Thursday, March 31, 2011

① breakfast is really important to teach you how to eat the young 20 -year-old ② fasting for 11 kinds of food unfit for human consumption do not eat again hungry ---- ③ 12 kinds of food to take awa

 Girl want to have a young body and face the need for such food. To help you 20 years younger, so with food, so that movement, including your slim figure.

1, early morning wake up to eat more food faster

This is a crucial part of burning fat. Breakfast in the diet plan, plays a decisive role. People in the sleep state, the metabolic rate will reach a minimum. With the early morning waking, metabolism will gradually return to normal levels.

breakfast wake up faster, to increase metabolism to the faster speed. If you are a morning exercise enthusiasts, before exercise to ensure that eating a banana, exercise before eating breakfast. Instead of tea or coffee is not breakfast, oatmeal mixed with fruit or a boiled egg and a bowl of porridge, bread, breakfast is a good choice.

2, no time to eat breakfast, go to work empty-handed

not too late to eat breakfast if you should be prepared in advance of a coarse flour, bread, some fruit, such as bananas and a bottle of yogurt to the office. As hungry, you can readily get to a strong breakfast, in time for the work of

3, and children as a day to drink three glasses of milk yogurt

woman, than those who did not consume yogurt 60% fat. What makes yogurt become so amazing, the answer is calcium-rich yogurt. It acts as a catalyst, making the body burn fat faster. Yogurt with tofu, vegetables, cereal consumption, an effect will be better.

4, will get fat

sleep the next night, it is also unable to stop on the soap opera, you have to say to yourself: their own kind of pressure. 5 ~ 6 hours of sleep every day people who slept an average of more than 7-8 hours a day, weight 6-8 pounds. When deprived of normal sleep, the body will produce large amounts of compression hormones to slow the rate of metabolism, and appetite next day will be enhanced. If you wake up the morning to 7:00, preferably the night before going to bed at 11 o'clock. Do not watch TV before going to bed, you can soak in a hot bath, or read a good novel.

5, honey, a loyal defender of human cells

bread coated with honey is not your favorite breakfast? may wish to use the darker color of honey, rather than light-colored honey. According to one U.S. study found that deep dark honey? Such as forest honey on human cells are particularly effective because it is rich in antioxidant protection of cell material. And good for the blood, can prevent heart diseases of the circulatory system.

6, stop motion

the daily exercise is divided into two parts, for example: 20 minutes of strength exercises early in the morning, a half-hour walk after dinner, will increase the rate of metabolism of a times. That is a phased exercise, exercise more easily than the one-time consumption of calories. Out of 5 minutes per hour walk around, it will also be effective. But do not walk into such a misunderstanding, do not think a second motion will be effective.

7, catering to a broad rather than fine

latest scientific research shows that the key is not in the process of downsizing the amount of fiber intake, but what kind of cellulose in the digestive process The best play the role of catalyst fat consumption.

scientists on subjects of insulin index was observed to study the process of cellulose in the weight-loss role, the result is: always eat healthy, not processed fruits and vegetables, whole wheat bread than those consumption of processed starchy foods to consume 80% of the calories, fiber raw food is directly absorbed by the body, while the processed fiber is broken down into sugars to be absorbed by the body. With the increase of sugar in the body, but also the ability to make insulin increases fat absorption, so that body fat accumulation.

8, five minutes to completely relax

When a person is completely relaxed state, the body does not produce compressive hormones, which will feel comfortable and pleasant. In such a relaxed state, the tension has been released, stressed skin also has been open feeling. Therefore, it may remind ourselves to relax for 5 minutes now!

9, add more water before a meal after meal after meal before eating

should add a lot of water. Water body, the metabolic level, lower than the original by 2%. This time to avoid tea, soda, coffee and other caffeinated beverages. In the role of caffeine, the body will absorb half of the water.

10, who wants brain food for thought

spirit, quick thinking and efficient, whoever shall eat carbohydrate-rich foods and vitamin b. Walnuts, coarse flour, bread and bananas are your preferred strong brain chemicals, because they supply you the necessary mental spiritual nourishment.

appropriate snacks to eat sunflower seeds and other snacks are cosmetic effect

MM handbag fashion regulars. Do not blame them greedy, in fact, appropriate to eat snacks on the health benefit from it greatly.

sunflower seeds can be beauty. Sunflower seeds contain protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, which is particularly rich in linoleic acid content. Linoleic acid help to maintain the delicate skin, prevent skin drying and stain formation. Peanuts can prevent skin diseases. Peanuts are rich in vitamin B2, which is in our daily diets of the more lack of vitamins. Eat more peanuts, will help control lip, itchy red eyes, seborrheic dermatitis and other diseases.

jujube prevent scurvy. Vitamin C content of dates is very rich, if the lack of dietary vitamin C, people will feel fatigue fatigue, and even scurvy. Fig promote blood circulation. Figs contain a chemical similar to aspirin can thin the blood, increasing blood flow to the brain blood supply adequate.

pumpkin seeds and pistachios are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids and enzymes and substances, food can be assured of proper blood flow, it is full of energy, radiant.

candy sugar, calcium, appropriate to supplement the brain energy consumption, it is Hale, the skin moist.

sesame paste with black hair, conditioner, nourishing the power, can prevent gray hair, hair loss, so beautiful glossy black hair.

raisins have Qi, blood, Yuet Yan of the benefits. But pay attention to hygiene.

citrus, oranges, apples are rich in vitamin C, can slow down or block the synthesis of melanin, whitening skin.

to the detoxification of the body but had to eat

mention the In fact, to really want to

experts pointed out that the normal metabolism of the body to complete the human body can produce purse.

detoxification, or by the most secure and reliable function of the body's own balance, relying on good daily habits, science diet, adequate sleep, relaxed state of mind, and moderate exercise.

Niu Yan pointed out that to stay away from , white radish, carrots, leeks, bananas, etc.; drink plenty of water.

can take the appropriate food toxins:

blood tofu can take the body of harmful metals. Animal blood plasma protein in the body after digestion in the stomach acid and enzymes break down, producing a bowel detoxification and lubricating substances may be harmful intestinal invasion of a chemical reaction of metal particles, take them out of the body.

eat green beans can be washed away by the body's pesticides. Pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables into the body, is not easy to break down the body's digestive enzymes, and green beans but it can react with these harmful substances, take them out of the body. Therefore, raw fruits and vegetables love friends, the best drink after a meal or a bean soup mung bean porridge. In addition, the bean can control food poisoning.

kelp can stick away radioactive material. Kelp can promote glial elements along the body of radioactive material excreted in urine, to reduce the accumulation of radioactive substances in the body. In addition, kelp alginate were able to slow the intestinal absorption of radioactive strontium. Thus the role of the sea with the prevention of leukemia, and cadmium into the body but also excretion. Therefore, regular use of computers, electrical appliances, mobile phones modern people can eat more kelp green bean soup, get double the effect of detoxification.

celery to filter body wastes. Celery contains fiber can be as rich as purification devices, filter the body's waste. Regular consumption can stimulate the detoxification of the body to deal with the accumulation of toxins in the body caused by diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis and so on. Therefore, usually sports a small, poor digestive city people, adds to the growing point can celery soup, celery cut into small pieces is to put the porridge which usually drunk with drink. Also available in virtually enhance the detoxification effect.
But what if the catch something to eat, eager to fill his belly is very harmful to health, because some food is not fasting food, otherwise would lay hidden dangers to your health.
1. Persimmon contains more pectin, tannic acid, the substance a chemical reaction with the acid is difficult to dissolve the gel block, easy to form stones in the stomach.
2. Beverage fasting state, a variety of frozen food binge will stimulate gastrointestinal contracture occurs, a long time will lead to a variety of disorders of enzymatic reactions, induced gastrointestinal diseases. In the women also make menstruation occurs during menstruation disorders.
3. Banana bananas have more magnesium, fasting bananas will make the body a sudden increase in the destruction of magnesium in human blood magnesium and calcium balance in the cardiovascular inhibition produced is not conducive to good health.
4. Hawthorn contains large amounts of organic acids, acid, hawthorn acid, citric acid, etc., fasting food, stomach acid would jump on the gastric mucosa adverse stimulus, so that stomach fullness, belching, vomiting acidic water.
5. Milk milk contains large amounts of protein, empty stomach, the protein will be The correct way to drink and snacks, bread and other foods containing flour, the same food, or drink two hours after a meal or drink before bed can be.
6. Sugar 7. Yoghurt empty stomach yogurt, yogurt's health benefits will decrease, and two hours after dinner drink, or drink before going to bed, both nourishing health care, promoting digestion, another exhaust catharsis.
8. Sweet potato Potato contains tannin and gum, will stimulate the stomach to secrete more acid, causing heartburn and other discomfort. 9. Tomatoes contains more pectin, tannic acid, the substance a chemical reaction with the acid is difficult to dissolve the gel block, easy to form stones in the stomach.
10. Orange contains large amounts of organic acids, acid, hawthorn acid, citric acid, etc., fasting food, stomach acid would jump on the gastric mucosa adverse stimulus, so that stomach fullness, belching, vomiting acidic water.
11. Milk this food contains large amounts of protein, empty stomach, the protein will be The correct way to drink and snacks, bread and other foods containing flour, the same food, or drink two hours after a meal or drink before bed can be.
12 kinds of food to take away your excess fat mad

Normal diet clearly some people, but why excess body fat is it? The answer lies in the food, some foods you eat then less will only encourage your body fat, while some food that you eat more, but also just scrape off the water in your body!

1, oat:

with cholesterol-lowering and lipid-lowering effect. Since oats are rich in dietary fiber, this soluble oat fiber, not found in other grains. Because the fiber is easily absorbed, and because of low heat content, both conducive to weight loss, but also for heart disease, hypertension and diabetes on the therapeutic needs.

2, Corn:

rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, selenium and vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, E and carotene etc., is also rich in fiber. Vegetables, corn oil, can reduce cholesterol and soften blood vessels. Corn on cholecystitis, gallstones, jaundice, hepatitis and diabetes, the role of adjuvant therapy.

3, onion and garlic:

onion rings contain acid such as allicin and sulfur compounds, can help dissolve blood clots. Onion almost no fat, can inhibit the high fat diet induced cholesterol, help to improve atherosclerosis. Onion onion extract element, can the treatment of cardiovascular sclerosis. Garlic can lower total serum cholesterol, triolein content. Secondary metabolites of allicin - methyl trisulfide, has prevented the synthesis of coagulation A2 suppository mass effect, it can prevent blood clots. Garlic can treat obesity.

4, yam:

the mucus proteins, can prevent deposition of fat in the cardiovascular system to maintain blood vessel elasticity, prevent atherosclerosis and reduce subcutaneous fat deposition, to avoid obesity. Yam of dopamine, a dilation of blood vessels and improve blood circulation function. In addition, the yam can also improve the human digestive function, enhance physical fitness. If indigestion during the Chinese Lunar New Year, you can use yam, lotus seeds, add a little sugar Gorgon Gong Zhu.

5, seaweed:

known as Seaweed with its low-calorie, low fat impressive, some algae have a lipid-lowering effect. Kelp and other brown algae, rich in colloid fiber, can significantly reduce serum cholesterol. Seaweed also contains many unique active substances, with blood pressure, lipid-lowering, hypoglycemic, anti-cancer and so on.

6, Tremella:

Tremella obvious lipid-lowering and antithrombotic effect.

7, potatoes:

strong lower blood cholesterol, maintaining blood acid-base balance, anti-aging and anti-cancer effect. Potatoes are rich in dietary fiber and resin volume of bowel material etc., can be described as

8, celery:

contain more dietary fiber, especially with lower blood pressure components, but also fat, lowering blood sugar.

9, dates:

eat can improve the body's antioxidant capacity and immunity. Dates to lower blood cholesterol, triolein is also very effective.

10, Hawthorn:

to strengthen and adjust the heart, increasing the ventricular and atrial motion amplitude, and coronary blood flow, can lower cholesterol, promote fat metabolism.

11, chrysanthemum:

function of lowering blood lipids, with stable blood pressure. Adding a little daisy in green tea, have a good cardiovascular health.

12, Apple:

the pectin has a lower blood cholesterol. Apple is rich in potassium, can rid the body of excess sodium, such as eating three apples a day, to maintain blood pressure, blood lipids are good.

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