Thursday, March 31, 2011

① breakfast is really important to teach you how to eat the young 20 -year-old ② fasting for 11 kinds of food unfit for human consumption do not eat again hungry ---- ③ 12 kinds of food to take awa

 Girl want to have a young body and face the need for such food. To help you 20 years younger, so with food, so that movement, including your slim figure.

1, early morning wake up to eat more food faster

This is a crucial part of burning fat. Breakfast in the diet plan, plays a decisive role. People in the sleep state, the metabolic rate will reach a minimum. With the early morning waking, metabolism will gradually return to normal levels.

breakfast wake up faster, to increase metabolism to the faster speed. If you are a morning exercise enthusiasts, before exercise to ensure that eating a banana, exercise before eating breakfast. Instead of tea or coffee is not breakfast, oatmeal mixed with fruit or a boiled egg and a bowl of porridge, bread, breakfast is a good choice.

2, no time to eat breakfast, go to work empty-handed

not too late to eat breakfast if you should be prepared in advance of a coarse flour, bread, some fruit, such as bananas and a bottle of yogurt to the office. As hungry, you can readily get to a strong breakfast, in time for the work of

3, and children as a day to drink three glasses of milk yogurt

woman, than those who did not consume yogurt 60% fat. What makes yogurt become so amazing, the answer is calcium-rich yogurt. It acts as a catalyst, making the body burn fat faster. Yogurt with tofu, vegetables, cereal consumption, an effect will be better.

4, will get fat

sleep the next night, it is also unable to stop on the soap opera, you have to say to yourself: their own kind of pressure. 5 ~ 6 hours of sleep every day people who slept an average of more than 7-8 hours a day, weight 6-8 pounds. When deprived of normal sleep, the body will produce large amounts of compression hormones to slow the rate of metabolism, and appetite next day will be enhanced. If you wake up the morning to 7:00, preferably the night before going to bed at 11 o'clock. Do not watch TV before going to bed, you can soak in a hot bath, or read a good novel.

5, honey, a loyal defender of human cells

bread coated with honey is not your favorite breakfast? may wish to use the darker color of honey, rather than light-colored honey. According to one U.S. study found that deep dark honey? Such as forest honey on human cells are particularly effective because it is rich in antioxidant protection of cell material. And good for the blood, can prevent heart diseases of the circulatory system.

6, stop motion

the daily exercise is divided into two parts, for example: 20 minutes of strength exercises early in the morning, a half-hour walk after dinner, will increase the rate of metabolism of a times. That is a phased exercise, exercise more easily than the one-time consumption of calories. Out of 5 minutes per hour walk around, it will also be effective. But do not walk into such a misunderstanding, do not think a second motion will be effective.

7, catering to a broad rather than fine

latest scientific research shows that the key is not in the process of downsizing the amount of fiber intake, but what kind of cellulose in the digestive process The best play the role of catalyst fat consumption.

scientists on subjects of insulin index was observed to study the process of cellulose in the weight-loss role, the result is: always eat healthy, not processed fruits and vegetables, whole wheat bread than those consumption of processed starchy foods to consume 80% of the calories, fiber raw food is directly absorbed by the body, while the processed fiber is broken down into sugars to be absorbed by the body. With the increase of sugar in the body, but also the ability to make insulin increases fat absorption, so that body fat accumulation.

8, five minutes to completely relax

When a person is completely relaxed state, the body does not produce compressive hormones, which will feel comfortable and pleasant. In such a relaxed state, the tension has been released, stressed skin also has been open feeling. Therefore, it may remind ourselves to relax for 5 minutes now!

9, add more water before a meal after meal after meal before eating

should add a lot of water. Water body, the metabolic level, lower than the original by 2%. This time to avoid tea, soda, coffee and other caffeinated beverages. In the role of caffeine, the body will absorb half of the water.

10, who wants brain food for thought

spirit, quick thinking and efficient, whoever shall eat carbohydrate-rich foods and vitamin b. Walnuts, coarse flour, bread and bananas are your preferred strong brain chemicals, because they supply you the necessary mental spiritual nourishment.

appropriate snacks to eat sunflower seeds and other snacks are cosmetic effect

MM handbag fashion regulars. Do not blame them greedy, in fact, appropriate to eat snacks on the health benefit from it greatly.

sunflower seeds can be beauty. Sunflower seeds contain protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, which is particularly rich in linoleic acid content. Linoleic acid help to maintain the delicate skin, prevent skin drying and stain formation. Peanuts can prevent skin diseases. Peanuts are rich in vitamin B2, which is in our daily diets of the more lack of vitamins. Eat more peanuts, will help control lip, itchy red eyes, seborrheic dermatitis and other diseases.

jujube prevent scurvy. Vitamin C content of dates is very rich, if the lack of dietary vitamin C, people will feel fatigue fatigue, and even scurvy. Fig promote blood circulation. Figs contain a chemical similar to aspirin can thin the blood, increasing blood flow to the brain blood supply adequate.

pumpkin seeds and pistachios are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids and enzymes and substances, food can be assured of proper blood flow, it is full of energy, radiant.

candy sugar, calcium, appropriate to supplement the brain energy consumption, it is Hale, the skin moist.

sesame paste with black hair, conditioner, nourishing the power, can prevent gray hair, hair loss, so beautiful glossy black hair.

raisins have Qi, blood, Yuet Yan of the benefits. But pay attention to hygiene.

citrus, oranges, apples are rich in vitamin C, can slow down or block the synthesis of melanin, whitening skin.

to the detoxification of the body but had to eat

mention the In fact, to really want to

experts pointed out that the normal metabolism of the body to complete the human body can produce purse.

detoxification, or by the most secure and reliable function of the body's own balance, relying on good daily habits, science diet, adequate sleep, relaxed state of mind, and moderate exercise.

Niu Yan pointed out that to stay away from , white radish, carrots, leeks, bananas, etc.; drink plenty of water.

can take the appropriate food toxins:

blood tofu can take the body of harmful metals. Animal blood plasma protein in the body after digestion in the stomach acid and enzymes break down, producing a bowel detoxification and lubricating substances may be harmful intestinal invasion of a chemical reaction of metal particles, take them out of the body.

eat green beans can be washed away by the body's pesticides. Pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables into the body, is not easy to break down the body's digestive enzymes, and green beans but it can react with these harmful substances, take them out of the body. Therefore, raw fruits and vegetables love friends, the best drink after a meal or a bean soup mung bean porridge. In addition, the bean can control food poisoning.

kelp can stick away radioactive material. Kelp can promote glial elements along the body of radioactive material excreted in urine, to reduce the accumulation of radioactive substances in the body. In addition, kelp alginate were able to slow the intestinal absorption of radioactive strontium. Thus the role of the sea with the prevention of leukemia, and cadmium into the body but also excretion. Therefore, regular use of computers, electrical appliances, mobile phones modern people can eat more kelp green bean soup, get double the effect of detoxification.

celery to filter body wastes. Celery contains fiber can be as rich as purification devices, filter the body's waste. Regular consumption can stimulate the detoxification of the body to deal with the accumulation of toxins in the body caused by diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis and so on. Therefore, usually sports a small, poor digestive city people, adds to the growing point can celery soup, celery cut into small pieces is to put the porridge which usually drunk with drink. Also available in virtually enhance the detoxification effect.
But what if the catch something to eat, eager to fill his belly is very harmful to health, because some food is not fasting food, otherwise would lay hidden dangers to your health.
1. Persimmon contains more pectin, tannic acid, the substance a chemical reaction with the acid is difficult to dissolve the gel block, easy to form stones in the stomach.
2. Beverage fasting state, a variety of frozen food binge will stimulate gastrointestinal contracture occurs, a long time will lead to a variety of disorders of enzymatic reactions, induced gastrointestinal diseases. In the women also make menstruation occurs during menstruation disorders.
3. Banana bananas have more magnesium, fasting bananas will make the body a sudden increase in the destruction of magnesium in human blood magnesium and calcium balance in the cardiovascular inhibition produced is not conducive to good health.
4. Hawthorn contains large amounts of organic acids, acid, hawthorn acid, citric acid, etc., fasting food, stomach acid would jump on the gastric mucosa adverse stimulus, so that stomach fullness, belching, vomiting acidic water.
5. Milk milk contains large amounts of protein, empty stomach, the protein will be The correct way to drink and snacks, bread and other foods containing flour, the same food, or drink two hours after a meal or drink before bed can be.
6. Sugar 7. Yoghurt empty stomach yogurt, yogurt's health benefits will decrease, and two hours after dinner drink, or drink before going to bed, both nourishing health care, promoting digestion, another exhaust catharsis.
8. Sweet potato Potato contains tannin and gum, will stimulate the stomach to secrete more acid, causing heartburn and other discomfort. 9. Tomatoes contains more pectin, tannic acid, the substance a chemical reaction with the acid is difficult to dissolve the gel block, easy to form stones in the stomach.
10. Orange contains large amounts of organic acids, acid, hawthorn acid, citric acid, etc., fasting food, stomach acid would jump on the gastric mucosa adverse stimulus, so that stomach fullness, belching, vomiting acidic water.
11. Milk this food contains large amounts of protein, empty stomach, the protein will be The correct way to drink and snacks, bread and other foods containing flour, the same food, or drink two hours after a meal or drink before bed can be.
12 kinds of food to take away your excess fat mad

Normal diet clearly some people, but why excess body fat is it? The answer lies in the food, some foods you eat then less will only encourage your body fat, while some food that you eat more, but also just scrape off the water in your body!

1, oat:

with cholesterol-lowering and lipid-lowering effect. Since oats are rich in dietary fiber, this soluble oat fiber, not found in other grains. Because the fiber is easily absorbed, and because of low heat content, both conducive to weight loss, but also for heart disease, hypertension and diabetes on the therapeutic needs.

2, Corn:

rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, selenium and vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, E and carotene etc., is also rich in fiber. Vegetables, corn oil, can reduce cholesterol and soften blood vessels. Corn on cholecystitis, gallstones, jaundice, hepatitis and diabetes, the role of adjuvant therapy.

3, onion and garlic:

onion rings contain acid such as allicin and sulfur compounds, can help dissolve blood clots. Onion almost no fat, can inhibit the high fat diet induced cholesterol, help to improve atherosclerosis. Onion onion extract element, can the treatment of cardiovascular sclerosis. Garlic can lower total serum cholesterol, triolein content. Secondary metabolites of allicin - methyl trisulfide, has prevented the synthesis of coagulation A2 suppository mass effect, it can prevent blood clots. Garlic can treat obesity.

4, yam:

the mucus proteins, can prevent deposition of fat in the cardiovascular system to maintain blood vessel elasticity, prevent atherosclerosis and reduce subcutaneous fat deposition, to avoid obesity. Yam of dopamine, a dilation of blood vessels and improve blood circulation function. In addition, the yam can also improve the human digestive function, enhance physical fitness. If indigestion during the Chinese Lunar New Year, you can use yam, lotus seeds, add a little sugar Gorgon Gong Zhu.

5, seaweed:

known as Seaweed with its low-calorie, low fat impressive, some algae have a lipid-lowering effect. Kelp and other brown algae, rich in colloid fiber, can significantly reduce serum cholesterol. Seaweed also contains many unique active substances, with blood pressure, lipid-lowering, hypoglycemic, anti-cancer and so on.

6, Tremella:

Tremella obvious lipid-lowering and antithrombotic effect.

7, potatoes:

strong lower blood cholesterol, maintaining blood acid-base balance, anti-aging and anti-cancer effect. Potatoes are rich in dietary fiber and resin volume of bowel material etc., can be described as

8, celery:

contain more dietary fiber, especially with lower blood pressure components, but also fat, lowering blood sugar.

9, dates:

eat can improve the body's antioxidant capacity and immunity. Dates to lower blood cholesterol, triolein is also very effective.

10, Hawthorn:

to strengthen and adjust the heart, increasing the ventricular and atrial motion amplitude, and coronary blood flow, can lower cholesterol, promote fat metabolism.

11, chrysanthemum:

function of lowering blood lipids, with stable blood pressure. Adding a little daisy in green tea, have a good cardiovascular health.

12, Apple:

the pectin has a lower blood cholesterol. Apple is rich in potassium, can rid the body of excess sodium, such as eating three apples a day, to maintain blood pressure, blood lipids are good.

Poor little goldfish

 Telling the truth, I am feeling very good recently !
day before yesterday, me and Fifi to go back , visiting the bird the fish market , see the cute little goldfish , we bought a one . Flattered back to school , ready to take it off the night possessor of them , my piece even dead! We guess the result is that schools can not be directly used for fish culture water , should be sun drying , otherwise the water simply can not meet the two fish of oxygen ,
Yesterday, I learn , the drying of the two cups Water, then down and bought a small goldfish back. Think that this time should be no problem! Results After a night , and died ~ ~ ~
buy a dead one , buy two pair of
do the authors is dead I do not fish for it? Or , the fish is not suitable for me?
hey bought it also can be a beautiful fish tank , which , it can only be used to put some life things do not
Fortunately, bought back the time, with Cell phone photo shot point , and now used to make remember it

hey, my poor little Red Riding Hood , my poor meatball.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Zhu Xian Lian device ridicule

1) after the failure of the infusion. After the success of the infusion.
2) refining the device after the failure of a small wooden spears. After the success of mixing device on a small wooden spears.
3) someone said that on completion of 10 to 9, someone said that on 20 to 10. I Pooh! You are so strong you would put your career as a mixing device, you can buy a year down the Audi A6L 2.4.
4) someone said that too hard, I finished the dozens to 5, with 6 old failures, or up to 7, 8 on the old failed. = Normal. Everyone has had a similar situation. This is the perfect design.
1) Why in the world before the mixing device 牛逼 powerful people who did the voice slowly? Because of his success is his world, his failure behind the failure to directly unplug the power to delete his game.
2) Why is there always a few days to see the world, all of a sudden someone said, practicing the 3 4 +8 equipment, an excitement! Because he had no way to luck, luck can come in 500 million. What do you think?
3) Why do you sometimes have inadvertently perfusion perfusion wooden spears to 10, or the Wooden Sword Wooden Sword refining device reaches 10 or 9? Because at that time you luck, but you waste in the garbage on the. Pass out.
fool can think can understand the point you do not understand:
1) refining device regularly? You said that possible? You always think twice possible? To be impossible. Perfect it is not foolish enough to open the game on a business.
essence: This is your turn Pooh
1) irregular mixing device, but fortunately value. 3 told you think that time is your lucky values. Day of each week to try you in that hour, you will find the number of times a lot of your success.
2) to grasp when you're lucky on your equipment.
3) boring day to take the wooden spears mixing device division, where to find you're lucky, that time period. You always find a certain day each week. RP you a really good two days.
heart comfort:
when you think you can last on! Fail --- that is normal. Success that is your self-confidence ---! Your high-handed! You deserve it!
Gambling need your courage need your domineering need your capital. Timid you still honestly hang up. Gambling is not for everyone's.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hope and despair coexist

 Love her on her best ~ ~ I think I can give a good loss this moment , I promise ~ 1 week ~ said to be a very short time to go ~ I'm speechless in the face of changing the future ~ without Made to face their own ~ Thank you, those who care for my people ~ if not ~ the ~ day girl, think about him? that happy people can be funny laugh obediently ~ ~ There is an old legend before the person was born ~ Used to be a meteorite fall from the sky was split in two ~ ~ and a woman in my entire life searching is to is to find the best half of his good luck ~ ~ can I find a treasure ~ I did not know when their The moment ~ she has lost the kind of color you love your pain suffering lost ~ ~ I love you bud ~ ~ I'm sorry my mistake , I get it ~ can you still care? needs?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Speaking of the latest and most complete game the local NDS download ( Continued and NO.2)

 Iraq story. series features directly on the touch screen will be cut in half the screen, or hanging on the screen by hand directly down the center of the stone, etc., can be used not only against the enemy, or solve the puzzle of some authorities the necessary means. games inherited the original screen console version of broad-brush style of American comic books, characters, give a rough debut yet lovely feeling, but also very detailed descriptions of the scene, and also full of the taste of American comic books, The theme is very consistent and games. When the player hit the enemy control of Joy by kicking the explosion effect and when an enemy flying around the metal screw is reflected strong comic style of the game. inherited the Capcom action game play feel good tradition, the player controls Joey to punch, kick, jump, and other action is very smooth, without any sense of dragging its feet, and the various moves of the law was not difficult, either novice or old players can be quickly familiar with the operation of the game and find a sense of rhythm. game elements added to the growth, the player can use in the research process has been the V-point to improve the capacity and Joey purchase a variety of new moves, complete the level obtained The higher the evaluation, the V-point can be the more, Joy would like to strengthen the capacity of all depends on which side the player of their choice. this for Joey's sister Jia Simin also beautifully and has wonderful performance.
Chaquan exchange, to become good partners. through the streets of the shops to buy props, props arranged to collect the small house of personality, the game appeared in more than 250 items.
in their own small home can also put some coax Chaquan small toys, such as slides, toy cars, Trojan horses, swing clocks and the like. In addition the game also prepared 18 kinds of simple, fun mini-games, no matter when and where can come play.
action, the occupation of positions in a variety of campaigns among defeating the enemy.
the NDS version of this new work, will fully exploit the dual screen and touch operation, will provide a simple intuitive operation, and to facilitate two- battlefield and auxiliary information display screen, and supports wireless network online play against.
game included with IQ, JN, KR, UA, RS, GR, etc. more than 6 350 species of Communist weapons, and the fictional Middle East country for the IQ background, the player will play deal with the local rebel forces and the United Nations multinational peacekeeping force's neutrality between the mercenary forces funds, and strengthen the armed forces.
similarities and differences between the screen, this screen as well as allow players to fight prompted the various parts of the screen out of the play. on the screen will represent the complete picture, the picture of the various components scattered throughout the next screen, players can Click onto the touch screen corresponding to the location of these components together. There is also a traditional puzzle game allows players to spell out the various puzzles module complete picture on the screen. According to a different degree of difficulty is divided into nine, 12 and 15 three. Another is to make players constantly moving up and down the screen from left to right two screens to find the error. the number of correct answers according to the player, the game will give players a sense of direct power, concentration, discernment, discretion , memory and other aspects of the right brain index.
this for the multiplayer mode is also divided into a variety of games are played. In game, in this mode, the player immediately after the discovery of a mistake to classify it, and then immediately passed to the next person in the NDS screen in the transfer process will gradually become a large bomb, the bomb exploded in the hands of who that is, who failed. > sale.
rules, players get quite a lot of love.
The scheduled launch of the new and left for the Rainbow Island, Rainbow Magic with arm myself against the devil and La are.
NDS games up and down the two images using a vertical scroll bar manner, the present generation to produce a change before the rainbow to climb up when the pedal way, players will take the bubbles float up and use NDS touch strokes to counter the enemy out of the rainbow, rainbow-specific and can play a different effect, surrounding a circular rainbow can be the enemy, the enemy can be a rainbow triangle inhalation, and the stylus will be down. In the l outbreak of r meters are full time, and enter the burst mode, draw five-pointed star-type rainbow to a full screen display powerful magical attacks.
the main reasoning (such as Kindaichi), the relative is the social faction (not obvious in the animation industry like this, Conan barely be considered). reasoning as to TOUCH the NDS game, it will bring a new sense of how to do? the operation will utilize the unique function of NDS, will use the microphone and touch screen to solve puzzles one after another, to the players before the text in a different class of a new sense of adventure game.
> This is faithful to the original section of the game, Nintendo did not let us down. see the familiar horsepower Austrian brothers you can not help a child move ~ ~ ~ ~ first contact of the game is But > Log in Nintendo's new handheld Harvest Moon series of new works. manufacturers MMV is a more casual pieces such good level of production of the game, since the Harvest Moon series debut and has been in the home console on multiple published works. lighthearted game style, a unique way to attract the majority of game players, especially female players. away from the hustle and bustle of downtown, in the outskirts of their own party cultivated farmland, raising a few pigs lamb should be a lot of city people's desire to it, just for Harvest Moon series meet people's spiritual needs in this area. Today's game makers have used the gorgeous sound and light and color effects, twists and turns moving the script to compete for market, there is nothing this game is its superior picture captured the elegant style the hearts of many players.
the stage will be the same for NGC version of debut, the series debut in the role of some well-known also full debut, fans of the series will feel warm.
version supports wireless two-line, requiring only a single card for multiplayer; perfect touch screen control system, directly on the touch screen can be selected; and increases the zookeeper and closely related to the real story; and double war mode .
FATE jointly issued the surgery action game, the game name in the a symbol for the medical.
game in which players will play with Qi (Ange) together with a variety of lesions or parasites fight. the game provided by the NDS touch screen and microphone input voice input, to simulate a variety of surgical operations, such as cutting, sewing, injection , guidance, etc., and to encourage patients to use speech input will to live.
players will encounter a variety of cases, have to struggle with death, within the time limit in accordance with the requirements of the game to complete a variety of surgical operations to save the patient. This game is not to simulate actual surgical procedure for the purpose, so the game's description on the surgical procedure and not the true picture to show, but to simplify the image to show through.
With the development of the plot, male and female blood and love is also a large proportion of emotional drama like this new type of game not to miss.
APEX Chinese group

you want to know the mysteries of magic? Nintendo and Co., Ltd. Te ー ン ヨ co-produced this You excel at an early date a magician.
CPC game contains up to 14 types of magic shows, including the crystal card divination, Incredibles prince, two candles, magic eye, the magician's command, and so, players can According to the game prompted several retrograde to operate, develop the ability to perform magic, even beginners can easily get started.
APEX Chinese group action puzzle game completely utilize their own minds. transplanted to the DS on, the game will be an additional new model, not only will not the enemy, there is no time limit, allowing the player a good line of research, then moved to the main game mode do the same; increase in difficulty for master's NDS's function, from the Northeastern University professor Ryuta Kawashima Supervisor in person to answer, including text recognition, voice recognition, calculation, pronunciation and other problems to exercise brain and a unique vertical display rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise approach to the operation , the game also added some very interesting questions. the game with touch pen can be all of the operations. and some of the problems the game also requires players to answer through a microphone in a flash on the screen display of text or images to complete. games We also measured the brain ages, and recorded every day, this game requires a certain base for the Japanese players.
FF3 joint Chinese group

This version is the U.S. version of the joint Chinese group-based localization, the above PGCG finished Japanese version is finished, and the two in addition to the archive is not universal, finished quality are number one, you can download according to your preference.
ndsbbs Chinese group
GX Wizard calls a variety of elves, the elves will play against the card of great help in giving players.
as will correspond to the debut, greatly enriched the strategic battle cards. before the wide acclaim in the dual-screen display (the screen display cards on the screen shows call the monster) will be more force in the force for. In addition, the game also increased The new facelift systems that meet certain conditions that can get new clothes, a rich species.
and before the same for the same corresponding to the Wi-Fi Connection, to support their nationwide wireless Gi FANS online game. Also, This will also be made with the previous film.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Palestine Temple, the world's largest building-block game hardest _ _ Vaccaria Sina blog

Pakistan is the 11th century Temple of the King Chenla Tuo Ye Diego excellent multi Bamo II (Udayadityavarman II, reigned AD 1050-1066) built in 1060. Pakistan is a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva Temple of the King , which is located 200 meters northwest Bayon, close to the southern wall of the Royal Palace.
According to information on the Palestinian side at the time of the whole temple is the center of King City, pyramid-shaped. The whole temple pedestal total of 5 layers, in 1,3,5-layer on the platform have a closed corridor, corridors and corners are four sides of the central tower. In layer 5 on the platform has a height of about 50 meters of a copper wrapped a huge stone tower, height ratio In the southeast of the Bayon central urn is even higher. copper tower symbolizes the highest point of the center of everything in the universe, that is Mount Sumeru.
but now can not see the Palestinian side of the Temple, the magnificent panorama of the year, these have all collapsed three platforms, visitors can only see in the distant approaches to the maintenance of the Palestinian side is temple picture, the first two closed corridors also saved more comprehensive, third floor corridor, only one wall is still relatively complete The AS.
France from Cambodia in 1960 to help repair Palestinian Temple, when the collapse of archaeologists thousands of pieces of all the stone number, trimmed, placed in front of the temple's open space, hope to put together a little bit up. However, Repair work began not long after the civil war broke out in Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia in 1975, came to power, off the French experts to help the French massacre of Cambodians repair sites. Sadly, the current number of written information these stones in the 90 After the early restoration of order had been missing in Cambodia, all the stones of the number have lost their meaning, and now the Palestinian side but also from France temple restoration, but it has become the world's largest building blocks of the most difficult game.
Temple in Pakistan positive facade East, into the East Gate, in front is a long, by about 1.5 m high circular stone pillars stand up and approach roads, about 170 meters, to guide the two sides of the pool, this layout a bit similar to Angkor.
the middle of a cross-shaped pavilion site.
Temple, now the Palestinian side is a large site, still under the French engineering team to help repair. But look, over almost three platforms are built with a new stone in the.
can visit the Temple of the current Palestinian side is a step in front of galleries and piles of boulders of the puzzle are waiting for ... ... perhaps, thousands of pieces of stone that can only lie in front of the temple forever square, and only as a once glorious and turbulent modern witnessed.
number of these stones have become meaningless letters combined with figures of the.
nine Lao Star over China: 69 seconds baked a pizza Important: vigilance false information in the history of winning the most beautiful blog was born nine Lao Star over China: 69 seconds baked a pizza Sina BLOG feedback message board About Sina SINA English.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Common techniques WORD

 Find and Replace areas:
replace the text into a picture:
First, the image copied to the clipboard, and then open the Replace dialog box, in the Word XP is the instruction to replace the contents of the clipboard content, and even Excel table.
three measures to remove the header piece horizontal:
1, in the header, in the is br> Alt + Shift + T: batch converting the current time
half-width full-width characters as characters:
First, Select All. then ; half-width (1) Select the Macro list shows the first file name; and :
Insert - domain h: {PAGE}
This is the total page number of the domain: {DOCPROPERTY Pages}
Remember, if adjusted the page, right-click the domain, perform the Format Painter to update
1, setting the format of the text 1 .2, place the cursor on the text of a .3, click the Format Painter button.
4, select the other text ( Text 2), the text and the text 1 2 as the format.
if in step 3 to double-click, then use the Format Painter can be unlimited, until once again click the Format Painter (or press the Esc key) only .
delete downloaded data line (like this Click Replace All, put a lot of line breaks to delete friends.
create a rectangular selection:
available to establish the general constituency left mouse button, or shift keys with pgup, pgdn, home, end, arrows and other functions key, when copying a rule of the rectangular area, you can hold down the Alt key first and then use the left mouse button to select. I generally use this to delete the first paragraph into a block of extra space.
quickly changed the font superscript or subscript methods:
himself accidentally discovered the first method, select the subject you want the next word in the English state, and then hold down the Ctrl, click BASKSPACE next to the + / = key to it. the standard as long as you press Ctrl at the same time hold down the Shift, you can try.
the word document into images: edit the documents saved as Web page files
mm Word form to quickly split into two : Position the cursor to a location in a separate form, press II objective.
Word of pounds and centimeters conversion: 1 pound is approximately equal to 0.03527 cm and 1 cm is approximately equal to 28.35 pounds by Word to Chaizi: first click on live mouse button to drag and drop it to the toolbar to any location; then click the In the Paste Special select pictures (Windows Metafile), select the word, click on the toolbar of the divided.
quickly removed after the front section of any number of spaces:
these segments selected paragraphs, click the center button, and then click the button on the original alignment that (if the original is the center of Qi, first click on another alignment button, then click the center button on the line)
punctuation of full-width / half-conversion with: Ctrl +.
alphanumeric full-width / half-conversion with: Shift + Space Quick page Grid
methods: Double-click the lower-right corner of a page, the cursor can be positioned there, and then press Enter until the feed.
or: Insert - Break - Page Break
Chinese translation Han:
Language mm mm point tools translation appears on the right search box to search the word and press Enter to be translated. You can choose English or Chinese translated into Chinese and English.
re-publishing: At this point there are two sets of the most useful shortcuts:
1, Ctrl + Shift + Z = undo all the character typesetting format;
2, Ctrl + Q = remove all paragraph formatting.
with ; remove format: COPY down the page are all things that tend to grid, if the will directly paste in WORD chaotic. Among the first paste into Notepad, then paste it into WORD, then you can remove the grid and other formats, Select All and then select Clear Formatting, center and then cancel the center to cancel the office all formats
restore the default settings:
example set carelessly upset the word (such as the deletion of the menu bar, etc.).
Find direct delete The next word will start to restore the default values.
to Word paste only the text from the page automatically remove the graphics and layout
Method One, select the desired content and press + C Content and press > adjust the text size (font size) shortcut, I feel a little bit mean
method: Ctrl +] key combination stepless zoom,
Ctrl + [key combination, reduce the font size
Method Two: ctrl + shift + > Zoom
ctrl + shift + the Arab-digital converter into Chinese numbers, or serial number
1, to enter Arabic numerals (eg 1234), all selected, click the Digital / digital type (I, II hh) / OK , A, B hh, son, ugly hh, convert Roman numerals, etc., refer to the method used in
Word shortcut keys:
Bold Ctrl + B Ctrl + I Underline tilt Ctrl + U < br> + Shhhh Save
CTRL + Qhhhh Left CTRL + Ehhhh, according to the
CTRL + Rhhhh Align Right CTRL +] hhhh enlarge
CTRL + [hhhh narrow CTRL + Nhhhh New Document
CTRL + Ihhhh font tilt CTRL + Whhhh out
CTRL + Phhhh Print CTRL + Ohhhh open
CTRL + khhhh insert a hyperlink CTRL + Fhhhh find
CTRL + Hhhhh replace CTRL + Ghhhh positioning
Ctrl + Alt + Lhh bracketed No Ctrl + Dhhhhh format fonts
Ctrl + Shift + = hhh superscript Ctrl + = hhhhhh subscript
Ctrl + Shift +> hh enlarge the font Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Ctrl + Ihhh Print Preview Alt + Ctrl + Ohhh big just shows Figure
Alt + Ctrl + Phhh Diagram of ordinary Alt + Ctrl + Mhhh comment
Alt + Insert menu to open the menu on the letter hhh Alt + F, then V.. . Print Preview
Ctrl + Hhhh replace
type in WORD and then enter ... three out of the equal sign is a double horizontal
same method can also make a single horizontal line Oh squiggly line quickly adjust the horizontal length of the header
word inserted in the header, it will automatically add in this position a long horizontal line. If you need to adjust the length of this line and its horizontal position, you can activate the first header, Select the paragraph format command, adjust the character left indent value, determined to see the final results of the!
Quick View image
change display picture change the browsing speed:
Tools - Options - View - picture frame
This is the first display picture frame, need to see when the stay, to display!
input on the scores:
one, hold down the CTRL key + F9 < br> Second, the emergence of a {} notation
Third, enter the {} symbol EQ f (3,5)
IV, enter the number in brackets, such as three-fifths to input (3 , 5)
five, covering all the formula, right-click of the mouse, too low can not currently map. but you can try to enter and see!
fraction of the input
open Word program, click Insert r domain, a dialog box appears, select the category ;, the domain name select Enter the elements in parentheses before the comma, comma, enter the denominator, OK, OK. so that the input of the score.
root input
open Word program, click Insert r domain, a dialog box appears, select the category equation or formula The following input box enter the number in parentheses before the comma, the comma after the input is radicand, OK, OK. so that the input of the score.
third problem is the graphics, you can right-click geometry, select Double-click on the location, you can quickly achieve some common features, we summarized as follows:
in the title bar or the bottom of the vertical scroll bar, double-click an empty area, then maximize the window to switch between the original state;
the mouse in the title bar WORD document the left-most mark symbol at the double, then exit WORD (if not saved, the Save dialog box will pop up prompt);
move your mouse over the top of the vertical scroll bar arrows, double-click drag and drop into the two-way, then quickly document window into two parts;
Move your mouse over the dividing line between the two windows at the double-headed arrow, drag and drop into a two-way, then remove the split window;
in the status bar on the then start the rewrite the to the header (footer) at the double, the activation of the header (footer) to start to edit it;
at Double-click in the blank document, then start > Double-click the blank space in the front of the ruler, then start the ;> font selection: Wingdings 2
1. quickly navigate to the last edit location
when editing a file with the WPS is a characteristic of the next time you open a word document, the cursor will automatically navigate to your when the last save location. However, Word did not directly provide this functionality, but when we open the Word document, press Shift + F5 key if you will find the cursor has to quickly navigate to the location of the last time you edited the .
Tip: In fact, the role of Shift + F5 Word is targeted to the location of the last three editors, which will record a Word document the location of the last three edit text, you can press Shift + F5 key repeatedly, and in three loop between editorial position, of course, click Shift + F5 will navigate to the location of the last edit was.
2. quickly insert the current date or time
Alt + Shift + D key to insert the system date and Press Alt + Shift + T key combination is inserted into the current system time
3. Quick Format Painter
Word multiple times to provide a quick method of multiple copies of the format: double-click the Format Painter, you can select the format copied to multiple locations, click Format Painter again or press the Esc key to close the Format Painter.
4. fast print multi-page form on the table header
the subject line selected, choose under the .
5. quickly promoted to the title
the text cursor to the first title to be promoted to the text, when you press Alt + Shift + l keys, you can upgrade the text title, and style to Heading 1, then Continuous press Alt + Shift + r key, can be reduced to Heading 2 Heading 1, Heading 3hh
Word quickly change the text font size font size drop-down menu to the beginning of the Chinese font number for the 八号 English font size for 5 pounds to 72 pounds, which for the general office staff, the course has been more than sufficient. but in some special cases, such as poster printing posters or promotional agencies often use the larger font, the operation to some trouble. In fact, we fully can quickly change the text font size: first select the relevant characters in Word, then right click the font size on the toolbar click the drop-down list box, type the value directly, you can quickly change your font size. but this technique is equally applicable to Excel and WPS2000/Office.
Tip: In fact, there are two Xiaobian fast way to change Word text size:
(1) select the text, press Ctrl + Shift +> key to 10 pounds as a rapid increase of the selected text font size, and press Ctrl + Shift + (2) select the text, press Ctrl +] keys to increase by pounds selected text, press Ctrl + [key to shrink by pounds of the selected text.
7. Quick set up and down marked
Ctrl + Shift + = to can be set to superscript text, and then went back to the original state again;
Ctrl + = for subscript text is set, then once back to the original state
quickly cancel the automatic number Although the automatic numbering feature in Word stronger, but the trial according to the author, found that automatic numbering command often appears confused phenomenon. In fact, we can use the following method to quickly cancel the automatic numbering.
(1) When the Word for its automatic on the number, you just press Ctrl + Z key to go back on operations, automatic number will disappear at this time, and type the number again, the feature will be banned;
(2) Select AutoCorrect Options Figure 1), and finally click . First, right-click the Word toolbar, select article to the category column of the then, eliminating many from the font drop-down list box, select the font trouble.
10. rapid removal of Word header removal under the dash
Quick Word to which the horizontal line under the header can be with the following four ways: First, horizontal color can be set to Header Editor, and then select the paragraph mark and delete it; The last method is the Close the task pane
Word XP task pane to open the following two methods commonly used: First, select the shortcut menu, select The combinations (such as Alt + M). completed the dialog box and click the grid to quickly open, press again to turn it off.
2. quickly select multiple text
Word XP adds multiple selected text in two ways: First, you can select the same Various text formatting, the operation is to open the After the mouse to select a drop-down button on the right of the display. use it to open the menu, click one of the Click the selected text, select the shortcut menu its methods of operation are: selected as the content of the sample text, press Ctrl + C to put it in the clipboard. Click All XP added a Open the ; Bank . If you click in the toolbar of the , and press Alt + C (more than one document, if there is urgent need to leave, one by one close the document it is very troublesome. Now you can quickly turn off the following skills Word XP: If all of your document displayed in the task bar, you can hold down the Shift key click All exit the a document only takes a taskbar icon. At this point you can simply right-click the Word XP on the taskbar icon, select the shortcut menu in the is: If you are using Word XP to stop responding, it should immediately open the Word XP, If you want to restore the currently open file, you can click , you can click such failure, the next time you open the program, the document will be displayed at dealing with the than the file containing the the right of the drop-down button, select the menu off Word XP provides a new function, and its use is: open source document before the merger, click , click the Comparing the results shown in the document should click the editing Word documents
documents for regular users, found in the file from a large number of objects is not easy to edit. At this point you can use the following methods:
(1) increase the capacity. Word XP Under the to 9 (maximum). After that, simply open the The document had more regular use of some other files the document will be out of the menu. At this point you can define a menu ; work work Open the document name to.
(3) use the historical record. Word XP you can save your record to open the document, the use of this feature to quickly open a document you have used. the specific operation method is: Open Word XP's be.
Word XP quickly send a document of ; send a copy of the button can also add more files
a display too wide to open the document in the document
sometimes found too broad because the document displayed on the screen failure. how this can be done, we can not see a line on the drag a horizontal scroll bar it! then we can re-adjust the line width to fit the size of the document window. If you are using a common view or outline view, you can click the ; command, and then click document window. Then we can click the wrap.
Second, change the document's default directory for all Office documents
default directory is C drive under My Documents folder, based on operational need, we can easily change it. Click Tools Click syntax error tag
Word can you type the text we type the spelling and grammar checking, the page you can see red and green wavy line. If you think these lines to affect the visual effects, can be hidden. in the status bar on the menu, select , while the Ctrl + Z
magical we all know, Ctrl + Z to undo the last action role, will enable us to process in the preparation of the document can be carried out in time to cancel the misuse, or revert to a previous step. But you know, Ctrl + Z there is a special role. first give an example, Word does not change the default settings in case of an empty line: will automatically form into a project number, and the next line add a form, that is the first line of Enter, easily click Ctrl + Z, everything is OK, the first line or the original appearance, is also not changed. the original system . For example, we enter + Z, just canceled the second operation, just like nothing had happened, the system not elaborate here. we can find based on this principle to more magical Ctrl + Z.
five, control ...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

To explore the root causes of the black hole hotel profits

 Explore hotel profit star hotel. However, according to relevant statistics show that nearly three years, the industry's profitability and the level of international counterparts, there is still a big gap between the hotel is only a slight profit of 20%, 80% of the hotels range of wandering in the non-profit .
80% of the hotel did not profit, is what causes it? the hotel, what are the non-profit zone? non-profit area is the hotel industry's eight areas to explore the hotel profit large investment costs more content. based on content, the investment cost can be divided into four categories:
1. the cost of building the building cost per square meter prices generally. This level of cost, and different regions, cities, the level of property prices.
2. Non-building costs of non-building costs include furniture, fixtures, equipment, outdoor recreation facilities, parking, landscaping, plumbing, road construction and so on. The big class level of costs, and hotel investment grade on.
3. Soft Soft costs include the cost of hotel projects throughout the construction, preparation of legal consulting fees, design fees, financing costs, insurance, business preparation costs, the opening of capital . The cost of the high and low, and the hotel's construction period, whether the charge of the preparation profession.
4. land costs high and low land costs, and the hotel building where the city lot on the specific choice.
these four categories cost and composition of the total cost of investment in the hotel. the total cost of investment in control, and the hotel's size, grade matches, the hotel rate goal realized investment gains of the first premise.
can guarantee what the cost of investment to achieve future business hotel profit? according to international standards of hotel industry in general, five-star hotel investment cost, are translated into each room as a unit to calculate, in the U.S. between 150,000 to 200,000; four-star hotel investment costs, USD 10 million to between 14 million; three-star hotel investment costs, the U.S. dollar between 50,000 to 80,000; economy hotel investment cost, in dollars between 15,000 to 40,000. According to incomplete statistics, China's construction in recent years different star hotel, the investment costs are far beyond the international industry standards. in the developed coastal cities, five-star hotel investment costs, converted into units of each room to calculate, in the U.S. between 200,000 to 300,000; four star hotel in the investment cost, in dollars between 180,000 to 250,000; three-star hotel in the investment cost, in dollars between 70,000 to 100,000; economy hotel investment cost, in dollars between 25000-50000 . according to the grade of the hotel for comparison, the average investment cost of the current level of 30% higher than the international standard to 40%. This is higher than the cost of part of the normal operation of the hotel to the future, causing a great 200 or more, the hotel to get a normal return on investment; and so on, four-star hotel to the average dollar prices to sell more than 180 yuan; three-star hotel to the average dollar prices to sell more than 70 yuan; the economy The average hotel price sold for 25 yuan more than the average U.S. dollar. Only in this way, the average ratio of price range, hotel operators can ensure the normal rate of return. But the status of the industry is only five-star hotels, the average selling price half of the level; four-star hotel can only sell one-third of the average price level; three-star hotel is also sold half of the average level of prices; only hotels can sell 80% of the average house price level. based on real average house prices to sell projections, clearly indicates that the target rate of return than the hotel pre-construction budget less than half. in various star hotels in the best situation a few hotels, investments recovery period is closest to the original budget level. This is the current investment boom economy hotel off one of the reasons. in all types of hotels do not offer the most sales to the number of four-star and three star hotels, while hovering in the range of non-profit Hotels Most of this kind of star hotel.
above data show that the total investment cost of the hotel out of control, the total cost and the hotel's size, grade of dislocation, is the leading business hotel in the future into a non-profit in the . the normal build cycle is generally 3 to 4 years or so. concrete can be divided into four time periods:
1. project preparation period, usually about half a year of preparation by the project, approval, required for all types of projects permit to build staff in place.
2. Civil and design of this period is typically about six months, including construction of the bidding, civil construction contract signed, the design unit bidding, calibration and final design the final version of the program. this period, parties and civil engineering units to build and design unit with, is to ensure that the cycle time.
3. structure construction and equipment, facilities, purchase of this period is generally about a year. construction of units in the hotel, while construction of building structures, and building has commenced the equipment, facilities selection, price, purchase.
4. equipment, facilities installation, decoration design, construction and operating for a year of this period is generally half years. in the hotel building on completion of the circumstances, order the equipment and facilities within the renovation process with step by step installation. interior decoration design and the need for bidding and bid, the design is finalized, the renovation of the team and installation team is basically the same time play. operating reserve, including personnel recruitment, procurement of furniture and all kinds of supplies, staff training, marketing program development and so on.
period of four stages, each cross section segment closely, the entire build cycle can be completed as planned by various factors. These factors roughly as follows: preparation of specialized personnel management, project funding guarantee, design units, construction units of the qualification and management, supplier qualification and strength. in the entire preparation process, if any effect by these factors, the hotel's preparation period will be extended for a period of from 1 to 3 years, the longest can have 5 to 6 years. one of the reasons most of funds can not keep up.
many hotels in the project, cap structure, due to a lack of follow-up funding, reinforced concrete buildings will stand for many years in space, can not become able to serve a customer of the hotel. Other hotel projects has come to decoration, business preparation, management of companies to hire personnel already in place, and because of some lack of funding, the opening of further delay, the longest has dragged on for 2 to 3 years.
build cycle out of control and extended, making the entire investment costs, of which the largest share of soft costs increase. This gave the hotel to obtain future business profits, resulting in another general rule, the current construction of the hotel in our capital structure consists of the following components:
1. higher level government or corporate funding, a capital investment out of the hotel. This capital structure, has been rare. with this forms the construction of the hotel managers of the future, there is no pressure on funding, no debt, is the most beneficial.
2. self-financed hotel project after their own investment, investors in accordance with How much capital investment to determine the possession of the shares in the proportion of the hotel. This form, often in the hotel's construction process, the investment between the different shareholders have different views on the subject, various views can not be unified in the case, when occur midway Divestment shareholders funds are not available or the phenomenon. When this phenomenon happens, build side need to spend extra time and effort to raise funds shortfall of funds if the moment can not be resolved, it will affect the project process.
3. Bank loans are now a number of hotels, project after the funding is resolved entirely by bank loans. Loans, of course using a variety of combinations, a long-term, short-term, there is foreign investment, the yuan. there is a loan A question of interest, foreign currency loans in addition to interest, there is a difference between the exchange rate issue.
no matter what the combination of interest, for such projects as hotels, the average interest rate will be around in 6% m7%. If all goes well the hotel in the construction period, After the opening of the principal plus interest to pay for the hotel managers would be no small burden. Net operating profit if the hotel is only 6% m7%, then the hotel business for 10 years, the hotel is for bank employees may 10 years. Now the country is in many hotels in this state. The hotel is operational and expected to be fairly close to very good, then the deadline to return the principal plus interest will normally be about 10 years, on the contrary will be longer. If some poor hotel business, operating profits are not sufficient to help meet the bank interest, usually after 4-5 years operation will be unable to support, and ultimately only the hotel to the bank. This is also the bad assets of banks has many reasons for the hotel.
higher risk of foreign currency loans, if the hotel rate at the time of preparation of the bad loans, then, with the ups and downs of international currency markets, often at the opening after the operation in addition to the burden of repayment of interest, there is a huge amount of exchange differences , there are some poor hotel is due to exchange rate problems, and had to make the hotel changed hands, while the hotel's owner, 90% of the hotel's bank. This is another bank as another reason for the hotel shareholders.
from the above to analyze the structure of the three funds, the first structure has been less and less, the structure of the second plus third approach is more general. If the structure properly, the proportion of loans is too high, this is undoubtedly the future for the hotel business and planted a ; black hole an effective way, but the proportion of loans should not exceed 60%.
four hotels profit from product type to see the similar facilities, customers can pick what to say to a unique product, it becomes difficult, to talk about which of several hotels with special services, even more difficult. like the European and American popular bed and breakfast B & B hotels, country has not yet appeared; like France Formule1 hotel, perfect service, very reasonable room furniture arrangement, 9 square meters of rooms can accommodate three guests. This is a very popular mass tourist hotels, but also not available in the country. As for the true sense of the resort, only a few other places in Hainan has been developed, those of the suburban resort, there are many services and facilities need to be perfected.
to the five city hotels hotels in Europe and America products for the classification of China's current service apartment hotel is the five most profitable category. The reason is that this type of single product facilities, building use area is high, the low proportion of labor market demand, the existing service apartment hotel in short supply. Other categories hotels, in different cities, the true sense of the meeting hotels, business hotels, resort hotels are not a few numbers, unique boutique hotel, is very few.
hotel industry based on principles of price elasticity index, If the products and services are relatively standard, identical, the fierce competition among hotels, price elasticity index of large; the other hand, if the products and services are unique, not similar in nature, there is no competition, price elasticity index small. In this principle principle, the current status of the hotel are: similar products compete with each other, bargain, the hotel is not the core product, the market source on what to do. This is a hotel operating profit of another for profit, competing in the killing of similar products, doing nothing to lose.
five, as viewed from the management of the hotel profits, . After the completion of the hotel, there is a management problem. business managed well, can make the hotel as a city of culture in the window at the same time, the hotel real estate preservation and appreciation. operation and management of the hotel there are five main forms:
1. investors own the management of this form of management, its biggest benefit is independent of the operational autonomy, without payment of remuneration to the operators do not have to pay the costs of network marketing. can make the greatest returns to investors. but necessary , and to achieve the maximum return on the premise that: investors own hotel business professionals, the hotel's excellent location, the hotel's modest size. If the premise is not necessary, the investor is not the hotel business professionals, the hotel's location is not ideal, the hotel's size, then the hotel management of the risk may be considerable, not only can not maximize profits, but also unnecessary losses.
2. investing their own management, but to join the global network of reservation systems This form of management, the best interests of the business also has a separate autonomy, without payment of remuneration to the operators, just pay the fee to join the global network of reservation systems, through the network and improve the impact of outside the hotel, through the network , to the hotel customers to bring outside.
part of the cost to join the network consists of two components, is the network part of membership fees, these costs generally account for room revenue 2% to 3%; second part of the fee is scheduled to transaction costs, any transaction in a room, cost about 7 to 10 between the U.S. dollar.
but without professional management, the hotel's products and services to meet the needs of customers can not pay the price, from the network brought about the customer, may be almost no turning back, the hotel is difficult to influence the network has expanded. the greatest benefit and risk is that the revenue from the network, not enough to offset the basic membership fee to join the network. network costs additional expenses will be.
3. sign the franchise agreement, the owners operate their own investors and owners to adopt and sign the franchise agreement franchisor, you can get a lot of the interests of the owners need. franchisor in the preparation period for the owners the provision of consulting services that include helping owners to site selection, provide feasibility analysis for building design, interior design suggestions. in the preparation phase of business, franchise operators to provide a comprehensive set of management for the owners manual, operation manual. after starting the daily operations, the owners can obtain from the franchisor long-term training and extensive consultation.
sign the franchise agreement, the owners want to get each of the support and services are required to pay fees. Chartered operating expenses, the use of two charging methods, one is based on the number of hotel rooms as a base, the owners need to pay USD 2-4 a day's expenses, as royalties, and other scheduled to join the network, to provide specific advice, cost another operator. the owners of the services if you need more, add up the costs, the management company than your cost of even more significant. If the hotel management did not place itself, then spend the high cost of franchising may not be able to desired business objectives, but to increase the normal operating costs.
4. the owners rented the hotel operators did not operate because the owners realize that the ability to manage, according to the expected return on investment, will be rented to hotel managers. This method is a small risk of loss, but loss of management rights. If managers excellent performance, the owners in addition to rental income, there is no other income. this income is limited, but the insurance.
5. owners and operators signed a management contract sure he did not business owners, will use and management of the Group entered into management contracts with the method to solve the problem of the hotel management. take the form, if the business if well managed, the owners paid a management fee under the contract after can enjoy the hotel's revenue increased, and vice versa. Select the appropriateness of the management group is a prerequisite for the success of this form. If the hotel is small, quality is not high, the management hired a high-grade group, the increase in income may also not enough to help meet the increased expenditure. The other is that the huge investment, high-end luxury hotel, the result of economic management of the hotel invited the group, then the result will be disappointing also.
six, from the target market and Hotel profits, sales mix to see the , there is no clear ratio, the type of restaurant, there is no clear direction. This hotel is a great gesture of goods to be a hundred passengers. But the reality is that after opening a hundred off the goods can not cope. there is no clear target market of the hotel, always strokes do not come to profitable customers.
experienced managers, as if the target market: high-end leisure and business travelers, market segments configured to: 30% of European and American markets, 30% of the Japanese market, Asia and 40% of the domestic market. According to this market segment, the hotel staff recruitment in addition to English language requirements, as well as the requirements of the Japanese, the language of this configuration, the customer at the reception, the language problem does not occur; dining arrangements have American Grill, Japanese restaurant, Chinese restaurant and 24 hour coffee shop. This restaurant structure to meet all the requirements of market segments source. According to the target market of tourists, in-room bed configuration, there will be reasonable proportion.
inexperienced managers, after opening, customers are used to meeting the market and more tourists to the market wanted the meeting, the results deadlift customers, not the right size of the venue, the ballroom When the Chamber; to meet a large number of customers dining at the same meeting, then the Chamber when the restaurant is so versatile, by frustrating the customers and employees, and ultimately customer satisfaction will be affected. the design of the hotel business customers to host , as unreasonable and product distribution channels in place, not enough customers to patronize a business, a team of course do not want to let go when the business. A pick the team, problems one after another, the team received a large number of customers, large room with two beds lack. see to increase the number of Japanese tourists visit the market, but also actively seek reception Japanese customers, the hotel only to find out the results of 1-2 staff speak Japanese, the language has become the biggest obstacle to reception, customer satisfaction index will not be high. So many have invested a lot of money, because there is no clear target market, operating profit should be, clearly and simply into the The hotel rooms part of the output from the highest profits, the other part of the output is much lower. inexperienced managers, did not make high profits in the output of the room sales, the positive output to low-profit catering and other departments operate, and spend a lot of manpower and effort, the final output of the profits will be far less than ideal expectations.
seven, staffing and labor productivity from the hotel to see the profit of the the rise in labor costs, more and more the cost of a hotel to see this continue to embezzlement in the profits of the hotel. Yes, there are points of profit if the original hotel, still according to the original staffing, according to the original work is still acting productivity, profits do not offset the cost of misappropriation is the inevitable result.
international hotel industry, the average staff ratio is the number of an employee in a room, which is the jargon in the allocation ratio of 1:1. the majority of domestic hotel far did not reach such levels. for several reasons:
1. sectoral set the theme unclear organizational structure of the hotel can easily be divided into two parts, the functional areas of the Service Center, Human Resources Service Center , planning and finance, marketing, engineering, security and other departments. to operate departmental profit center, profit center by the Rooms Division, Food and Beverage, Entertainment, shopping malls and other operating departments. the two centers to support each other, with, in order to hotel operators to work the ultimate goal, customer satisfaction, so the hotel profitable. such a structure, there would be many hotels now set the office, comprehensive department that the department exists. Party committees, trade unions can act as a full-time cadres, Group work can a young manager by the individual.'s Office has an administrative assistant working on all resolved.
2. government departments of the provisions of the present without considering the actual situation of the hotel hotel in automated equipment, according to the State Bureau of Labor provisions need someone to look after three shifts, this provision, the hotel spent a lot of inaction labor. the international hotel automation equipment is not necessary arrange custody. a provision that allows a hotel to increase more than 6 to 8 personnel costs. Again, the hotel reception of foreign currency exchange business, the bank provides a schedule should be equipped with 2 or more, can be authorized, the other part-time receptionist is not allowed. This provision, making the hotel with additional personnel needed, Otherwise, the front desk staff can have this business in order to provide service to customers.
3. professional service company did not form in the international arena, there are numerous and hotel business matching of specialized companies, can provide various services for the hotel at any time. Such professional cleaning company companies, repair companies, public relations firms, training companies, introduced a professional executive search firm skilled hourly hh such as hotels, there are a lot of work to do not need long-term employment full-time employees, as long as the contracts with these companies, that is ready to receive needed services.
present, this company has very little professional support, has been in operation only exterior cleaning company. If you continue to form a professional company, the hotel's long-term employment of employees, can be greatly reduced.
labor productivity, is another date and did not attract attention to the assessment indicators in most hotels. Most hotels are concerned about is how to control the total approved amount of wages, but no consideration, or did not make efforts to consider the question how to improve labor productivity. in the international hotel industry, the per capita profitability is a very important and meaningful indicators of operating efficiency, the higher the index, indicating that the hotel management the better, this indicators of high, labor costs account for the proportion of revenue would not be high. a simple example: If you sell a room cost of labor required is 200 dollars, so that when the price of a room at the time of 300 yuan, labor costs accounted for room revenue ratio was 66.67%; when the price of a room in 500, when labor costs accounted for the percentage of room revenue to 40%; when the price of a room of 800 yuan, when labor costs accounted for room revenue ratio of 25%. This simple example tells us a lot of hotels now only focus on how to reduce labor costs, room 200, but did not study how the price of rooms from 300 yuan to 500 yuan, or even to 800 element.
increase in labor productivity are not under the premise of the decline in labor costs is not possible. If the idea of the hotel managers did not change, the hotel's profits will fall into the no feeling.
eight, from the area of the business functions and the effective use of the hotel profits, see the Operating profit is not a problem. In reality, there are too many hotels in the area did not do too many effective output, so that the profits of the hotel was a problem. no effective area of the hotel is composed of two aspects of output causes.
1. functional design error, causing operational difficulties in the design of the hotel, the area of facilities there is a certain percentage of matching requirements, this ratio the more scientific, more consistent with operational needs, operating in the greater the output of square meters. such as the total area of rooms, usually accounts for hotels 50% of the total construction area of the device layer and the internal use of the area, usually accounting for 10% of the total area of buildings, walkways, lobbies and other public areas, usually accounts for total construction area of 15% to 20%, catering, entertainment and business area, the total construction area usually accounts for 20% to 25%. according to different types of hotels such as Hotel, Airport Hotel, Conference Hotel, Resort Hotel, apartment hotel, luxury hotel, room, dining area, functional area, entertainment area, lobby, parking area ratio, are differentiated.
hotels with special features, the ratio in the design more important. If the Convention Center hotel, the conference venue area and room size are not matching (the meeting venue can accommodate 8,000 people), but only more than 200 rooms, this design left unreasonable, may be the session Hotel lost a lot of, when a large meeting room should be part of the profits. If the room number 600, will be relatively reasonable and more. unreasonable state of 400 rooms part of the profits, naturally, into the near the hotel, the hotel does not have to spend huge amounts of money into meeting facilities, conference center is the design of the imbalance and easily get the cost of the customer base without spending a promotion. This case, from the perspective of a city, not profit loss, but an investment body, the profits have flowed into the but did not go to the hotel industry professionals familiar with the design unit. not familiar with the design of professional units, they can not understand the function of the hotel facilities, it can not be designed to operate. room is the protagonist of the hotel business profitability, Good design, size appropriate, the effectiveness of high, to meet the different needs of customers; designed lack of experience, occupied area, but the use of function is poor, the unhappy customer will tell. restaurant design, with the support of kitchen area, dining room, kitchen and out of the flow of entry, the restaurant's business services will have a direct impact. For instance, some kitchen design hotel, away from the restaurant or outside layer of the floor, the result is a restaurant serving a direct impact on the speed, traffic flow, the number of labor. Some hotel ballroom big enough to accommodate two or three thousand, but the banquet hall next to the toilet seat but only 2,3 months, when there are major activities to address the physical needs of people, often a problem . Some of the hotel room service can not access services leads to the ladder after the area, the result can only use room service passenger elevators, the consequences can be imagined. Some of the hotel, after long preparation, to the eve of the opening, you will find there are not few sectors, competition is not 1 square meter of office space, only in the expensive area of operations in the occupied, this situation occurs in many hotels. Some hotels even occupied floor space, all for internal office, such office costs, may be normal office expenses 10 times.
some design unit, the blind pursuit of fashion, in the design of the idea of using the most modern, most expensive materials, the most complex processes, and business ideas because there is no The combination of the owners to spend money, are used for ceilings, walls and other visual decoration, the real function of the design, but there are many irrational place, today's savvy customers will not spend money attached to the ceiling on gold leaf, the customer will not appreciate the dialogue and they did not experienced managers, for shelf space do not know how to use the business, the result is the same area caused an invalid output.
experienced managers, for each square meter of area, are thinking about how a effective output. lobbies free area, will operate a small, very cozy piano bar, elevator, aisle area of 1,2 square meters, will consider doing newsstand, gift shop, grain room, and every corner of the layout is decent, the corner of the supporting business projects, which meet the needs of customers, there are objective economic output.
inexperienced managers, resulting in a lot of space free, or in inappropriate places, inappropriate management of projects. For example, a small cake room, not in any corner of the floor can be run, usually arranged in the vicinity of the ground floor restaurant or bar. Some hotels , on the second floor of the cake or the third floor room with shopping malls, selling the results to less ideal. Some of the hotel, the lobby is big enough to drive, empty, nothing used to on the style may be, but on square meters of production, it is difficult lists.
two points above illustrate, the design of both the preparation of the reason, the experience of operating on the reasons for the limited, expensive construction area, either due to functional problem, or issue business ideas, making the effective utilization of space is not high, which is also caused by the loss of the hotel profits to another business managers do not realize.
For the hotel industry, and international standards should be, first of all make the hotel has a profit. be profitable to find ways to block out all of these causes, black hole. . The hotel industry, investors can all walks of life, but the use of professional socialization is essential.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Junior girls sexy photo shoot cheated, Wang cautioned that beauty care!

 Yesterday, the blog of a girl give me a shout:
pretty stupid woman
2007-02-11 13:23:04
Hello, I'm an actor model, there are important things to find you, I am currently that there are people pretending to be you ****.< br> This not only affects my work, but also damage your reputation .. please help me, if this man-made unlawful purpose, I will take legal action, thank you brother Pharaoh!! !
order to give your message, I've applied here in this blog ... my blog is not here.
Finally, I wish you happy holidays and happy life !!!~< br> pretty stupid woman
2007-02-11 13:24:18
I give you a shout, there is no way in the way ... So you must help me!! Thank you!!
read I am very worried. He immediately hit the phone to her. I understand the complete situation and regret to tell her, the general selection process, and so hh and said to her: voices. TEL hang up I still can not calm, so he SMS her:
just heard you cry: (I'm sorry too, do not know how to advise you, do not be unhappy.
5 minutes later, her back a very long message:
Thank you for calling, really! I will try to make legal sanctions for his family against me ~ I have to make these work, but often see their plans to shoot a good-looking to persistent up, which I (not) dare anyone say that only one person said you do not want to let my parents worry! I now juniors, so I do not know their own ability to not be able to face these, But I have to face, like you said. I can tell you, I lost much, and you should be able to shoot the film she guessed what kind of hh how can I do? I must face.
very tragic answer! I can only wish the girl to properly deal with this matter.
magazine I can not speak on this matter at the table where any state, but from my personal point of view on the need to advise the arena separate ways beauty, not to be taken lightly. to tell you a few tips to prevent further Standard Chartered with when there will be magazine editor here, which is very important, we will not entrust any other person or entity to negotiate a separate shooting of any matter;
Second: to me, had never signed any person who a few months to ensure that the agreement number on the magazine, the magazine of the process is very complex, not the last printing of any pages may be canceled;
Third: to me, experience, all the cover shot is very meticulous and careful communication with the subject at least 3 times or more, and all will have a magazine editor shot the presence of scheduling;
Fourth: to me,
Fifth: To my We take the requirements and we will be very healthy style of shooting and the sun, will not do anything obscene pose.
Finally, warning that the name of , I will be sending first hit the public security meal.