu Yang will leave.
99 resignation statement wheat, blog network factionalism, newcomers should be self-hill, and partisan, regardless of things they simply class struggle for power. Sales Director Zheng Haili was the beginning of TOM Online consuming Fang Xingdong painstakingly dug from over. initially did not live up, the blog of one of the portal revenue model Internet advertising to do impressive. from financing is successful, but also to the vice president of advertising responsible for Jin Tao. Jin Tao has placed a deputy director, began infighting. then Jin Tao, Zheng dismissed the meeting announced. but Zheng was removed from the issue , Fang Xingdong no knowledge of that.
Shen Feng first took a 30 million spent to buy the server, public relations advertising spent 1000 million, to be something similar to MSN burned 10 million, has commented that: of these inputs should be considered return on investment and future revenues, but spent so much money, people Shen Feng's words is no income does not matter ...., inside the company so much action, Fang Xingdong not know? Fang Xingdong no ability to intervene? not. What are the reasons, see a dialogue:
Fang Xingdong A reporter asked: ? : 200 less than the number of control and immediately be able to make money. However, I want to wait until the number of 500 or more, wait until the listing, until beyond the Sina, Netease and earn money while! will adhere to rely on blog make money, Gunda experience. literati always too good to do things, and businessmen to the trade-offs. In the eyes of scholars, see the promise of the day after tomorrow, in the businessman's eyes, to see how to solve tomorrow's lunch.
the contribution from the IT industry, the Fang Xingdong can be called a hero, but from the business blog network, is a loser. so it is not a complete hero, only half of it.
a civilian inside out not fully successful (half) a tragic hero.
the second part, here are some heavy, that would give the author who is the rogue brings some risks, like Thunder does not say to use as you touched me. digression:
rogue three and a half
1, liar type rogue - Zhou Hongyi
2, rape type rogue - Li
3, robbers-type rogue - China Telecom
4, the most embarrassing (half) rogue - Chen, Zhou
1, liar-type rogue - Zhou Hongyi Zhou Hongyi
said that rogue, and probably no objections. worthy of China's top IT rogue.
Zhou Hongyi beginning rogue plug-in started, the first of 3721 is to use the IE system vulnerability to spread, and take that with the virus the same mode of transmission. but had the general understanding of the problem, and 3721 to help some rookie to do something , nor done anything out of the thing, so not many people resent him, but also to 3721 fight with Baidu, attracted everyone's attention. And then, weeks, or put on a rogue gentleman's face. also staged a 3721 assistant, later called Yahoo Internet Assistant, which has things like trojan restore IE search function also more practical.
But when Zhou Hongyi to Yahoo China, to thoroughly exposed the nature of his rogue.
first use of Yahoo China's resources, training and support their cronies, some critics pointed out that Zhou Hongyi engage in Yahoo A search is to exercise their technical team.
Zhou Hongyi left when Yahoo China, put the final veil to tear come.
Zhou Hongyi, Yahoo had come together with the time, the two sides signed the agreement, Zhou Hongyi, after leaving Yahoo are not engaged in any business competitive with Yahoo constitute things, but Zhou Hongyi's wife, holding companies with their own name the odd tiger, so at least on the surface so that the odd tiger drawn a line with Zhou Hongyi, Yahoo knows Zhou Hongyi, the odd tiger is stealing Yahoo's technology to do, and Yahoo competing products, but nothing can be done.
Qihoo technical team is a search through the exercise of the original 3721 team. and the large number of people inside the odd tiger Yahoo China is pulled from the past, such behavior in any case do not meet business ethics. but it would be difficult since people are willing to cooperate with Zhou Hongyi, the same.
Zhou Hongyi and if Yahoo is just the business problem, then 360 security guards is downright cheated.
Zhou Hongyi now and began to live anti-malware software. I heard the news when he thought he got it wrong, his 360 security guards with a little feeling also. Rogue also seems to think a moment repent week, and where that soon found his mistake.
many people doubt its motives, that the anti-rogue behavior under the rogue must be hidden conspiracy. Zhou Hongyi actually do this species name of rogue anti-malware real thing is true.
because there are so many rogue software, so we also had anti-malware market. But Zhou Hongyi now engaged in an anti-malware software, not all competitors are driven out the client's field, and let their guard the safety of a client software, easy to settle in the user's computer, and it is willing for this user.
when a large number of users trusted security guards, and as long as the security guards said that there are no rogue software system to really do not rogue software, Zhou Hongyi's website secretly carry out some hidden plug, and then turn a blind eye to security guards, that can kill rivals in the software at the same time, greatly improve their own the survival rate of the rogue software.
Unfortunately, the point-week-old rogue Xin Taiji, will soon be unveiled tell your friends: operation of a rogue adware. In a just, fair and open itself but also classic quotations borrowed google , you can not see a hundred dogs, but Rising antivirus software vendors, as well as 360 security guards Guanqunjinchen features similar to the Super Rabbit, but the software as malware and spyware. This rogue software Zhou Hongyi Department of any good brands other networks? benefit is that it can be downloaded after the user whenever a user or a GOOGLE search using Baidu, Best dog you can put other companies to invest in weeks such as the odd tiger's many, many psoriasis ads out. The their reputation in the VC community for many years in the Internet field, and personal brand, Zhou usually account for more than 30% of the shares, basic to the relative holding. Then, in order to attract other venture capitalists to join, these small companies often take advantage of weeks of the hands of Some rogue software to get huge traffic for the project, until joining the other venture capital after weeks of cash in his will gradually. operation to show the caliber of the Hong Zhou. It is reported that the end of 2005, Hong Zhou found the Pang East, demand a huge 100 million shares for all items, and accounts for half of the shares, then within six weeks, Pang Jieshao responsible for more huge investment coming. Lastly, a huge plug-cycle control, through the plug-in access to the site traffic, but also through traffic and then get the Sequoia's VC. . VC fraud by false traffic in this way a common tactic among the Board, so that VC has become increasingly uneasy. Hong Zhou think we took the investor's money, the money is really burning ..
but may be burned their credibility and future opportunities. Zhou Hongyi, the idea is undoubtedly the people's money by investing their own money to burn.
Is this not a lie to you?
aside and said anti-rogue, while investment rogue; side of the angels said, while cheating VC.
Zhou Hongyi, so I will be positioned as a liar-type rogue. that is the liar hooligan.
Zhou Hongyi's behavior is entirely China's number one IT industry liar type rogue. < br> 2, rape type rogue - Li and Zhou Hongyi
different, Zhou Hongyi also decorated facade, and Robin Li of Baidu is naked and raped.
Google founders in San Jose for a private party to participate in ethnic Chinese party denounced President of the Chinese search company Baidu Yan Li _ _ macro (Robin li) is a Internet users give a user
example, in the Baidu search results.
natural search results and advertising mix, which is the so-called the amount of fees to obtain a different page location, which means more advertising to pay to get in the search results can be closer to the top position, and the more advertisers to participate, you can take more naturally to the search pages .
but Internet users are therefore a big headache for the true and false information. such as originally intended by the search to understand the merits of a product's quality, the results of most of the top surface of the information may be selling the name of the product channel. A bit search industry also pointed out that one of the suspected fraud, br> We search for The results are all lawyers actually personal website. and according to my understanding of Baidu, Baidu in customer buying keywords, totally unnecessary to produce any relevant proof, as long as you give money, to be discharged to the front, so that there lawyers did not leave hard to say.
Google to put ads on the right to take a specific fixed location, Yahoo ads to the search results clearly marked with a special logo, but this approach is clearly better than PPC advertising can get a more beautiful performance.
according IResearch data provided by search engine users in China are not satisfied with the factors, dissatisfaction with search results ranking the proportion reached 43%, has shown a crisis of confidence.
Second Web site owners
rape so a message: content or the content of the spam content is not high exclusion in their own search results, given block, then friends, evidence of a long and unjust users, to facilitate monitoring Baidu's fair, the site now has 6,675 total signatures are essentially individual owners face ban in the indictment. against Baidu Union's view is: Baidu cheating by cleaning up the Personal name blocked site is true, the threat took the opportunity to pay personal site is really competitive keyword advertising. a few days, Baidu's agent phone call came. If you do not do the word service the effect of search engines like how in the end, so expect a few days to try turning off first BAIDU, Sunday 5 to contact BAIDU customer service, back to her from turning off all my keywords, then setting BAIDU customer service began at 4 pm stop promoting, but to night I came home from work a few common keyword search, found looked in the first 10 pages did not see my station, before I stop these keywords are on the first page natural rankings . Even worse is the search for my own website names are not a search, only by searching I found the corn to my station. reserve price, the increase to ten times by the times, not at auction according to the customer, and Baidu euphemistically said to be based on business value, without any standards, according to, it will be free to raise more than ten times the reserve price auction, which is barely veiled Pre-paid customers have been tantamount to stealing money behavior, there is no credit performance. before starting one of the words of the unity of 0.3 million, but after adjustment, keywords divided grade, and some starting to reach a few dollars, and some prices remain at 0.3 yuan, there are some key words of the price decline, but overall, rises less than fall, the so-called commercial value, is the size of market demand, and some keywords only one to use, has also been 6,7 times more than prices, but also imposed. Some of the keywords from far more than the second third of the existing price, the price is how does this set? Since is the bid, the bid should be between users, Baidu said it nicely to do so is called Diandaqike, crooks saying nasty point is too sinister, too outrageous.
sentence summary, Baidu, rape you top . And as the soul of the Robin Li Baidu rape-type gangsters is not known ever.
2, gangster-type rogue - China Telecom
Zhou Hongyi and Li compared with another rogue, it is dwarfed .
which means China Telecom ChinaVnet rogue is unique, no matter what browser you use the Internet, no matter what page you set the first pop-up that does not necessarily inflow Megaupload. Some Internet users to automatically pop up the issue megaupload consultation with the telecommunications company staff, the other answer, so China Telecom is doing, and I said I do not want to open the browser to pop up a mess that Megaupload, the caller said that there is no way.
telecommunications often reminded in many ways ...

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