Wednesday, March 2, 2011

To explore the root causes of the black hole hotel profits

 Explore hotel profit star hotel. However, according to relevant statistics show that nearly three years, the industry's profitability and the level of international counterparts, there is still a big gap between the hotel is only a slight profit of 20%, 80% of the hotels range of wandering in the non-profit .
80% of the hotel did not profit, is what causes it? the hotel, what are the non-profit zone? non-profit area is the hotel industry's eight areas to explore the hotel profit large investment costs more content. based on content, the investment cost can be divided into four categories:
1. the cost of building the building cost per square meter prices generally. This level of cost, and different regions, cities, the level of property prices.
2. Non-building costs of non-building costs include furniture, fixtures, equipment, outdoor recreation facilities, parking, landscaping, plumbing, road construction and so on. The big class level of costs, and hotel investment grade on.
3. Soft Soft costs include the cost of hotel projects throughout the construction, preparation of legal consulting fees, design fees, financing costs, insurance, business preparation costs, the opening of capital . The cost of the high and low, and the hotel's construction period, whether the charge of the preparation profession.
4. land costs high and low land costs, and the hotel building where the city lot on the specific choice.
these four categories cost and composition of the total cost of investment in the hotel. the total cost of investment in control, and the hotel's size, grade matches, the hotel rate goal realized investment gains of the first premise.
can guarantee what the cost of investment to achieve future business hotel profit? according to international standards of hotel industry in general, five-star hotel investment cost, are translated into each room as a unit to calculate, in the U.S. between 150,000 to 200,000; four-star hotel investment costs, USD 10 million to between 14 million; three-star hotel investment costs, the U.S. dollar between 50,000 to 80,000; economy hotel investment cost, in dollars between 15,000 to 40,000. According to incomplete statistics, China's construction in recent years different star hotel, the investment costs are far beyond the international industry standards. in the developed coastal cities, five-star hotel investment costs, converted into units of each room to calculate, in the U.S. between 200,000 to 300,000; four star hotel in the investment cost, in dollars between 180,000 to 250,000; three-star hotel in the investment cost, in dollars between 70,000 to 100,000; economy hotel investment cost, in dollars between 25000-50000 . according to the grade of the hotel for comparison, the average investment cost of the current level of 30% higher than the international standard to 40%. This is higher than the cost of part of the normal operation of the hotel to the future, causing a great 200 or more, the hotel to get a normal return on investment; and so on, four-star hotel to the average dollar prices to sell more than 180 yuan; three-star hotel to the average dollar prices to sell more than 70 yuan; the economy The average hotel price sold for 25 yuan more than the average U.S. dollar. Only in this way, the average ratio of price range, hotel operators can ensure the normal rate of return. But the status of the industry is only five-star hotels, the average selling price half of the level; four-star hotel can only sell one-third of the average price level; three-star hotel is also sold half of the average level of prices; only hotels can sell 80% of the average house price level. based on real average house prices to sell projections, clearly indicates that the target rate of return than the hotel pre-construction budget less than half. in various star hotels in the best situation a few hotels, investments recovery period is closest to the original budget level. This is the current investment boom economy hotel off one of the reasons. in all types of hotels do not offer the most sales to the number of four-star and three star hotels, while hovering in the range of non-profit Hotels Most of this kind of star hotel.
above data show that the total investment cost of the hotel out of control, the total cost and the hotel's size, grade of dislocation, is the leading business hotel in the future into a non-profit in the . the normal build cycle is generally 3 to 4 years or so. concrete can be divided into four time periods:
1. project preparation period, usually about half a year of preparation by the project, approval, required for all types of projects permit to build staff in place.
2. Civil and design of this period is typically about six months, including construction of the bidding, civil construction contract signed, the design unit bidding, calibration and final design the final version of the program. this period, parties and civil engineering units to build and design unit with, is to ensure that the cycle time.
3. structure construction and equipment, facilities, purchase of this period is generally about a year. construction of units in the hotel, while construction of building structures, and building has commenced the equipment, facilities selection, price, purchase.
4. equipment, facilities installation, decoration design, construction and operating for a year of this period is generally half years. in the hotel building on completion of the circumstances, order the equipment and facilities within the renovation process with step by step installation. interior decoration design and the need for bidding and bid, the design is finalized, the renovation of the team and installation team is basically the same time play. operating reserve, including personnel recruitment, procurement of furniture and all kinds of supplies, staff training, marketing program development and so on.
period of four stages, each cross section segment closely, the entire build cycle can be completed as planned by various factors. These factors roughly as follows: preparation of specialized personnel management, project funding guarantee, design units, construction units of the qualification and management, supplier qualification and strength. in the entire preparation process, if any effect by these factors, the hotel's preparation period will be extended for a period of from 1 to 3 years, the longest can have 5 to 6 years. one of the reasons most of funds can not keep up.
many hotels in the project, cap structure, due to a lack of follow-up funding, reinforced concrete buildings will stand for many years in space, can not become able to serve a customer of the hotel. Other hotel projects has come to decoration, business preparation, management of companies to hire personnel already in place, and because of some lack of funding, the opening of further delay, the longest has dragged on for 2 to 3 years.
build cycle out of control and extended, making the entire investment costs, of which the largest share of soft costs increase. This gave the hotel to obtain future business profits, resulting in another general rule, the current construction of the hotel in our capital structure consists of the following components:
1. higher level government or corporate funding, a capital investment out of the hotel. This capital structure, has been rare. with this forms the construction of the hotel managers of the future, there is no pressure on funding, no debt, is the most beneficial.
2. self-financed hotel project after their own investment, investors in accordance with How much capital investment to determine the possession of the shares in the proportion of the hotel. This form, often in the hotel's construction process, the investment between the different shareholders have different views on the subject, various views can not be unified in the case, when occur midway Divestment shareholders funds are not available or the phenomenon. When this phenomenon happens, build side need to spend extra time and effort to raise funds shortfall of funds if the moment can not be resolved, it will affect the project process.
3. Bank loans are now a number of hotels, project after the funding is resolved entirely by bank loans. Loans, of course using a variety of combinations, a long-term, short-term, there is foreign investment, the yuan. there is a loan A question of interest, foreign currency loans in addition to interest, there is a difference between the exchange rate issue.
no matter what the combination of interest, for such projects as hotels, the average interest rate will be around in 6% m7%. If all goes well the hotel in the construction period, After the opening of the principal plus interest to pay for the hotel managers would be no small burden. Net operating profit if the hotel is only 6% m7%, then the hotel business for 10 years, the hotel is for bank employees may 10 years. Now the country is in many hotels in this state. The hotel is operational and expected to be fairly close to very good, then the deadline to return the principal plus interest will normally be about 10 years, on the contrary will be longer. If some poor hotel business, operating profits are not sufficient to help meet the bank interest, usually after 4-5 years operation will be unable to support, and ultimately only the hotel to the bank. This is also the bad assets of banks has many reasons for the hotel.
higher risk of foreign currency loans, if the hotel rate at the time of preparation of the bad loans, then, with the ups and downs of international currency markets, often at the opening after the operation in addition to the burden of repayment of interest, there is a huge amount of exchange differences , there are some poor hotel is due to exchange rate problems, and had to make the hotel changed hands, while the hotel's owner, 90% of the hotel's bank. This is another bank as another reason for the hotel shareholders.
from the above to analyze the structure of the three funds, the first structure has been less and less, the structure of the second plus third approach is more general. If the structure properly, the proportion of loans is too high, this is undoubtedly the future for the hotel business and planted a ; black hole an effective way, but the proportion of loans should not exceed 60%.
four hotels profit from product type to see the similar facilities, customers can pick what to say to a unique product, it becomes difficult, to talk about which of several hotels with special services, even more difficult. like the European and American popular bed and breakfast B & B hotels, country has not yet appeared; like France Formule1 hotel, perfect service, very reasonable room furniture arrangement, 9 square meters of rooms can accommodate three guests. This is a very popular mass tourist hotels, but also not available in the country. As for the true sense of the resort, only a few other places in Hainan has been developed, those of the suburban resort, there are many services and facilities need to be perfected.
to the five city hotels hotels in Europe and America products for the classification of China's current service apartment hotel is the five most profitable category. The reason is that this type of single product facilities, building use area is high, the low proportion of labor market demand, the existing service apartment hotel in short supply. Other categories hotels, in different cities, the true sense of the meeting hotels, business hotels, resort hotels are not a few numbers, unique boutique hotel, is very few.
hotel industry based on principles of price elasticity index, If the products and services are relatively standard, identical, the fierce competition among hotels, price elasticity index of large; the other hand, if the products and services are unique, not similar in nature, there is no competition, price elasticity index small. In this principle principle, the current status of the hotel are: similar products compete with each other, bargain, the hotel is not the core product, the market source on what to do. This is a hotel operating profit of another for profit, competing in the killing of similar products, doing nothing to lose.
five, as viewed from the management of the hotel profits, . After the completion of the hotel, there is a management problem. business managed well, can make the hotel as a city of culture in the window at the same time, the hotel real estate preservation and appreciation. operation and management of the hotel there are five main forms:
1. investors own the management of this form of management, its biggest benefit is independent of the operational autonomy, without payment of remuneration to the operators do not have to pay the costs of network marketing. can make the greatest returns to investors. but necessary , and to achieve the maximum return on the premise that: investors own hotel business professionals, the hotel's excellent location, the hotel's modest size. If the premise is not necessary, the investor is not the hotel business professionals, the hotel's location is not ideal, the hotel's size, then the hotel management of the risk may be considerable, not only can not maximize profits, but also unnecessary losses.
2. investing their own management, but to join the global network of reservation systems This form of management, the best interests of the business also has a separate autonomy, without payment of remuneration to the operators, just pay the fee to join the global network of reservation systems, through the network and improve the impact of outside the hotel, through the network , to the hotel customers to bring outside.
part of the cost to join the network consists of two components, is the network part of membership fees, these costs generally account for room revenue 2% to 3%; second part of the fee is scheduled to transaction costs, any transaction in a room, cost about 7 to 10 between the U.S. dollar.
but without professional management, the hotel's products and services to meet the needs of customers can not pay the price, from the network brought about the customer, may be almost no turning back, the hotel is difficult to influence the network has expanded. the greatest benefit and risk is that the revenue from the network, not enough to offset the basic membership fee to join the network. network costs additional expenses will be.
3. sign the franchise agreement, the owners operate their own investors and owners to adopt and sign the franchise agreement franchisor, you can get a lot of the interests of the owners need. franchisor in the preparation period for the owners the provision of consulting services that include helping owners to site selection, provide feasibility analysis for building design, interior design suggestions. in the preparation phase of business, franchise operators to provide a comprehensive set of management for the owners manual, operation manual. after starting the daily operations, the owners can obtain from the franchisor long-term training and extensive consultation.
sign the franchise agreement, the owners want to get each of the support and services are required to pay fees. Chartered operating expenses, the use of two charging methods, one is based on the number of hotel rooms as a base, the owners need to pay USD 2-4 a day's expenses, as royalties, and other scheduled to join the network, to provide specific advice, cost another operator. the owners of the services if you need more, add up the costs, the management company than your cost of even more significant. If the hotel management did not place itself, then spend the high cost of franchising may not be able to desired business objectives, but to increase the normal operating costs.
4. the owners rented the hotel operators did not operate because the owners realize that the ability to manage, according to the expected return on investment, will be rented to hotel managers. This method is a small risk of loss, but loss of management rights. If managers excellent performance, the owners in addition to rental income, there is no other income. this income is limited, but the insurance.
5. owners and operators signed a management contract sure he did not business owners, will use and management of the Group entered into management contracts with the method to solve the problem of the hotel management. take the form, if the business if well managed, the owners paid a management fee under the contract after can enjoy the hotel's revenue increased, and vice versa. Select the appropriateness of the management group is a prerequisite for the success of this form. If the hotel is small, quality is not high, the management hired a high-grade group, the increase in income may also not enough to help meet the increased expenditure. The other is that the huge investment, high-end luxury hotel, the result of economic management of the hotel invited the group, then the result will be disappointing also.
six, from the target market and Hotel profits, sales mix to see the , there is no clear ratio, the type of restaurant, there is no clear direction. This hotel is a great gesture of goods to be a hundred passengers. But the reality is that after opening a hundred off the goods can not cope. there is no clear target market of the hotel, always strokes do not come to profitable customers.
experienced managers, as if the target market: high-end leisure and business travelers, market segments configured to: 30% of European and American markets, 30% of the Japanese market, Asia and 40% of the domestic market. According to this market segment, the hotel staff recruitment in addition to English language requirements, as well as the requirements of the Japanese, the language of this configuration, the customer at the reception, the language problem does not occur; dining arrangements have American Grill, Japanese restaurant, Chinese restaurant and 24 hour coffee shop. This restaurant structure to meet all the requirements of market segments source. According to the target market of tourists, in-room bed configuration, there will be reasonable proportion.
inexperienced managers, after opening, customers are used to meeting the market and more tourists to the market wanted the meeting, the results deadlift customers, not the right size of the venue, the ballroom When the Chamber; to meet a large number of customers dining at the same meeting, then the Chamber when the restaurant is so versatile, by frustrating the customers and employees, and ultimately customer satisfaction will be affected. the design of the hotel business customers to host , as unreasonable and product distribution channels in place, not enough customers to patronize a business, a team of course do not want to let go when the business. A pick the team, problems one after another, the team received a large number of customers, large room with two beds lack. see to increase the number of Japanese tourists visit the market, but also actively seek reception Japanese customers, the hotel only to find out the results of 1-2 staff speak Japanese, the language has become the biggest obstacle to reception, customer satisfaction index will not be high. So many have invested a lot of money, because there is no clear target market, operating profit should be, clearly and simply into the The hotel rooms part of the output from the highest profits, the other part of the output is much lower. inexperienced managers, did not make high profits in the output of the room sales, the positive output to low-profit catering and other departments operate, and spend a lot of manpower and effort, the final output of the profits will be far less than ideal expectations.
seven, staffing and labor productivity from the hotel to see the profit of the the rise in labor costs, more and more the cost of a hotel to see this continue to embezzlement in the profits of the hotel. Yes, there are points of profit if the original hotel, still according to the original staffing, according to the original work is still acting productivity, profits do not offset the cost of misappropriation is the inevitable result.
international hotel industry, the average staff ratio is the number of an employee in a room, which is the jargon in the allocation ratio of 1:1. the majority of domestic hotel far did not reach such levels. for several reasons:
1. sectoral set the theme unclear organizational structure of the hotel can easily be divided into two parts, the functional areas of the Service Center, Human Resources Service Center , planning and finance, marketing, engineering, security and other departments. to operate departmental profit center, profit center by the Rooms Division, Food and Beverage, Entertainment, shopping malls and other operating departments. the two centers to support each other, with, in order to hotel operators to work the ultimate goal, customer satisfaction, so the hotel profitable. such a structure, there would be many hotels now set the office, comprehensive department that the department exists. Party committees, trade unions can act as a full-time cadres, Group work can a young manager by the individual.'s Office has an administrative assistant working on all resolved.
2. government departments of the provisions of the present without considering the actual situation of the hotel hotel in automated equipment, according to the State Bureau of Labor provisions need someone to look after three shifts, this provision, the hotel spent a lot of inaction labor. the international hotel automation equipment is not necessary arrange custody. a provision that allows a hotel to increase more than 6 to 8 personnel costs. Again, the hotel reception of foreign currency exchange business, the bank provides a schedule should be equipped with 2 or more, can be authorized, the other part-time receptionist is not allowed. This provision, making the hotel with additional personnel needed, Otherwise, the front desk staff can have this business in order to provide service to customers.
3. professional service company did not form in the international arena, there are numerous and hotel business matching of specialized companies, can provide various services for the hotel at any time. Such professional cleaning company companies, repair companies, public relations firms, training companies, introduced a professional executive search firm skilled hourly hh such as hotels, there are a lot of work to do not need long-term employment full-time employees, as long as the contracts with these companies, that is ready to receive needed services.
present, this company has very little professional support, has been in operation only exterior cleaning company. If you continue to form a professional company, the hotel's long-term employment of employees, can be greatly reduced.
labor productivity, is another date and did not attract attention to the assessment indicators in most hotels. Most hotels are concerned about is how to control the total approved amount of wages, but no consideration, or did not make efforts to consider the question how to improve labor productivity. in the international hotel industry, the per capita profitability is a very important and meaningful indicators of operating efficiency, the higher the index, indicating that the hotel management the better, this indicators of high, labor costs account for the proportion of revenue would not be high. a simple example: If you sell a room cost of labor required is 200 dollars, so that when the price of a room at the time of 300 yuan, labor costs accounted for room revenue ratio was 66.67%; when the price of a room in 500, when labor costs accounted for the percentage of room revenue to 40%; when the price of a room of 800 yuan, when labor costs accounted for room revenue ratio of 25%. This simple example tells us a lot of hotels now only focus on how to reduce labor costs, room 200, but did not study how the price of rooms from 300 yuan to 500 yuan, or even to 800 element.
increase in labor productivity are not under the premise of the decline in labor costs is not possible. If the idea of the hotel managers did not change, the hotel's profits will fall into the no feeling.
eight, from the area of the business functions and the effective use of the hotel profits, see the Operating profit is not a problem. In reality, there are too many hotels in the area did not do too many effective output, so that the profits of the hotel was a problem. no effective area of the hotel is composed of two aspects of output causes.
1. functional design error, causing operational difficulties in the design of the hotel, the area of facilities there is a certain percentage of matching requirements, this ratio the more scientific, more consistent with operational needs, operating in the greater the output of square meters. such as the total area of rooms, usually accounts for hotels 50% of the total construction area of the device layer and the internal use of the area, usually accounting for 10% of the total area of buildings, walkways, lobbies and other public areas, usually accounts for total construction area of 15% to 20%, catering, entertainment and business area, the total construction area usually accounts for 20% to 25%. according to different types of hotels such as Hotel, Airport Hotel, Conference Hotel, Resort Hotel, apartment hotel, luxury hotel, room, dining area, functional area, entertainment area, lobby, parking area ratio, are differentiated.
hotels with special features, the ratio in the design more important. If the Convention Center hotel, the conference venue area and room size are not matching (the meeting venue can accommodate 8,000 people), but only more than 200 rooms, this design left unreasonable, may be the session Hotel lost a lot of, when a large meeting room should be part of the profits. If the room number 600, will be relatively reasonable and more. unreasonable state of 400 rooms part of the profits, naturally, into the near the hotel, the hotel does not have to spend huge amounts of money into meeting facilities, conference center is the design of the imbalance and easily get the cost of the customer base without spending a promotion. This case, from the perspective of a city, not profit loss, but an investment body, the profits have flowed into the but did not go to the hotel industry professionals familiar with the design unit. not familiar with the design of professional units, they can not understand the function of the hotel facilities, it can not be designed to operate. room is the protagonist of the hotel business profitability, Good design, size appropriate, the effectiveness of high, to meet the different needs of customers; designed lack of experience, occupied area, but the use of function is poor, the unhappy customer will tell. restaurant design, with the support of kitchen area, dining room, kitchen and out of the flow of entry, the restaurant's business services will have a direct impact. For instance, some kitchen design hotel, away from the restaurant or outside layer of the floor, the result is a restaurant serving a direct impact on the speed, traffic flow, the number of labor. Some hotel ballroom big enough to accommodate two or three thousand, but the banquet hall next to the toilet seat but only 2,3 months, when there are major activities to address the physical needs of people, often a problem . Some of the hotel room service can not access services leads to the ladder after the area, the result can only use room service passenger elevators, the consequences can be imagined. Some of the hotel, after long preparation, to the eve of the opening, you will find there are not few sectors, competition is not 1 square meter of office space, only in the expensive area of operations in the occupied, this situation occurs in many hotels. Some hotels even occupied floor space, all for internal office, such office costs, may be normal office expenses 10 times.
some design unit, the blind pursuit of fashion, in the design of the idea of using the most modern, most expensive materials, the most complex processes, and business ideas because there is no The combination of the owners to spend money, are used for ceilings, walls and other visual decoration, the real function of the design, but there are many irrational place, today's savvy customers will not spend money attached to the ceiling on gold leaf, the customer will not appreciate the dialogue and they did not experienced managers, for shelf space do not know how to use the business, the result is the same area caused an invalid output.
experienced managers, for each square meter of area, are thinking about how a effective output. lobbies free area, will operate a small, very cozy piano bar, elevator, aisle area of 1,2 square meters, will consider doing newsstand, gift shop, grain room, and every corner of the layout is decent, the corner of the supporting business projects, which meet the needs of customers, there are objective economic output.
inexperienced managers, resulting in a lot of space free, or in inappropriate places, inappropriate management of projects. For example, a small cake room, not in any corner of the floor can be run, usually arranged in the vicinity of the ground floor restaurant or bar. Some hotels , on the second floor of the cake or the third floor room with shopping malls, selling the results to less ideal. Some of the hotel, the lobby is big enough to drive, empty, nothing used to on the style may be, but on square meters of production, it is difficult lists.
two points above illustrate, the design of both the preparation of the reason, the experience of operating on the reasons for the limited, expensive construction area, either due to functional problem, or issue business ideas, making the effective utilization of space is not high, which is also caused by the loss of the hotel profits to another business managers do not realize.
For the hotel industry, and international standards should be, first of all make the hotel has a profit. be profitable to find ways to block out all of these causes, black hole. . The hotel industry, investors can all walks of life, but the use of professional socialization is essential.

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